• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
I know some of yall will think I am really really late. I like to think I am really really early! On the 19th I started sevral seeds in peat pellets I had sitting around the house. I started Trinidad Scorpion, Fatalii, Trinidad Douglah, and Bhut Jolokia. Then on the 21st or 22nd I started Red 7 Pod (Sourced from Cmpman1974) and Bulgarian Carrot in moist coffee filters in bags all on a heating mat in the kitchen. Within 3 days one of the Bulgarian Carrot seeds in the coffee filter buttoned and last night I put it in a plastic drinking cup with 1 part compost, 1 part pine bark fines and 1 part vermiculite. Due to a small accident on my part (they call me grace ya know) the seed may have gotten buried a little deeper than the 1/4 inch...
I received my seeds and couldn't wait to get started for the 2010 growing season. I started 2 trays of 50 seeds, and I also have a bunch of plants I started from seed in Aug & Sept. The plants I started at the end of the summer were more of a test, as I was trying out a few new seed suppliers. Here is what I'm growing, now in alphabetical order and includes the seeds I ordered from The Hippy Seed Company. 7 Pot 7 Pot Barrackpore 7 Pot Chocolate 7 Pot Yellow Aji Habanero Aji Limon Aji Norteno Aji Panca Beni Highlands Berbere Bhut Jolokia Burkina Caribbean Red Hab Cayenne Long Red Slim Cayenne Carolina Cayenne, Golden Chile De Arbol Congo Trinidad Congo Yellow Datil Fatalii Goats Weed Habanero Chocolate Habanero Yellow Jalapeno M...
Another 2010 grow log.
I have a very crude grow box made out of two saw horses, two 24" florecent and one 48" florecent. I have a blanket draped over the saw horses to hold in heat. It stays about 85*F when the lights are on. I will be adding another 48" soon. I currently have 52 cells, 40 pepper and 12 tomato. Plus, I have a Bishops Crown and a Datil that I kept from last year. All I have started is: White Habs Bishops Crown Spicy Mustard Habs Scotch Bonnet Bolivian Rainbow Long Red Cayenne Hot Banana Bhut Jolokia Birds Eye Atomic Starfish The tomatoes I have started are: TAPS Orange Glow White Bianca Beefsteak I will also be planting a small variety of herbs. Not sure what yet. My setup: A few of the seedlings: Spicy Mustard Hab Scotch...
Hey guys. Me again. Im going to try starting up a video log similar to Neil's and some others I have seen. (hope I do as good as Neil!!! Takes it like a champ.) I have a few varieties growin now and will be eating the first fully ripe one off of each plant for all to see, and possibly laugh at!! Im sure youll all enjoy. To the point now, does anybody have any fresh pods already that is willing to send a few for the trials? Ill cover shipping or trade for seed or products I have available. Not going to advertise here, but check out the industry announcements for more info on that. Im going to try to compile a video journal of me eating every pepper I can get my hands on from bell to bhut. If anybody has a special request or would like to...
Hello everybody! First off, I'd like to say a biggggg thank you to everyone who has traded seeds with me recently, and an even bigger thanks to those who have been generous enough to share with me seeds I haven't yet had. Im off to a late start this season. Life got hectic with changing of jobs and now 2 jobs. I'm only going to be starting off with a small amount of plants so I have time to manage them for now, ill be adding more hopefully later on. So far ive got started- Jalapeno Datil "cardi" Dorset Naga Cajamarca Seven pod Scorpion Bih jolokia lt green strain Yellow Thai Caribbean red Aji Limon Bhut jolokia Explosive ember Scotch bonnet (yellow?) Brain strain 7 trini perfume medusa cumari ill update this with pics of my...
Neils 2010 Grow Log
I haven't actually created a grow log for the year so I may as well get one started. I have 53 or so plants on the grow right now and have a few overwintered ones. My short growing season (approx 90 days) makes overwintering and early starts an absolute must. I'll try and get some pics up ASAP, but there's a lot of plants to post. I'll start with just a pic of the plants in general and may have to update as we go. The numbers behind the plant names are the number of plants I have growing. 2010 Grow list ---------------- 7 Pot "Jonah" 1 Aji Lemon 1 Bhut Jolokia 2 Bishops Crown 1 Black Chilli 1 BP 7-Pot 1 Burkina Scotch Bonnet 2 Caribbean Red 2 Chili Goronong 1 Congo Brown 1 Datil 1 Faria Tobago Scotch Bonnet 5 Fatalii 1 Jamaican Red 2...
I mentioned in my Introduction thread that I'm growing a bunch from seed for the first time. The only success I've had from seed before were some Hungarian wax plants last year. But I also didn't really know what I was doing until now either. I'll post a few pictures in here once I get them into Photobucket, and will also be posting everything here in my blog, also called Texoma Heat. I get a seed starting tray with 50 peat pots and a bag of Jiffy seed starting mix, all set on top of a 24"x12" heating pad. I put all the seeds in moist paper towels yesterday and let them soak overnight in Ziploc bags on the heating pad with a sweatshirt over it. One of my cats found it to be a nice place to sleep as well. Here's what all has been...
NoVa's Grow Log
This is from my blog (link is in signature): Finally! Seeds in dirt! Wooohooo! 144 peat pucks have been filled with 13 different varieties from 7 different sources, for a total of 18 different types to track (5 varieties are being planted from two sources). They were just sown, so the temps aren't back up to where they need to be yet.
secretz' 2k10 grow log
I know I should've started this earlier. But better late than never, right? Anyways, here is my herd of planties this year.... straight from the store: basil, thai, thai, shishito (japanese variety), ring of fire: my 2nd avocado seedling and 4 thai (I didnt really plan to have so many thai, that's just what was available at the nursery at the moment): ROF as of 5.7.10:
djsketchie's 2010 grow log
So I took some pictures of my seedlings yesterday and I am posting the better ones. In case you haven't seen my intro thread in the welcome section, here is what I am growing this year: Bhut Jolokia - NMSU CPI & Seed saved from last season Fatali - Seed Savers Exchange Chocolate Habanero - Redwood City Seed Co White Habanero - Redwood City Seed Co Mustard Habanero - Seed Savers Exchange Datil - NMSU CPI Jamaican Red - Random produce stand in the Florida Keys Charleston Hot Cayenne - Seed saved from last season Tabasco - NMSU CPI Fish Pepper - Seed Savers Exchange Thai Red - Local asian grocery store Rooster Spur - Seed Savers Exchange Serrano Tampiqueño - Botanical Interests This year I am going to focus more on saving my own seed...
Well i dont have a working digital camera but i thought i would start one since i am gonna try growing my plants in pots indoors well my first pepper i transplanted wer 3 Tangerine Cheese sweet pepper plants about 5 inches tall. i wanted to do more varietys in diffrent pots but the others were to small. i got the pots from plum trees i planted this year.
Wunder's 2010 Log
Intended to have everything sorted out and germinating in early January, actually got seeds in dirt on 2nd of March. Was out of town a few times, drinking sessions and waiting for seeds. So Im kicking myself for being behind schedule, but its only two months, never mind, crack on. Wanted a range of heat, flavours and colours. Decided to grow a representative from each type of chilli, and a couple of ornamentals. Annuums: Jalapeno Serrano Tamaqueno Baccatums : Aji Norteno Pubesens: Rocoto Yellow Chinese: Safi scotch Bonnet Fatalii Dorset naga Frutescens: Hot Purrira Yellow The seed company sent me some Ring Of Fire seeds free also. For germination I leave them in some warm water in the airing cupboard overnight. Then I use the paper...
Nubster's 2010 Grow log
I figured why not...since I am growing a handful of plants this year it might be cool to keep a log. I have grown a few plants in the past but nothing to major. This year I only have two types started, Jalapeno and Habanero with several varieties of each. I will list what I started later since I am at work and I don't remember off the top of my head. Anyways...seeds started today so in a week or so I guess we'll see what we get. Here is a picture from a plant I grew last year since everyone likes pictures and there are none from this year yet. It is some variety of a Thai chili that was not too bad...had some fun with it. Ok...here's the list of seeds that are in the dirt: Billy Biker Jalapeno Goliath Jalapeno Purple Jalapeno TAM...
Hinky's Brain Strain Grow Log
I normally wouldn't do this as I'm generally not organized enough, compared to most grow log posters. But since this is what a couple Brain Strain 7 Pots looked like 9 days after putting seeds down, I thought I ought to document this particular grow- Seriously? Jebus. I'd started a 100 cell tray with a production run of jalapenos and some more giveaway tomatoes and a test run of some of the seeds I received from Ecuador. I had 2 empty cells so I figured what the hell and tossed a couple Brain Strains in, figuring that since they take so long to germinate I'd just leave them in for a few weeks when I go to work and hope that they might come up when I get home. So I'm clearing the jals and toms and everything out of my germination...
arringdd Grow Log 2010
Official 2010 Grow Log for arringdd Hey guys...finally got off my arse and started this grow log. I've been lurking around here for the past few months and have had seeds in the BioDome since Feb 4, but have been so busy with work that I haven't had the opportunity to post the pepper "experience" until now. I guess to start off with, I'll give you the rundown of all the species that I'm attempting this year.....my first by the way. These are in no particular order, and have the vendor info as well. Vendor abbreviations include (THSC - Hippy, PG - Peppergal, PM- PepperMania, TGSC - Tomato growers supply company, TWF - Trade winds fruit, GS - Gourmetseed.com, CG - Cherrygal.com, L - Lowe's, KS - Knoxville Seed) Lemon Drop (PG...
Bennoz slow n' steady grow log
G'day all Been meaning to start a grow log for a while now. finally got off my arse to do it (finished my beer and on the way back from the fridge with a new one ;P ) i stared my seeds back in '09 at the end of nov, a complete newbie http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?15787-Starting-seeds-advice This is what germinated after what seemed like forever: 3/5 Dorset Naga's 1/5 Trinidad Scrop 5/6 Numex Twilight 14/24 Orange Habs ...and one Orange Hab seedling from Bunnings which got really sick. http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?16442-Bacterial-Spot-of-Pepper In the time between i've learnt alot !!! Last month i repotted all the plants i have left and the change has been amazing ! The seedlings that were growing...
Hi all! So I'm very new to this whole game and I've never grown peppers from seed before. I was poking around here, got a few ideas and started my first seeds Monday. A little late in the season I know, but better late than never...I'm just hoping something grows by the end of the year! Anyways I wasn't planning on doing a log, but yesterday (I'm out of town every Wednesday night) my wife called and said "Do you know you have a sprout?" and I got super jazzed :dance: and I don't know who else to tell! Hopefully you guys can help me out along the way, I have little to no idea what I'm doing. I also have very little money for this so my set up is kind of half-assed. I've got 40 seeds, some Bhut Jolokia, Habanero, White Habenero...
Hi, Haven't posted in a while but I was lurking the other day and it got me psyched to start some plants for this year. I just finished setting up about 40 Jiffy Pellets with the following varieties: XL Trinidad Congo Yellow Scorpion - CARDI Bhut Jolokia TFM Scotch Bonnet Peach Habanero Hot Paper Lantern Lemon Drop Fatali Orange Devil's Tongue Yellow Haberno 7-pot (120) Naga Morich (46) Mesilla Cayene (27) Tabasco (29) Jalepeno M Golden Greek Pepperoncini Trinidad Scorpion Agni Cayenne In order to have a successful season I have some stuff I really need to accomplish. One of my goals for the year is to craft a better setup for starting the plants out. My basement proves to be a little too cold for peppers this time of year. I...
Matt's Mater Log
Ok, I finally got around to potting the maters up today, some of them were going nuts, some were straggling along and some didnt do squat! I ended up with 22 plants. I will probably get a couple Beefsteaks going here soon too. I planted them about 4 weeks ago, they took about 8 days to all pop up. So heres my list of what I have... 6 Jersey Devil 4 Believe It Or Not 3 Russian Rose 5 Super Marzano VFNT 4 Belgium Giant Heres the Russian Roses, Believe It Or Nots & Super Marzanos And the Belgium Giants & Jersey Devils
Planted my seeds on Feb 6. I just have a 25 cell Burpee peat tray with coir pellets. The tray sat in our oven with the pilot light keeping it about 80 degrees. Seeds planted: 4 - Barrackpore 7pot 4 - Bhut Jolokia from last year's chiliseeds.UK seeds 4 - Naga Morich (edit) from last year's chiliseeds.UK seeds 4 - Red Habenero from last year's chiliseeds.UK seeds 6 - Fatalii from last year's chiliseeds.UK seeds 8 - Naga Morich (edit) from my Nagaseeds plants 4 - Orange Habenero from last year's plants 4 - Jalapeno 4 - Serrano Today, I moved some them out of the oven and under a growlight. I have sprouts from the following seeds so far: 3 - Red Habenero 2 - Bhut 2 - Serrano 2 - Nagas
Tony's grow log 09/10
Well we will start at the start this year. I have built a grow box and i cant wait to use it. Im going to get some seed trays tomorrow and will have seeds in by tomorrow night. I ran the box with lights and fan and got 29 deg air temp in the center of the enclosure. here is the box closed up Now as you can see in the above pic...... the room is well lit. As you can see from the exposure of the pic below.... its bright in there. It mad my garage look dark. the lights in the roof And the fan thats pointing at an angle across the enclosure. Its perfect actually. It spreads air evenly but doesnt make a line of wind that i was worried it might. It just moves the air evenly around and will work a treat. Will take pics tomorrow...
RichardK's Grow Log - 2010
Heres where I am at so far (as of Feb 22nd, 2010) Seedlings Progress, you probably can't tell to well from these pics but each cup has the type written on it and a colored ziptie for identification, heres the color code. Ziptie Color Code: Orange = Orange Habanero Pink = Caribbean Red Habanero Green w/out black top = West Indies Habanero Green w/ black top = Jamaican Habanero Blue w/out black top = Caribbean Red (female) x West Indies (male) Blue w/ black top = Caribbean Red (male) x West Indies (female) My Bih Jolokia which I started way too early is already podding up which is a good thing because it was growing so big and so fast (even without pinching buds) I have been pruning the ends constantly! Here are some of the pods...
A completely different grow. Six plants: 2 each of First Prize and Better Boy, one apiece of Goliath and Celebrity. I did not record when I sowed the seeds, (stupid!) but they were transplanted to 3" containers on Christmas. They are now in 7-gallon pots under a 400 watt HPS system. Hopefully, will get pics tomorrow when there is something besides artificial light in the room. Mike
My grow log is stupid
Been growing peppers off and on -depending where I live for maybe like thirteen years. Did a bit of vocational horticulture school, but I screwed off more than anything so I really don't remember a lot of it. Right now I'm growing in closets and my garage under lights, in containers and in the ground outside, and getting ready to start up my various hydro systems. I'm kind of an undisciplined grower. Kind of lazy sometimes. If I was more on it, I'm sure my production would be better. I spend a lot of $ and time amending soil, messing around with fertilizers and such but am easily sidetracked and I don't always do things the right way. Sometimes my gardening sessions rapidly deteriorate into drinking beer outside and killing the...
After reading several other threads, I started getting nervous. I figured if Patrick was starting already, I'd better get my backside in gear. After growing the standard first timers peppers last year, I decided it was time to branch out a bit this year. My list so far includes: Bhut Jolokia Bih Jolokia Trinidad Scorpion 7 Pot Fatalli Caribbean Red Yellow Hab Orange Hab Large Peach Hab Peach Hab Golden Cayenne Long Red Cayenne Lemon Drop Serrano Biker Billy Jalapeno Mucho Nacho Jalapeno Aji Panca Put Gochu Orange Thai I'm trying Jiffy pellets on a heat mat for germination. Seems a little more regulated and is working better than last year.
How can I go back to dirt now? (hydro grow log)
I've been sucking valuable info off of this forum for some time now, so it's time to say thanks to everyone for answering all the questions I never had to ask! Back to the subject at hand... how can I go back to dirt now that I've done hydro? Haha. I decided a few months back being an extremely long winter here in Canada to try my hand at hydro, just to see if it was all that it was cracked up to be. The project started near the middle of November '09. I was going to try DWC but then the guy at the hydro store convinced me try the continuous drip feed system that they sell. He claimed it was less effort of watching water levels and such. I guess I was easily convinced, as well they had a nice little Thai pepper plant run on that system...
CM`s  Grow log - DEC 09
We were hoping to have 1000+ plants this season - but have fallen well short and lost a heap to various factors. We have around 150 plants. Its still early in the season, but here is what is growing: 7 POD " Brain strain " 7 POD " douglah " 7 POD " red " 7 POD " yellow" 7 POD " Cardi yellow" 7 POD " Barrackapore " Bhut Jolokia Bhut Jolokia "chocolate" Bih Birdseye - African Bonda Ma Jacques Buldog Hungarian CAP 1117 CAP 1118 CAP 582 CAYENNES CO 1403 Corno De Torro Rosso Dedo De Moca Devils Tounge Dorset Naga Fatalii HABANERO " Caribbean " HABANERO " orange superhot " HABANERO " magnum" HABANERO " Trinidad Congo" HABANERO " yellow" HABANERO " chocolate " HABANERO " pastel " Hot Lemon Aji JALAPENO Jalapeno OLE Billy Biker Jalapeno...
SanSoo's Grow Log - 2010
I'm getting an early start this year in hopes of having plants ready to pollinate & set before it gets too hot. I'll be starting a new tray of pellets today. Seedlings grow slowly this time of year as it's getting fairly cold at night, so need to start bringing them in now. I don't have any ground, so all will be in pots. Too bad I can't let them root thru the pots into the ground like AJ. But I may set each pot on a tray of dirt this year to facilitate drainage with some wick type action. Grow List: From Cappy - ....Brain Strain, 5 of 12 sprouted, this week I will start the other 12 ....Yellow Scorpion, 10 of 1st 12, doing well so I need to start 2nd 12 ....Mustard Hab, 9 of 1st 12 - most robust of the group ....Big Sun...
I've started on my second season and have "transplanted" eight plants so far: 3 Legend, 3 Mira, a Siletz and a Sacramento. Discovered that delivering too much air to a bucket of water is not good for plants - they were wilting. Turned the pump off and they have perked up a bunch. I have no idea how many plants I can cram into the GH - somewhere between 39 and 51 - only time will tell. The plants so far: Three Mira Three Legend One Siletz One Sacramento Joining them, in time, will be Florida 91, Delicious and IT-06-313. Minimum goal: A ripe tomato to pick on Christmas Day in the morning. Ultimate goal: 100 pounds of ripe tomatoes per week by the end of December. Mike
I started some seeds sunday night (1-10). I have a few more seeds in the mail from trades. To keep track of the plant dates, I'm going to list them out here. Seedman.com seeds(two seeds per cup): 4x Fatali 4x Bhut Jolokia 2x Golden Greek Pepperoncini 2x Goat Horn The last two are annums if my research is correct. If they grow to fast i will start them over at the end of Feb. Bob
LancelBracken Grow Log 09/10
Hail! So i shall start another one of these threads for your forum clogging pleasure :-) At the time of this post i am growing: Bhut Jolokia 7 pot Trinidad Scorpion Aji Omnicolour Bolivian Rainbow Jalapeno Orange Habanero 'Razzamatazz' Mystery Ornamental This is my first time growing seedlings, and apart from a brief forray into gardening when i was like 4, my first growing experience! Today i repotted most of my seedlings from 1.5 inch seedling tray cells to 3.5inch pots. I used potting soil mixed with some perlite to help drainage. I've never repotted before and im sure i will lose some seedlings. Some of them had very small root balls!!! I buried them a few cm deeper than they were before. Here is pics! Top tray roughly left to...