favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Nice one Millworkman! :) Will be growing that variety next season.

Woo ! That's a nice specimen I didn't know about. I like the shape of the pepper, they look like cherry tomatoes, you want to eat them drinking your Pastis. :)

How does it taste ? Where did you find the seeds ? I would like to get some if I can.
First time getting one to pop. Now have to get some pods(crossing fingers) and then try one. Alot of vender's are sold out of this vary right now. I got mine from Grant @ Junglerain. Great guy! I think a few members may have some extra. Talk to Redtailforester, he is Mr. Wild lol. :)
I am growing out Chacoense "Most Prolific" from Pepperlover. Really small and delicate leaves. I have no idea what the pods taste like or their heat level, but looking forward to experimenting. Anyone grow this out before? I think I will keep one of them indoors and see how it does.
I enjoy praetermissums. Giant plants with endless pods!!

Redtailforester is pretty 'wild' lol. :)


Nice one Millworkman! :) Will be growing that variety next season.

First time getting one to pop. Now have to get some pods(crossing fingers) and then try one. Alot of vender's are sold out of this vary right now. I got mine from Grant @ Junglerain. Great guy! I think a few members may have some extra. Talk to Redtailforester, he is Mr. Wild lol. :)
I am growing out Chacoense "Most Prolific" from Pepperlover. Really small and delicate leaves. I have no idea what the pods taste like or their heat level, but looking forward to experimenting. Anyone grow this out before? I think I will keep one of them indoors and see how it does.

I have grown them. Pretty hot. They taste best super ripe. The leaves get bigger the second year. Never seen that before. I don't have any tips.

Here is the funny thing about them. I don't care for them but I have a friend who loves them. Other people love them too. I guess it is a crap shoot.
I am growing out Chacoense "Most Prolific" from Pepperlover. Really small and delicate leaves. I have no idea what the pods taste like or their heat level, but looking forward to experimenting. Anyone grow this out before? I think I will keep one of them indoors and see how it does.

I brought these outside recently. It's real windy. They look delicate, but they are holding up very well.
So many to chose from......

For appearance, my absolute favorite wild variety is C. galapagoense. I love the little fuzzies it has on every part of the plant. Taste is a little odd and the heat is intense.

For flavor, I'm a big fan of Duke Pequin (C. frutescens) and CAP 501 (C. chacoense). Duke Pequin has that great tip of the tongue burn and a great flavor. CAP 501 is just a great all-round heat and flavor, kind of like a little fiery bell pepper flavor in my opinion.
So many to chose from......

For appearance, my absolute favorite wild variety is C. galapagoense. I love the little fuzzies it has on every part of the plant. Taste is a little odd and the heat is intense.

For flavor, I'm a big fan of Duke Pequin (C. frutescens) and CAP 501 (C. chacoense). Duke Pequin has that great tip of the tongue burn and a great flavor. CAP 501 is just a great all-round heat and flavor, kind of like a little fiery bell pepper flavor in my opinion.

I agree, C. galapagoense is very special, even if it makes you work for its love sometimes. CAP 501 is nice though not extremely hot. I'm growing Duke Pequin for the first time this year and a similar pequin from Indiana, of course all from Mexico originally. Chiltepins are probably my favorite though, they're special without being too precious, real hot and tasty, plus they're native to North America which is fun. Florida Wilds aren't bad either of course...
In the past I've grown C. eximium, C. cardenassi, C. chacoense, C. praetermissum all great plants Ones that I have tried to grow with out any luck are C. lanceolatum, C. galapagoense, C. flexousum, C. tovari.
I was hoping to grow this year was C. chacoense, C. cardenasii, C. eximium and C. praetermissum, but my seeds didn't sprout so now I'm out of my beloved wild peppers, i do have two plants that may be crosses of Bishop hat C. baccatum X preatermissum so far the plants both look the same as the Bishops Hat, I will know for sure when they bloom later this season.
I'm hoping to get some seeds of C. eximium, C. cardenasii, C. tovari and C. lanceolatum, C. galapagoense and C. flexousum this fall so I can start up my wild collection again along with trying to get some of the wild ones that have so far failed to grow for me.
Most of the small amount of seeds I've gotten of peppers that have failed to grow were floaters so I'm hoping to get at least 10 seeds of each so that I will have better luck with them.
I am growing out one that was supposed to be a cross of a small purple pepper and C. galapagoense the plants are now at F5 I have two pod shapes and two different plant shapes also neither of which looks like they have any Galapagoense in them, but they are quite interesting.