Recent content by 15MinuteBurn

  1. 15MinuteBurn

    other-condiments For Salsa Lady. Pure Evil.

    Hello everyone! I haven't done any hot sauce reviews in forever. I still eat spicy stuff. At any rate, along time ago, I got a tester bottle of Pure Evil from Salsa Lady. Did a video on it. And its semi viral 30,000+ views. So hopefully it has brought some traffic. Lately I have been absorbed...
  2. 15MinuteBurn

    making-powder Tablespoon of Ghost Pepper Powder Challenge

    Morel Mushrooms are poisonous as well, but you cook the poison out. Heck water can kill you if you intake too much at one time without letting your bladder out.
  3. 15MinuteBurn

    making-powder Tablespoon of Ghost Pepper Powder Challenge

    Hey guys after reading some enlightening posts. I have decided to delet this I shall return with a few true reviews. Pictures and stuff of some delicious Heartbreaking Dawns stuff I have gotten. Steele
  4. 15MinuteBurn

    making-powder Tablespoon of Ghost Pepper Powder Challenge

    Lol Life is only lived once. I got nothing to lose.
  5. 15MinuteBurn

    making-powder Tablespoon of Ghost Pepper Powder Challenge

    Hahaha. If I could have eaten it. I would have. I would love to see another attempt :hell: .
  6. 15MinuteBurn

    making-powder Tablespoon of Ghost Pepper Powder Challenge

    Deleted by original poster.
  7. 15MinuteBurn

    Well, first giveway did not go well. Customs tried to charge UK winner 100$ because they said I...

    Well, first giveway did not go well. Customs tried to charge UK winner 100$ because they said I shipped a boat part?!
  8. 15MinuteBurn

    Satans Sh!t

    Haha. I would try it. I will try anything once. I dont see what the problem with extreme sauces is.
  9. 15MinuteBurn


  10. 15MinuteBurn

    review Heartbreaking Dawns Mauvais Sang Review.

    Good to hear. I figured if all I did was talk nobody would listen lol. I will review the other products that are all natural by them hear in a few days.
  11. 15MinuteBurn

    review Heartbreaking Dawns Mauvais Sang Review.

    Yah man, I cant recommend enough their golden classic so dang tasty! I could do a review of their other non extract sauces if it was worth it to a few people. Not in a spoonful sense just a general talk.
  12. 15MinuteBurn

    review Heartbreaking Dawns Mauvais Sang Review.

    Hey guys my brother joined me in the review in the video. First off let me say. After a few hours my brother and I had the worst stomach aches ever. This is why you dont do reviews on an empty stomach. I was doubled up on the floor. On to the sauce. Mauvais Sang is more of an extreme sauce. It...
  13. 15MinuteBurn

    Taste Testers FOUND, Round 2-

    I keep mine stored in liquid nitrogen.
  14. 15MinuteBurn

    Taste Testers FOUND, Round 2-

    Haha justaguy. This stuff seriously is awesome.
  15. 15MinuteBurn

    Your top three sauces for eating with.

    As opposed to eating simply to burn with. I have several blistering hot extract sauces that I wouldnt eat with.