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  • You can also just hit control and "+" at the same time to increase magnification, hon.
    If you get rid of all those toolbars you've got on your comp you might actually get a decent enough screen size to see.
    Beats me. Actually, i think its going to stay red, but Dan is still working on toning it down a tad bit i believe.
    Have you tried to upgrade it to IE 8? Do you see it in my screenshot? I put my cursor on it to highlight it.
    Wow, whats with all the toolbars?LOL That is odd. You're using IE also and its not there.
    Okay then, what browser are you using? Because at the moment i'm on Internet Explorer 8 and its there on mine.
    Up at the top left above the text box is a letter "U" with a line under it. All i do is highlight the word i want underlined then hit that letter and its done.
    Yeah, i guess my reading is faltering as well today.

    Wait a minute. Did you just say chatting TO me? How about with me? Can't i be a part of the fun too?
    Jeez. You spent the night there? Are you okay? You made it home alright and in one piece?
    Hmmm....i've NEVER told any of my bosses "love ya"......unless of course you count my ex as one of my bosses(because when we were married she basically was THE boss) so then yes, i said it often.
    Oh, dont get me started in one of those arguements. Avalon and i go back and forth with that one constantly. Besides, i love you more. So there!:lol:
    Same here, love. Have a wonderful evening. Hopefully i'll talk to you tomorrow. Love ya.
    Now THATS my kind of girl!!!!

    Just kidding. Well, actually.........

    Anyhow, just fyi, if the door sticks like that again(its the seals/gaskets between the door and the body that are frozen), you can pour hot water down in the gap of the door to free it up.
    Why are you thanking me? I actually keep a small bag of extra clothes in my car at all times for crazy situations....and some not so crazy. Mostly its for when i go mountain biking, but i always keep at least a change of clothes in the car just in case.
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