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  • Hey the postman came a little while ago with a package for me (late I know, I did innocently ask him if it was still morning) and I smudged all my wet nail varnish signing for it. Guess what it is?
    We have a name badge, we have a pot full of them, maybe for a laugh we should all swap, I'll be Eliot.
    Oh I don't mind, it's just when you see someone you've never met before and they say thanks Kate after a minute or so.
    We're junction 6 off the motorway, they're junction 5, he was so grateful for my help but Scott had already confused him with a long list of hotels he could stay in and where they were, I swear some of his quotes for prices were way out as well. For some reason it always takes me back when a new customer walks in and calls me by my first name.
    That's what I thought. I told him we had no rooms so he asked if they had a room in the restaurant, I got him in at another one of our hotels but he came back a few hours later saying he'd been there but got lost and couldn't get back there.
    It was just little things over the evening, my supervisor phoned up for a lovely chat, Janice (the one who left that I didn't always get on with) came down to see me and Fred the handyman paid me a lovely visit as I don't get to see him anymore. Whilst he was there with this guest called Scott an American man came in, he was weird and very trying, what with Scott and Fred giggling away behind the poor bloke's back I dunno how I kept a straight face, my face did crack a few times. This man came from Az, Arizona?
    Heeeeeellllloooooo! A whole day to myself, whoooopppeeeeee! I had a fantastic night last night, a real laugh.
    Everyone has checked in already, lets hope I don't lose my signal here. Hope you're good. Can't wait until tomorrow.
    You're human though. I've lost my grandparents but no-one closer. I'm having dinner now babe, I'm here all day Thursday with you. Thank you for today. xx
    Well I still love xmas, I'm no different from being a kid. Why can't you do it now? At least you can get rat-arsed.
    Oh I just went to mass, my family ate meat when we wanted. It is a lot of stand, sit, kneel, bow, do a curtsy, but been a kid I just sat on my arse all the time.
    Yep and I like being Catholic, that doesn't mean to say that I believe in everything they do. I used to hate going to church as a kid but when I look back and think of the lovely smell of incense and happy hymns (OK some of them were a little dirgy and made you wonder why the church goers were still living) it's happy memories. I always loved midnight mass on xmas eve with the carols, then present time after 5 hours sleep.
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