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  • No that's not how I see it, it's Con (family), me/work, no faith, I used to go to church though. Am I allowed to ask what religion you are if any?

    I guess I messed up yesterday with the family/work bit.
    Yeah you know me though, I'm too soft in certain ways. Like yesterday been asked to work, I told them my day was fucked from that phone call asking me to anyway because if I didn't I'd have felt bad and if I did I'd lose out myself by giving up all my plans. i need to learn to prioritize and make it ME, ME, ME.
    Just audit shit to put on the computer and print out, pages and pages of the stuff. Anyhow I said to my supervisor yesterday that one week of my shifts that I've been put down for are out of order, I'm not doing 3 late nights in a row which means I see Connor for a max of an hour and a half in 3 days.
    Yeah I'm great, had a busy, busy day with extra work but I did everything in my time and it all got done quicker than I thought without missing out my important stuff (I think) * waits for a phone call from Della *
    I'm bbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkk too!!!! My phone got stuck on two messages I tried to send you last night and I had to take the battery out to get it started again, that Operamini thing for the net sometimes does that. How are you?
    I'm living in hope. The bloke who was meant to do this shift has been in Ghana for the last 6 weeks and was due back yesterday but rang today saying the airport wouldn't let him fly home as he has malaria. I remember at xmas he had a cold and told everyone he thought he had malaria.
    Nope, it wasn't money. I said it needs to change that I'm the only one who does more evenings than days, everyone else has it equal or an extra morning. These people have no kids either and the ones that do, they're adults.
    Well I could be at home with Con drinking beer but I'm sitting at work very bored. I was asked to work this morning, of course I didn't say yes straight away, 3 hours later I did and said I'd be an hour late. I had more terms and conditions than that though.
    I keep losing the reception! It was dead here but the restaurant side is busy and I've just finished cleaning up the previous girls shit. How are you today?
    You never guess what... I've been asked to work and I ended up giving up my bank holiday to do it, well I used a bit of blackmail too but I'm hoping it will be quiet tonight so i'll log on here to chat to you if it is babe.
    I've just got your text babe, I dunno why I never got it before, I've been e-mailing on my phone and receiving them without any problems, what time did you send it? I can't go by the time I received it if it was delayed. I hope you had a lovely weekend, I have, and I have a whole day with Con tomorrow so I can't wait, I'm here with you of course too.
    Oh yeah of course only for hot tea, it would be disgusting in cold tea, I do like milky tea though. I'm gonna let Con have the computer now and have dinner babe. I really love chatting to you so thank you for today. Make sure you have a wonderful weekend darling. xx
    My Mum loves Earl Grey mixed with our standard tea, it does smell nice and tastes perfume. So you don't have milk in your tea ever?
    Have you ever had tea how the English have it? I've had iced tea and it's lovely but that's a completely different thing to the tea I know.
    That sounds lovely, you eat healthy stuff. What's sweet tea? We just have English style tea here which IMO you can't beat, you know a teabag with hot water and a bit of milk, sugar if you like it too.
    It's just me then, I'm trying to juggle ten things at once and then pop back to talk to you. What did you get for lunch honey?
    Hey did you post in the wrong place too? Mr Men books were great, you had Mr Happy, Mr Grumpy, etc..
    Oh God I thought you were really busy at work but I think I posted in the wrong place whilst chatting away to Con.
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