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  • Just lounging around at home with my family. I'm only used to cold christmases so I can't imagine it being warm. I've still got presents to wrap tonight. That's a nice song. I suppose you haven't heard of the usual English christmas ones like Shakin Stevens, Wizzard and Slade?
    I know that's why you underlined it, just an English sense of humour. I've seen darker coloured bread than we have when I've been abroad and they have it at breakfast with those cold sliced meats.
    You know how a link often is underlined? So was your word love as if it was a link to German sausages. I mean Rye bread my Mum says.
    LOL, I tried clicking on the word LOVE to see if it was a link with pictures. What's that bread they eat that looks like burnt toast?
    I suppose you were bought up on a lot of German food. I've always feared their sausages, God that sounds dirty.
    I don't like frozen veggies as much as fresh, I buy mine fresh and cook them for the week. What's rouladen?
    Funnily enough the trolley looked really empty. Mum and I had one each, she bought all the stuff like crisps and mince pies but to be honest I don't eat that differently at xmas at all. They didn't have that much pre-packed veg, you know the stuff that's already cut up prepared, so I cooked some parsnips from whole and forgot you're meant to peel them first, the skins were floating around the pan.
    I know it's lovely isn't it. It's a bit slow as I'm on my phone but it's better than not at all,hopefully by the time I get back from shopping tomorrow you'll still be at work. I mean that in a nice way.
    It's dead on the hotel side. It's too near xmas so we don't get the business men. I've just been playing on my phone all night.
    God I'd get too bored doing that shift here. I've had the quietest night since I've worked here tonight.
    I've heard that expression before but wasn't sure what kind of hours it meant by Graveyard shift. I'm on the 3-11pm shift.
    Hopefully you won't be home until 8pm my time. I'm really pleased you're around mid week next week as I'm home alone with two days off.
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