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  • Yeah I've heard the term before but I just didn't understand what it meant. A pikey *shsss can't use that term anymore* is like a gypsy or tinker.
    See you're like me, you still attempt to get to work. Con's school bus seems to always break down in large puddles. What do you mean by redneck buddies? Your pikey mates? I have plenty of them.
    I thought Florida was all about sunshine and oranges. How do you get to work then when they flood or don't you?
    Does it really flood out there? I would have thought the ground is so dry that it soaks it up quickly.
    Maybe in the house but not in public. I dunno how tommorow's gonna be for work and getting there, it's meant to snow again tonight then freeze over. I live the furthest out of all of them so if I'm not happy with it I'm staying home even though I'd hate to not go in, but how the f*ck do you climb a hill in ice and snow, I'll slide right back down again. I've had a lovely day though, I bought a cut price calculator for 50 pence today, I know.. I can be a little random.
    Hey half the supermarket were dressed up like they were about to climb Everest, I have standards ya know. I bet they didn't slip in the car park though and moan they were cold.
    LOL. Well they're my old knee high pixie kind of looking boots but I wore them because I thought I wouldn't slide in them. My newer ones are suede and higher on the leg but slippery on the soles. You should have seen Mum and I trying to push a shopping trolley in the snow with another shopper egging us on, it was funny.
    Thank you. It looks good because it's covered in snow and everything looks good covered in snow, what's nice about it? It was about 6 inches (I measured). My boots leak too so I went out with sandwich bags over my socks, dead sexy I know.
    Yeah I remember. I hate too much heat. It's only gonna be about -4c° here tonight but it's gonna freeze on the roads and some of them are still not passable, we've only had a bit of snow but the south east is at a stand still. I've got a picture of my garden and most people get it far worse.
    You'd hate the cold though. No one made it to work this morning I've been told, I don't quite get that, some of them live a few miles away, Mum and I did 14 miles today and our snowfall is worse. The problem is that so many people keep off the roads that they never clear. Half the staff last night never even got out of the car park.
    I wouldn't want to live anywhere but the UK, but then I don't know any different. What does he think of England?
    You've never been to England have you? We're all really nice, I think so anyway. At least it won't be cold when you come, aw today driving with my Mum was scary, we almost got stuck in the snow on Yalding bridge, 2 minutes into our journey.
    I shouted from my bed this morning "Mum, has it snowed? If it has you'll have to take the day off work and maybe you can take me shopping?" Even though the supermarket is right next to her work. She said yes to all of it.
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