Checking on hotel prices for my next trip to Disney in May for Star Wars weekend, and it may actually be cheaper for me to stay at one of the Disney hotels!
Ordered my inline fertilizer injector and digital timer for my drip irrigation rig. With my ferts (liquid worm castings and kelp/fish emulsion) I should soon see an explosion of pods!
Pet peeve #343247293: People giving me advice I didn't ask for. It's nothing here on THP, thankfully, but one friend's decided she wants to tell me her "intuition" about a girl I've known longer than her...
I'm pleased to say my latest batch of seedlings are doing outstanding, and even with the cold tems today, they're soldiering thru no problem Only lost 2 to a couple caterpillars
Just finished sowing nearly 600 seeds into Jiffy pellets, many from my recent shipment from Judy, and also scored a decent starter kit for a drip irrigation system @ Home Depot