Funny how, less than an hour after I posted the link onto Baker's FB page, it gets deleted, and suddenly Baker's Peppers no longer allows others to post on there or comment on others' posts...
Crossing my fingers. Got two e-mails the last couple days saying I'm in the running for two different promotions at work. Should know soon if/when I'm going to be interviewed for them
Just finished giving my plants another dose of neem oil, since I did notice some tiny white dots moving around on the underside of a couple I pinched off on one plant...
My favorite ticket thus far tonight... Because a lady doesn't know what "IP address" or "computer name" mean so the help desk can remote to her computer, she wants an on-site tech to drive in on a Friday night, and set up a brand new network printer for her, just so she can print out a 2-page document. And she wants this done immediately!
Chelated minerals in fert reservoir, timer set for first thing tomorrow morning, and crossing fingers, hoping these minerals will wake my plants back up, get their leaves fixed/growing back, and the plants blooming again
Grrr, why did Paypal use an address for somewhere I moved out of 10 months ago and deleted from my Paypal profile. I even checked and only found my current (and correct) address on there, but like a cockroach, that old address found itself on an e-mail for something I bought the other day
Well, me and my impatient self put a bunch of seeds on towles, and put them in plastic bags on a heating mat, after soaking them overnight in water w/ some Epsom salt mixed in since I wanna get seeds going NOW
I'm my own worst enemy as far as patience in terms of getting seedlings to germinate. 9 trays of seeds have been out for 2 weeks, and so far only a single 7Pot Primo has germinated
Officially a happy camper! Got an automated timer that is much easier to program, much more sturdy and waterproof, and even lets me manually do a watering for as long as I like, in case I need to add extra nutes or ferts off-schedule.