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  • If he has nothing to hide and is all about the truth, why remove reviews and delete comments from his FB page?
    From reading some of the people's posts/comments on there, he does have at least a small handful of very loyal customers, but I can't imagine it's that many, and most seem to only buy a couple boxes here & there, not enough to feasibly sustain his operation (or at least one of his claimed size) for very long.
    The thing about Dale, is that I would love to like him. I wish he was a great vendor like some of the rest of the vendors here because I love small businesses. But the way he treats everyone just puts me off from ordering from him. I don't have any sort of personal grudge againt him but wish he'd start accepting some responsibility and quit pointing the finger at every unsatisfied customer. Also, his off sale prices are crazy high
    100% agree illWill, we all need to support small businesses, but it's really hard to when those lie Dale act the way they do and treat their customers like crap
    Funny how, less than an hour after I posted the link onto Baker's FB page, it gets deleted, and suddenly Baker's Peppers no longer allows others to post on there or comment on others' posts...
    he just blocked you from commenting again
    lol, did he now?
    Yep, same happened to me elcap, after I asked if his pods ripen in the mail. I got blocked from being able to comment.
    Crossing my fingers. Got two e-mails the last couple days saying I'm in the running for two different promotions at work. Should know soon if/when I'm going to be interviewed for them
    Just finished giving my plants another dose of neem oil, since I did notice some tiny white dots moving around on the underside of a couple I pinched off on one plant...
    crapy! hope they all disappear and your plants survive
    As do I. I made sure to give them a good spraying this time. I'm just hoping the storms out west don't come here too soon and wash off the neem oil
    I havent found neem to be as effective as sulphur.
    My favorite ticket thus far tonight... Because a lady doesn't know what "IP address" or "computer name" mean so the help desk can remote to her computer, she wants an on-site tech to drive in on a Friday night, and set up a brand new network printer for her, just so she can print out a 2-page document. And she wants this done immediately!
    There was this one guy that for the life of him, could never successfully change his password. He would always type two completely different passwords in the "new password" and "confirm new password" fields. And another one who called in every single day because he couldn't remember his password to log in, even after having written it down.
    Team Viewer. Free for personal, cheap for business.
    That's how I rock.
    Chelated minerals in fert reservoir, timer set for first thing tomorrow morning, and crossing fingers, hoping these minerals will wake my plants back up, get their leaves fixed/growing back, and the plants blooming again
    Funny how all those negative comments on Facebook are suddenly disappearing...
    And when you get the rotting, moldy pods, don't forget you have to pay for the shipping of the "replacement" box
    yes cause paying double the first time didnt cover it. such a shame, once its out there its out there, no deleting it
    Nope, but at least he can do so on Facebook... for now at least ;)
    Grrr, why did Paypal use an address for somewhere I moved out of 10 months ago and deleted from my Paypal profile. I even checked and only found my current (and correct) address on there, but like a cockroach, that old address found itself on an e-mail for something I bought the other day
    I had that happen with a shipment of composting worms. The first package went to Texas. I'm gussing they didnt fare too well.
    Probably not. Chances are, my order will be forwarded to me anyway, since I still have a forward on that address until September 15th, so I'm not overly worried. I messaged the vendor just to be sure, since I made sure I did give him the proper (and current) shipping address before he sent the order. And having talked to him before, he's no slouch, so he may well have sent it to the right address anyway :)
    I've also dealt with this issue before. I sent a hammock all over the country. I did finally get it back (I'll keep it forever now)
    Well, me and my impatient self put a bunch of seeds on towles, and put them in plastic bags on a heating mat, after soaking them overnight in water w/ some Epsom salt mixed in since I wanna get seeds going NOW :)
    so how many seeds do you have going now lol watch them all pop soon. then what are ya goin to do lol.
    In the trays I did two weeks ago, lemme do the math here... Somewhere just shy of 1200 seeds, since the majority of the Jiffy Pellets have 2 seeds each, and the ones I did in the bags this morning... about 100-150 I'm guessing? And to qualify, I put the bags in an extra tray I had, to better even out the temperature on the tray
    wow, good luck and hope they germinate fast for you.
    I'm my own worst enemy as far as patience in terms of getting seedlings to germinate. 9 trays of seeds have been out for 2 weeks, and so far only a single 7Pot Primo has germinated
    id love to stick with organic ferts and growing, but my financial situation wouldnt allow it right now, maybe in the future though. personally organic is the way to grow
    Oh it is :) And you're right, it's expensive up front, but once you get going, it's more than worth the price
    it is worth it 10 fold
    FINALLY! A Hook, and the honor goes to my 7Pot Primo seeds :)
    Thanks! I'm noticing a lot of leaf drop on my Yellow Morugas, but most of the dropped leaves are the wilted/yellowed ones, which a bunch of green, semi-decent ones staying on. Still, I'm gonna forego watering for a while after today, in case it was overwatering...
    Sweet news man.. I need to get more 7-Pot seeds..
    by the way, how are the primo's for taste? i thought about getting some seeds for next year
    Officially a happy camper! Got an automated timer that is much easier to program, much more sturdy and waterproof, and even lets me manually do a watering for as long as I like, in case I need to add extra nutes or ferts off-schedule.
    what i have found that works best... are used lawn sprinkler controllers from ebay. you just need to wire some relay, as they are set up to control 24vac circuits. many zones... many times etc, they are fantastic.
    It sure is, Caveman! And a multi-zone lawn sprinkler timer is a little excessive for me queequeg, since I only needed the timer for a single faucet, and a 2nd one when I plant my remaining plants after they germinate...
    Sounds awesome! Keep your eye on it though, we have a hydro/ tower system on a timer and the damn thing trips occasionally...always heart stopping to come home and find 80 pepper plants wilting!
    Looks good elcap!
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Looks good, but I'm looking for your Terms and conditions page and I don't see it. I even brought a Black's law dictionary to wade my way through it.
    If by Terms & Conditions, you mean one must possess a modicum of common sense and good customer service, then yeah, I got it alright :) Anyone who needs to have a law degree to decipher Terms & Conditions like he who must not be named, is too paranoid to be in business, especially one with perishable items such as peppers.
    Just ordered 180 0.5 GPH drip emitters and barbs for the irrigation system in back, and they should get here well before my seeds start germinating
    Nice. That should make life a lot easier.
    Indeed it should. I spent a couple hours earlier today preparing 6-inch lengths of the 1/4" tubing I'll need for the droppers themselves.
    My fingers are ON FIRE right now... Done 8 trays and 1 more to go... Wanna make sure I have enough plants for my backyard
    Finished raking out all the dead grass from the tilled area. Gonna do one more round of tilling, even it out, then cover it in fabric
    And the back spasms kick in from tilling the last two days...Thank goodness I have plenty of Advil and a soft bed to lay on
    I know a great relief for spasm's.
    Of course, you have to live in a state that allows that particular medicine.
    Indeed... that and I kinda wish my mom was here. She's a doctor, and can prescribe it :) That and she's also licensed to do acupuncture as well as practice medicine here.
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