Grass Snake
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  • I forgot about some seeds left to dry on top of my kitchen cabinets. The seeds are now all dusty and small looking. Wondering if the seeds are still viable?
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Wiri, cool tip. I'll give it a try
    More than that, soak them in a bit of h2o2 before trying to germinate, to remove any unseen nasties. And I disagree with tossing floaters - sometimes small air bubbles cling. All you have to do is push them down from time to time until they stay down or sprout. I switched to sprouting in straight water a while back, so been there, done that.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    I forget the current record,but think it is thousands of years.
    Anybody use Microlife Ferts?
    I've used it before and really liked it. Plants seemed to really like it.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    I can get it at the local ag mart and it appears to be high quality stuff. With all the organic labeled products its hard to tell whats legit. Thanks for your input.
    No problem. I'd use it exclusively if it was easier for me to get than the Jobe's I usually use.
    Oktoberfest beer is already in the stores. Not sure I'm ready for that but I'll buy some anyway.
    Tis the season!
    Paulaner brews the best retail version, Homebrew is better. I just cant do the Pumpkin Spice beers....yuck
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Never tried Paulaner beer, but I probably should considering I have a Paulaner beer sign in my hanging in the Kitchen.
    Topo Chico is wonderful. Twist of Lime is good too. Trying not to drink so much soda.
    New to clam juice???? What the...? Although growing up in the PNW, it's just as common as Salmon or clam chowder. Oh, and around here we call it "clam nectar". True story~
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    I just pulled my head out of my ass and my eyes are still adjusting to the light.
    Panty raid!
    I just read WEBER BASICS and turns out I been cooking wrong the whole time.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    It's always hit or miss for me but reading that clarified some things.
    Laugh all you want but I always read the manual for everything I buy that comes with one. 9 times out of 10, there is always a neat trick or method that on my own wouldn't be smart enough to figure out.
    I just bought a new BOSCH Bulldog Hammer Drill. There is a little switch on top for reverse hammer drilling. No more stuck bits when I am pinning a shower pan to the concrete slab! Who knew?
    ...The Manual. LOL
    That Ram Rebal is a nice looking truck but why they gotta put R A M big as hell on the tailgate
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    We're talking about Dodge owners here. The truck just gets in the way.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Would actually look sick with a large embossed ram's head and they'd get the same promo but the letters do look hideous.
    In Texas,the mexicans love them and love the gaawdy look at me BS in production vehicles.
    Less $$ for ghetto mods.Dodge does it for them.
    Ill stick with US built Tundra's over the imports.
    I misunderstood the term "sun tolerant." This does not mean to plant in the sun.
    I just read this to CJ. What a great laugh! hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    The way you worded it. LMAO
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    Ouch. That burns.
    Just noticed my pecan tree has unusual looking bumps on all the leaves.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Looks like tree herpes
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    They're not so much herpes as they are mosquito bites. Just a reaction to insect feeding - aphids, mites, adelgids etc... Nothing to worry about. They almost never hurt trees.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    I won't worry then. Thanks for spittin some knowledge, kind sir.
    I drink alot of beer. Is making my own cost-effective?
    My pepper plants are smaller that what they were when I planted them months ago. Soil sucks I guess
    I had a similar issue this season. Thought I had my new soil amended perfectly, turns out once it dried out it stayed dry even after repeated waterings. Check it's getting wet below the surface.
    get some surfactant shorerider.
    I did apply a soil wetter, and without adding anything else, my plants took off. I recently had to reapply because the same thing happened. I'll make some adjustments once my beds are empty.
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