Went to my local nursery after work to get some potting mix and found out they have ghost pepper plants for only $1.99 each. My grow just expanded a little.
Damn I love this weather! Nothing but sunshine with high 70's-low 80's for my 3 days off. Spent yesterday in the yard, today fishing and still have to decide what I'm doing tomorrow. Guarantee I'll be outside no matter what I choose to do.
Get home from work this afternoon to have my wife tell me we were given 8 pounds of boiled crawfish! Hells yeah! All peeled and vac sealed ready to be made into some of the best etouffee you could ever wish for!
Wow. Wife and I were standing out the front of our house having a smoke and heard a car coming down the road hit something, then come flying past our house trying to get away. F$%^&ng Domino's driver hit someone's dog and just took off. Prick.
I seriously need this weather to sort itself out when I have days off. It's either raining, 20mph winds or cold whenever I've been off. I need to go fishing dammit! But no. Even though I have next weekend off, and the weather should be fine, it's going to be raining all week which means crap water quality.
Yep. I'm a dumbarse. When grinding dried superhots it's NOT a good idea to stick your nose in the grinder as soon as it's finished to see how the powder smells. Don't think I'll ever learn that lesson though. Do it every time.