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  1. nobios

    Chilli Tests "Cheiro Para"

    Hilarious video! Luke is the man! His hiccups gets me laughing my ass off every time. Nicely pronounced too, Cheirrrrrro Parrrrrra =)
  2. nobios

    Low carb lifestylers?

    Thats good if it suits for you pileiton. Sure you can maintain your weight! Slowly absorbing carbs are good for body but it only needs them when we exercise. I'm not trying to lose weight with low carb diet anymore. Diet gave me a whole new point of view for food long time ago. I started to live...
  3. nobios

    Snails and Epson Salt

    Found a source for you Scarpetti: "Snails and slugs cannot tolerate copper; it gives them a slight electrical shock on contact. Knowing this is great, but keep in mind that it creates a barrier only. It won't kill them, it will only keep...
  4. nobios

    Snails and Epson Salt

    Snails tend to avoid copper. You could try to make somekind of copper barrier with copper foil or thick copper wire like cable. If i remember right the acidic slime of snails causes electrolytic reaction with copper and somehow the snail won't crawl over the copper. They might get tazed or...
  5. nobios

    How's Your Drinking Water...

    In general the tap water is good in finland. Especially if you go to countryside. People usually have their own wells outside of the cities. I live in a city and my water tastes ok but i have to lower the ph roughly for my hyrdo setup. Ph is about 8 straight from tap.
  6. nobios

    Basic Devils Jelly

    Here's the pic i promised. There's not much left because it's so damn good... Little more heat next time! There you can seen how thick the stuff is. Consistency is like ketchup except theres some tomato seeds and spices. Here is another pic. My first contact with Bih Jolokia powder! It wasn't...
  7. nobios

    Basic Devils Jelly

    I'll upload a pic when i get home. I dont have a camera here at work =)
  8. nobios

    Low carb lifestylers?

    Is there anyone besides me? I found this about 3 years ago when i had to drop 10kg (took ~3 months) and since then i've been avoiding foods that are high on carbohydrates. Dont get me wrong because i do eat some carbs but just not much. I have noticed only benefits this far. My blood pressure...
  9. nobios

    Basic Devils Jelly

    I'd like to share my newly invented recipe for devils jelly. I even bought a rod blender just for this! I was pretty impressed with the outcome because this was my first try with hot sauces. Actually this is just a basic sauce that everyone can modify the way they prefer. 3 golf ball sized...
  10. nobios

    Chilli Tests TS Morouga

    Woot!?! Obviously they share the same genes =)
  11. nobios

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    I saw this document about scotch whiskies and there was this "whiskeywizard" who said that whiskies oxidize the same way as wines do but it just takes longer time. If found a forgotten bottle of Bowmore enigma 12 y.o that i had bought last october and there was only 2 inches left at the bottom...
  12. nobios

    Chilli Tests TS Morouga

    Balls of steel, man! Your tests are always fun to watch. Keep'em coming! Soon your tolerance is so high that your only chance to get the heat on is to snort the peppers! :lol:
  13. nobios

    Here is what i've been growing

    Heh, thanks for letting me know :cool: Wish i were there... I really want to visit Australia even once in my lifetime!
  14. nobios

    Here is what i've been growing

    couple more pics This one is Aloe Vera. Gel from its leaves helps to heal burned or damaged skin. It also fast growing. And heres a view from my window. Its an old house so the pic is kinda distorted because of old windows.
  15. nobios

    Here is what i've been growing

    Good morning everyone! Its about 12pm in finland and i just woke up... Its so cold (-20c) outside that i desided not to leave my house today. Theres also a snowstorm coming and that will f**k up the traffic! One dead already... New frost record for this winter was broken two days ago and it was...
  16. nobios

    Police raids pepper growers in Finland

    Well i felt that i had to make a thread about this to let you guys know what its like to grow peppers in Finland... Couple weeks ago there was this news that the owners of one growing supply store chain were suspected to "advancing drug crime" (not sure how to translate these legal terms...)...
  17. nobios

    Bacterial Spot of Pepper

    Hmmm. I have something similar in my Aji Cristal... Luckily its not looking that bad yet. Leaves are curling weirdly and some dark spots are forming to the leaves. I cut all the spotted leaves to see if its spreading to others and it seems to be slowing down after i changed my soil. Some of the...