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  1. FireInTheHole

    Key Chain Pepper Powder Bullet & Powder Test Tube

    Nice! I might have to look into this. What's it made out of? Aluminum?
  2. FireInTheHole

    Lucky Dog Hot Sauce on Urban Dictionary

    Done liked.
  3. FireInTheHole

    Pepper People are the Best

    Props to all the chili love this season!
  4. FireInTheHole

    check your bauballs

    Gotta send this to a buddy of mine. Lost one of his in the process of finding out he didn't have it. Too funnay!
  5. FireInTheHole

    Son was taken to the hospital from school

    Prayers for you and yours, hope everything works out. Keep us posted.
  6. FireInTheHole

    Word Association Thread

  7. FireInTheHole

    Completely Random Comments

    I wanna take this moment and say a prayer for HH81otherhalf.
  8. FireInTheHole

    Completely Random Comments

    Honk if it's beer thirty!
  9. FireInTheHole

    the person below me

    Heck yeah, and looks for loose change. TPBM uses A LOT of hand guestures while singing in the car.
  10. FireInTheHole

    Completely Random Comments

    BOY! Do I LOVE cancellation fee's!!!!
  11. FireInTheHole

    the person below me

    I wish, it sure would make work more interesting. TPBM pays for everything in single dollar bills.
  12. FireInTheHole

    Justaguy's 2012 Garden Season

    Dang, your Nards look nice, ...wait. That Manzano does look nice, for some reason I'm looking forward to growing these next year. From what I've read about them, they have some heat with the texture of a bell pepper. Love bell peppers and heat, so thought I'd give them a try. Bet they're good...
  13. FireInTheHole

    Really, last pepper contest

    Nice! Awesome giveaways pepperproblem! Bet you starting to make Santa jealous with all your giveaways, congrats to the winner/winners!
  14. FireInTheHole


    Try a PM, if that don't work, take a hint. Don't know the guy personally but he seems like a stand up dude, plenty of people here can vouch for him. I'd try and give him the benefit of the doubt before you take it personal. Or you can tell me to pee off cause what do I know.
  15. FireInTheHole

    Really, last pepper contest

    54 and 43, come on big money!
  16. FireInTheHole

    Completely Random Comments

    Dear Toys R' Us, now that I didn't want to grow up but did, you think you can put up a black curtain toy section? You know, the one where you have to show ID to get in?
  17. FireInTheHole

    Happy birthday habaneroheat81

    Because I don't know ya but you share a Birthday with a good friend of mine I'll tell you what I told him. Just cause it was your B day don't mean you get to text me pics of you in your birthday suit. Nice wax job BTW. Happy belated B day HH81!
  18. FireInTheHole

    My Tropical Death Sauce

    I wouldn't listen to the nay sayers, this guy didn't...
  19. FireInTheHole

    the person below me

    Woke up to someone screaming something about wanting something sweet... TPBM doesn't appreciate that I drooled on their shoulder.