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  1. T

    What kind of anuum pepper is that?

    I have received a pepper seeds and I'd like to ID it. it's quite hot, but not extremely hot. It has thin red skin and they dry easily. They are the first ones to start and the last ones to stop producing. They have small leaves and flowers and they have quite a lot of pods.      ...
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    I have some seeds if anyone is interested - sell or swap...

    I have collected quite a lot of seeds and I'm not going to need all of them. I'm not sure if it's not allowed to post here, in that case, one of moderators, please just remove it. If someone has spare seeds to trade, I'll gladly make a swap. Here's a short list of my peeper seeds. I also have...
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    Giant orange habanero

    I have collected seeds last season from my orange habanero hybrid peppers. The plant was great producer and I felt it might be a good thing to develop it further. I planted 2 plants from the collected seeds and got some really large pods.   I still have no idea about that chili, have no clue...
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    strange formations on a placental tissue

    I've seen them in many pods, 1 out of 3 or 4 has them. Scorpions.     It seems to me there are some super-miniature pods with tails growing out from inside. :)
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    Brown colour pods F1

    I have a question regarding pod colour.   I received seeds from a fellow forumer last year and they were supposed to be chocolate scorpions. Now with season over, I found out only 1 out of 5 turned out to be brown. Red pods were typical Trinidad Moruga Scorpions and the brown showed moruga...
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    My Chocolate scorpids seem to be off. They just turned red

    They were supposed to be chocolate scorpions, they seemed to be developing nicely, and they actually started turning brown in the beginning, but then they just started turning bright red.     Back to the drawing board. :) Perhaps at least one of the plants will end up being brown. :)
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    flavor Chili flavors

    What's your favourite chili? What kind of flavor do you like more, fruity, floral, pepper-ish, or even bitter and loaded with heat? Is there a list of chilies with their dominant flavour? 
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    Quick sneak peek of my chilies

    I've taken a quick walk through my little chili raised bed. I have skipped a couple of them, because they are not really that interesting, but I can add a strange hybrid, Bhut Jolokia and 7pot Primos too if anyone wants to see those as well. I have to say I'm more than delighted by the amount of...
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    White ooze around the chilli plant

    I have noticed white ooze, most likely some kind of fungi. I have found it around two peppers in two separated raised beds. Does any of you know if it can harm the plant or is it just a coincidence, that the stuff grows around those two peppers.   Otherwise, both plants grow great.   This one...
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    ID confirmation

    It was supposed to be chocolate trinidad scorpion, but not even one of the pods have a sting. I think it could be a brown version of trinidad moruga scorpion. Those don't have the tails, right? Not ripe yet, but they are fruiting extremely well and it seems these two photos show how they look...
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    Help needed with chilli ID

    I have a chilli that I received in a pack of seeds, labeled as trinidad scorpions. Each and every seed inside the package was different and I've kept some seeds from the plant that was by far most productive.       And I have some photos of the pods from last year. They turned orange, had...
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    overwintering An issue with an overwintered chilli

    I am having an issue with an overwintered chilli. It began growing ok, but even before I managed to get it out, it started loosing leaves. I have cut it down again to promote new branches to emerge, and in a couple of weeks it did,  they again started as curled up and way to compacted bush.  ...
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    Chili not growing leaves

    One of my peppers is not growing new leaves. It seems strange, because it's planted in the very same soil as all the other chilies and peppers that are growing explosively. All seem to be flowering normally, but the one that doesn't want to grow new foliage started fruiting earlier and already...
  14. T

    overwintering Did I plant overwintered chili too early?

    I've planted my overwintered chili outside into raised bed and it's loosing its leaves and looks rather shitty.    Temps dropped to around 5°C a couple of nights, otherwise it's around 8°C or more. Daily highs are around 20°C.   Anyone knows if these are signs of some kind of disease or just...
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    My chili LED setup

    To grow seedlings each spring, I have built a simple but effective (and extremely cheap) full spectrum LED grow light. The results are extremely healthy and large seedlings, compared to previous years. I've been late to sow them, but now I'm eager for the temps to rise up enough to place them...
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    overwintering Overwintered plant leaves issue?

    I have overwintered two chilli plants from last season. They started growing, but they don't seem to be too healthy to me. Leaves are not green as they should be, at least not whole leaves, they have paler spots. It's not drastic as it could be, but I am kind of worried I would transfer possible...
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    Extremely large leaves

    I have planted my chilli seedling under my full spectrum LED setup for the firs time this year. I have set up a soil mixture that is nothing special - sand potting soil mix. They sky-rocketed from the beginning and now, they have huge leaves, growing branches and look extremely healthy. They are...
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    When will these be ripe?

    Here and here I have very light green colored pods that haven't changed color for like 2 months. They are beginning to show brown patches and will, I'm afraid, begin to rot. I've picked a couple of them and when I dried the seeds, they were brown-ish, which I think is an indication that they are...
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    Low morning temperatures

    We've had hot and dry summer and chillies finally started growing in late July. As they are about one month later than usually, most of the pods are still green and will have hard time ripening. How do you protect the peppers in early fall, when low temperatures kick in. We have lows around 8C...
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    flavor Killer pods with killing bitter aftertaste

    I have a rainbow of seedlings from red habanero or 7pot like chilli that was supposed to be trinidad scorpion. Long story short.. This year all the pods are orange and most of the pods until now were not as hot as last year.   But, there's another one with large pods. They were turning colour...