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  1. talas

    seed-plant-vendors Pepper Merchant NEW Seed seller

    Hiya guys been talking to this gent for sometime and he's started a New business selling Seeds in Canada. He's just started selling and New seeds will be added going forward,can vouch for him as I just had an order from him to the U.K in 7 days so U.S,Canada and international orders will be...
  2. talas

    Biker Billy Seeds

    `Biker Billy` Seeds,seemed to have had two bad batches this year and would love some from a grower who has grown a decent strain. :)
  3. talas

    Gentecic Changes Of Peppers In The Amazon

    unravel genetic evolution of pepper from the Amazon Despite the name to refer to China, the kind of pepper Capsicun chinense is recognized by science as having their origin in the Amazon. The American continent is recognized as a center of origin of the peppers and the Amazon basin as a...
  4. talas

    Niel I Think We Have A Contender...

    Indian woman aims for chilli record..:shocked: An Indian woman is hoping to enter the record books as the world's "hottest" woman after munching 51 fiery chillies in two minutes, organisers of the feat said Friday. Skip related content Related photos / videos A youth pours dried chillies from a...
  5. talas

    Gone Nutz On Nutterz

    Well my good friend Dickt had the decency to send me some of his `Nutterz Nuclear` and The Regular..Well not regular because there to more some to be just regular `Chilli Nutterz and Some of his `Bacon Nutterz` to you think i would have the decency to get a quick review which is three months...
  6. talas

    Talas..Spring 2009 Start..

    A very late start indeed for me for 2009,But work came first and so lets hope for a good summer smile.gif. First like to thank all my friends for sending me seeds,while i was working over the last few months,your kindness is appreciated and will be paid back in kind over the next year,Because of...
  7. talas

    Merry Christmas To All ....................

    Merry Christmas to all the Nice folks and my friends on here and big thx to THP for making me miss this forum so damn much while i was away,Wherever you are hope you all have a great time and all that you wish for comes true.. and may you all have a HOT one...
  8. talas

    flavor The Kings Of Flavor....Not Of Heat

    As where always talking about the Superhots and comparing heat for heat,Thought it be nice to have a thread about flavor over heat for a change and it might give some others an idea what else they might enjoy in the Coming year,So Please what variety's have surprised you in there texture,Taste...
  9. talas

    Thank God Its Friday.....

    Yep its nearly the Weekend,Do you like your Fridays,Is it time to let Your Hair Down..If you have any..Is it Out To a club,Few drinks In a bar, Or is Friday they day you kick your shoes of and revel in the weekend to come..Or sit by the telly,Listen to some Fine Music Eat some of the hot stuff...
  10. talas

    The Monastery

    A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night? The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a...
  11. talas

    Dont Be A Judge At A Chili Cookoff..

    Originally Posted On Vikars Site but highly amusing :) Chili Cook Off Judge #3 (Frank) was an inexperienced Chili taster named Frank, who was visiting from Springfield, IL. Frank: "Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a chili cook-off. The original person called in sick at the...
  12. talas

    Al day And Night Aji Aji Aji Aji

    This variety has more combinations and mixed Varietys than the combination of pin numbers on your bank card and more and more are been found each year..The list of Species of chili is just fantastic C.Annuun,C.chinese,C.pubescens,C.Frutescens and its most Common C.Bacctums, They seem to be over...
  13. talas

    Hope your Car Is locked Like Mine..

    Hope your Car Is locked Like Mine..People go to extremes with keeping there car safe.
  14. talas

    `Global Warming`

    The data below has been checked and verified and was published in the Telegraph in the U.K Some of the details may surprise you as many of us have been told the exact opposite over the last few years...But always check for yourselves. Comment: A few comments about the 'Global Warming' in this...
  15. talas

    Rock Climbing An Introduction..

    Heres a difficult climb for the more adventure minded among you,As you can see the gentleman underneath had a hard climb but still had time to take a snap of this large red...Rock
  16. talas


    Two men were digging a ditch on a very hot day. One said to the other, "Why are we down in this hole digging a ditch when our boss is standing up there in the shade of a tree?" "I don't know," responded the other. "I'll ask him." So he climbed out of the hole and went to his boss. "Why are we...
  17. talas

    chinense I Lost My Heart To A Habanero...

    After all the Super-Hot talk,Thought it be nice to take a look at everyones Favorite Habanero, as we all seem to grow at least one favorite its the pepper for all..Beginner or Chili/Guru.Does Red Savina leave you cold..Or Chocolate Habanero leave you smoking,What`s your Favorite Hab/Habs and...
  18. talas

    Boobs Vs Willies..Anatomical Study

    Subject: Boobs Vs Willies A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?" The father, surprised, answers, "Well, son, a woman goes through three phases. In her 20s, a woman's boobs are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s to 40s , they...
  19. talas

    Dog For Sale !!!

    DOG FOR SALE! Even if you don't own a dog, you'll appreciate the efforts of this owner to sell her dog. Read the sales pitch… Dog for Sale Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the...
  20. talas


    Heres Some Signs and Logos that might have needed a little more thought...:hell: doughboys - pizza - salad - panini … and something extra?