Search results

  1. PrimeTime

    free Free Gochu Cheon Wu Shin Jo seeds with SASBE CLOSED FOR NOW

    U.S. only   First ten people to PM me will get free OP seeds from pods that I grew this season. I have a bunch so figure each person will get 20 or so seeds. These are a delicious Korean Cayenne type pepper if you haven't had the pleasure to try them!   Stickman hooked me up with seed and I grew...
  2. PrimeTime

    bottling Any safe plastic bottles?

    Does anybody know of any "plastic" bottles that are safe to hot pack and hold as well as store a hot sauce?   Im looking into cheaper options for next years holiday gift sauces.   Thanks all!!!   PT
  3. PrimeTime

    fermenting Anybody done a ferment with a soy sauce brine? I HAVE!!!

    I am wondering if anybody has used soy sauce to make a ferment brine?   I have a jug of the stuff left over from some BBQ sauce I made for gifts and would like to use it up in the coolest way possible!   Let me know if you have any info on creating the right brine.   Thanks all!   PT  
  4. PrimeTime

    soil-media Looking for opinions on landscape fabric to solarize soil..

    Hi folks!   I garden in a 4 x 20 ft raised bed and am planning on using black landscape fabric this spring to hold down weeds and heat up the soil a little early. I will be leaving it on all season.   I plant out around mothers day and was going to lay the fabric a few weeks before that.   I am...
  5. PrimeTime

    A great birthday gift!!

    Hi all!   I wanted to share something with the forum.   I will try to keep it as short as I can....   Some of you know that my sister, my only sibling, is a cancer survivor. About 2 years ago my older sister was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor. She was 40 at the time. It has...
  6. PrimeTime

    How much do I sell a sauce recipe for?

    Hi Folks!  I have a question for anybody out there including any commercial saucers.   I will keep it short and sweet... Some friends of mine run a section of a commercial farm where they grow many things including a few hot peppers. They currently sell a hot sauce under their own name made with...
  7. PrimeTime

    wanted Looking for Puya Pepper Seeds

    Will trade or purchase or whatever works for you. If you have any send me a PM please.   Thanks All!
  8. PrimeTime


    Hi brothers and sisters! I hope every bodies season is going well!   So i need some ID help. This year I'm growing some King of the North bells. I started 4 from seed 2/1 or so and grew under t5ho until mothers day plant out in my raised bed. I took the best 2 plants then gave my Mom one and one...
  9. PrimeTime

    wanted Wanted: Espelette Seeds

    Im looking to trade for or buy some Piment d'espelette seeds. If you'd like to trade let me know what your looking for, i don't have a list to post right now as to what i have.    Purchasing would be fine with me if you have 100 posts or more.   Thanks Y'all!
  10. PrimeTime

    Jalapeño germ issues anybody?

    Im on my third round of trying to get some burpee biker billy and earl jalapeño that i bought this season germinated.   No need for a long thread on germination technique and on and on. Just wondering if anybody else is having issues with these?   Happy Friday!!
  11. PrimeTime

    overwintering How do you prepare your overwintered peppers for plant out?

    I have a Tobasco and a Jamaican hot chocolate that have been overwintering in my south facing window all winter. They didnt go as dormant as i expected. I guess because said window is in my warm living room. Ive kept new growth trimmed all winter.   I plan on planting out to my raised bed around...
  12. PrimeTime

    Fungus Gnats Are Killing Me!!!

    Hi People   I have been fighting fungus gnats for a while now and have seen some improvement but i want to run my fight past you all to see if im on the right track or what...   I have about 20 starts going and they seem to be doing good for the most part. I lost 3 due to the gnats, i think...  ...
  13. PrimeTime

    fermenting Mash STINKS

    So i have a mash of orange Habs, cayenne, garlic, onion 3.6% salt, started with whey, ran good but did develope kahm yeast. When i processed it sunday after 3 months it smelled really bad like body odor! the water at the top was thick and slimy.   Ph is 3.1 but i guess I'm gonna trust my nose...
  14. PrimeTime

    overwintering Overwintering watering

    This is my first real attempt at overwintering some peppers from this summer. I have 4 plants that i did all good things to such as trimming the roots and branches to matching mass, potted down with fresh potting soil, sprayed for mites ect.   They are all in a south facing window in my living...
  15. PrimeTime

    seeds-germination When do you start your seeds?

    Hi Pepper People!   I know this is covered in bits and pieces here and there but i am interested in seeing when all of you start your seeds.   A lot of us are planning for next season and i think it could be helpful. I think info like where in the world ya are, varieties, start and plant out...
  16. PrimeTime

    pests Bug ID, help!!!

    Hey guys Im looking for an ID on this bug. So far its only on our Cosmos (flowers). I leaves behind a white dusty sort of cocoon thing we think is where the new ones are coming from. Any help would be great!   is...
  17. PrimeTime

    pod-i.d. freebie pods, awsome, what are they???

    Hey guys,   I got an order of seeds yesterday from Judy at Awsome service, great lookin seeds, fast! Fully recommend   They included 5 free seed packs of awsome peppers and a box of amazing pods.   Im gonna email Judy but figured id throw it out there to the...
  18. PrimeTime

    Seeds cooking in hot greenhouse! OK?

    Hi all.   My buddy at work and his wife have a huge garden/farm they work hard on every year.   He told me today he left all of their assorted veggie seeds in the greenhouse without knowing.   They have been in there all week and its been 95 and very humid here the whole time. He is worried he...
  19. PrimeTime


    Hi All! Im new here but have been gardening and growing peppers for a while now but could use some help with a mystery pepper.   I started this from a mystery seed indoors in january and planted out at the end of april.   Red savina? hot cherry?   Anybody?   Thanks in advance for your help!!!  ...
  20. PrimeTime

    Greetings from Long Island NY!!!

    I finally joined! Hope this will kick our slow season here on the Island in the bud!!!