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  1. Rymerpt

    RYMERPT 2023/2024 GLOG

    NOVEMBER 26, 2023 I'm at it again my season for 2024 has just started. Watch me go nuts again. Give it a week or so watching the dirt for my seeds to pop through the soil and I'll likely look like this.I was gifted 10 industrial strength tomato cages. The ones that are 5ft tall and 20 inches...
  2. Rymerpt

    drying Looking to impress

    Hello pepper people. Please help me blow my 22yr old son's mind with the best beef jerky of his life. RECIPES PLEASE LOVE, REPECT, & THANK YOU
  3. Rymerpt

    off-topic Lets blow his mind

    Hello pepper people. Please help me blow my 22yr old son's mind with the best beef jerky of his life. RECIPES PLEASE LOVE, REPECT, & THANK YOU
  4. Rymerpt

    health SACRAMENTO plants outside

    Hello everyone, Our weather has been really wonky this winter. Can anyone tell me when I SHOULD transplant my seedlings (currently inside under lights) and place them in 5gl buckets outside. Ive tried to check farmers almanac, but our winter this year contradicts their predictions. IM SUPER...
  5. Rymerpt

    Attention Boss

    I get an email for lots of stuff from THP. Like if someone does an entry on two word turd. How do I turn off the emails PLEASE?
  6. Rymerpt

    health Should BOO be brought inside (California)

    Hello wonderful pepper people. I have a ghost pepper plant that I bought from a nursery a bit late in the season. He has grown quite nicely and gave me two big peppers. He , before it started getting pretty cold, started to push out a few more peppers. QUESTION: I live in Sacramento and have...
  7. Rymerpt

    fertilizer Fert or nutrition question

    Good morning everyone. I have little seedlings. At what point can I feed them?
  8. Rymerpt

    seeds-germination How soon?

    Hello, I just harvested a nice ghost pepper from a plant I bought at the nursery. Nice heat , so I saved the seeds. How long untill I can try to germinate those seeds on a heat matt? Thanks, PEPPER PEOPLE ROCK
  9. Rymerpt


    I have been around peppers for awhile, but still am a bit confussed. You wonderful pepper people often use words like chenese (sp), annum (sp), and pubs. I understand that these are pepper types, but is there a chart of some kind so im better aware of what kind goes into what category? THANKS
  10. Rymerpt


    In the short time that I have re-appeared back on THP, after being away for WAY to long, I have already felt the love. I have reconnected with old friends and already made some new ones. THANKS for the virtual hug. Rymerpt
  11. Rymerpt

    wanted Can you help?

    Hi guys and gals, Some of you may remember me. Ask around I was really active here on THP between 2014 and 2019. This is what I need help with: Ive created several chiliheads over the past several years. I grew peppers, I bought peppers, and mostly I dried and powdered peppers. I had powder...
  12. Rymerpt

    Can you do it? Make sense of 3 words

    I will srart us out. I will give out three random words. Can you build a sentence with these words? Goat, shovel, lighter After your sentence please leave three words for the next player.
  13. Rymerpt

    RYMERPT 2022 into 2023 GLOG

    My buddy asked me for seeds a couple weeks ago. I told him its to late in the season, but b sent him the seeds anyway. This will be his first time growing peppers and he is going with a small hydroponic kit he bought. Well, because he started this late, I thought what the hell. Sooo I...
  14. Rymerpt

    Just curious BOSS

    Some of my best THP memories are from the cooking THROWDOWNS. Will we ever compete again? Rymerpt
  15. Rymerpt

    IM RYMERPT but you could call me Peter Pipper

  16. Rymerpt

    Hot rod

    The very best way to get a "HOT ROD" ? TRY pullin your pud after cutting up super hot peppers.
  17. Rymerpt

    seeds-germination ARE THEY STILL OK ?

    I have seeds from known THP growers from as far back as 2013. I keep my seeds in tiny zip lock bags and in an old cigar box. Will the old seeds still be any good? Rymerpt
  18. Rymerpt

    off-topic ARE YOU A BOOMER?

    Check out my YOUTUBE channel I grew up in the 70s and 80s. On my channel I tell what it was like to grow up In El Dorado Hills ,Ca. In the 70s and 80s. Rymerpt
  19. Rymerpt

    off-topic Check out my library / man cave

    When we bought our place we had a room that the family just kinda used for storage. Ive been working hard to claim it as my library. CHECK IT OUT RYMERPT
  20. Rymerpt


    I was very active on THP between 2014 and 2018. I learned TONS from this wonderful pepper comunity. I now have a buddy that wants to grow some heat. I sent him some seeds and Im hoping he succeeds. Yes I know its late in the season. We all learn from trial and error, so he will get there. I told...