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  1. Sizzle Lips

    Edible dosing

    Maybe someone here can help me out with this....i have a one gram syringe of thc distillate that is 84% recipe will make 40 many miligrams of thc in each gummie.
  2. Sizzle Lips

    Need some help

    I did not know where to post this...i know there are a bunch of flower garden people here. Can anyone decifer what kind of Marigolds these are...trying to find out how tall this paticular plant will grow and what it needs for light and soil. Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Sizzle Lips

    fermenting First ferment in awhile

    Its been a long time since i have posted and put together any ferments.....well i have lots of time for my hobby of sauce making and growing now.....after 50 years of sitting in a dozer pushin dirt I have retired and cannot wait for my first ever summer off.   Anyways I put together a small...
  4. Sizzle Lips

    hot-sauce Finally got some Lucky Dog for my collection

    Mailman delivered a nice package today....its been a long time since I have added any sauces to my collection...I have always looked for Lucky dogs stuff around my parts of the globe with no luck....until now........this place is close to me and has a huge selection of sauces........   ...
  5. Sizzle Lips

    smoking Braided Pork Tenderloin on the Gasser

    Had  a couple small pork tenderloins that I braided and threw on my gasser. I like to braid them because you can weave the flavor all through the was brushed with olive oil and then I applied salt,pepper,garlic powder and Italian seasoning. The second one was coated with olive oil...
  6. Sizzle Lips

    Kratky grow

    Sitting around the house twitching because its still a month or so to early for me to start my grow....but I was Jonesing to do something...I had two small Mazzetti peppers growing in a cup under my lights so I took one and started a little Kratky least I get something to monitor...
  7. Sizzle Lips

    fermenting Anyone using Easy Fermenter Lids

    I have a Jalapeno ferment on the go and I am trying out the Easy Fermenter lids,Is there anyone here that has used them and what are your thoughts.....I like the idea of not having to add water to 3 piece airlocks and it is nice having the oxygen extraction pump.                        
  8. Sizzle Lips

    Total Fail

      My whole 2018 super hot powder .....gone in seconds. I have been saving,drying and grinding all of my harvests.....First thing this morning I gathered all my dried pods and took to the grinder. I had enough ground to fill a 56 oz mason......hotter than hell out ....took of the rubber gloves...
  9. Sizzle Lips

    smoking More Bacon(bacon,cheddar,potato pie)

    Cant remember if I posted this on the Hot Pepper or not. Bacon ,Cheddar,Potato pie....two pounds of bacon in this bad boy. Here are a few pics I wanted to share.                     I cooked the steak on my kettle and the pie in my BGE....i cooked the pie for about 2 hours....I use...
  10. Sizzle Lips

    smoking Bacon wrapped,cheese stuffed meatballs.

    I had some grnd pork,veal and beef that I seasoned heavy with Meat Church's Holy Gospel rub. I formed them into six big sized meatballs and then shoved a piece of good old white cheedar into the center of each. Sealed them up and wrapped a couple strips of bacon around each. Sprinkled another...
  11. Sizzle Lips

    food-safety Calibrating your ph meter.

    Its funny how many people I talk to about calibrating their ph meter that dont have a clue about what i am talking about......I have ph solutions and make it a practice to do a 3 point calibration check 2 times a year.......once a year is probably okay but I would sooner be safe than sorry. Does...
  12. Sizzle Lips

    smoking Spatchcocked Chicken

    Spatchcocked a bird for yesterday's dinner. Brushed with evoo and applied a heavy coat of Birds and Bones rub. Cooked it in my BGE indirect at 375-400 for one and a half hours. Served with some homemade slaw and mashed taters....simple but tasty.                  
  13. Sizzle Lips

    smoking Tri Tip on the Kettle

    Fired up the Weber Kettle on Sunday a did a quick Tri-Tip. Brushed it with evoo and rubbed with Beef Brigade rub. Grilled it direct turning a couple of times till the Internal temp was around 130. Let rest on the counter tented in foil 10 minutes,sliced and served with bite sized perogies and...
  14. Sizzle Lips

    lighting New Lights

    Well I hope I did the right thing with this light change.In my small grow area I used 4 double 4 ft shop lights with plant and aquarium bulbs....these run 16 hours a day and I have always had fairly good results.Then I got thinking about the hydro costs. I gave all those lights to a buddy and...
  15. Sizzle Lips

    greenhouse Heat source for small greenhouse

    I just bought this exact same portable greenhouse for when my plants go outside to get hardened off.....they will be out halfway through April.... because i will no longer have enough space inside......what could I use for a heat source at night when I know the temperature might get down...
  16. Sizzle Lips

    food Pepper Infused Oil

    Took my fancy empty booze bottle and rinsed it out and let dry over night........added some Chocolate Ghosts,Peach Ghosts and a Reaper....along with a couple sprigs of Rosemary.....all of which were dried in the dehydrator to insure that no moisture was left.   I had some EVOO which I did not...
  17. Sizzle Lips

    smoking Wheres all the Rabbit Lovers

    One of my favorite things ...Rabbit on the BGE......Bought a nice fresh rabbit and washed it up and patted it dry.I marinated it for 10 hours in a Presidents Choice citrus marinade...this works fantastic on rabbit.           I fired up the BGE with some lump charcoal and 4 blocks of cherry...
  18. Sizzle Lips

    music Music file convertor

    Looking for a file convertor for changing over some flac files to mp3.....what free convertor is out on the net....I am falling behind in the times.....any good convertors out there that are fairly simple to use.
  19. Sizzle Lips

    Leftover Brisket...lets make stew

    Yesterday was brutal cold and windy....nothing better than a hot bowl of stew. There are many different takes on Brunswick stew........this is my take with what ingredients I had on hand. I followed a basic recipe and substituted a couple things.........It turned out great.   The basic recipe is...
  20. Sizzle Lips

    Sizzles 2017 grow

    Okay guys ....I have not put anything in dirt yet.....its always a big decision on what to plant when you have limited space.....I do some 5 gallon buckets and some in ground....maybe 30-35 plants is my max. Anyways I have made my decision and here is the layout of my 72 cell tray that I will...