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  1. MadDog

    GMO and Modern Farming a good thing?

    I wholeheartedly agree with Gonzo's post. GMO's do NOT increase yield. Why else would they do it? Because AJ Drew they sterilize the seed, they monopolize the industry, they enslave the farmer and the people. An astounding number of top federal government officials came directly from former...
  2. MadDog

    breeding weirdest issue i've come across - any thoughts?

    AJ Drew - True. I go from hex cells to 3" peat pots to final pots because I've seen seedlings that lagged sprouting and growing by a week end up overtaking the ones that "appeared" to have the most vigor once I move them to the 3" peat pots. I wish I could eliminate this step but I know I'd be...
  3. MadDog

    soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

    How about these hippies?...   Raymond Siedler, PhD senior EPA scientist...   Thierry C. Vrain, PhD soil biologist...
  4. MadDog

    soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

    spicefreak -It is telling when the geneticist considered to be the father of the GMO industry, who was also one of it's biggest proponents for two decades, walked away from prestige and wealth to become the megaphone for the opposition. His concern was lack of testing of effects, so he began...
  5. MadDog

    soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

    Watch "Food, Inc." if you haven't seen it. Mind blowing cruelty and stupidity. I've seen first hand what goes on, my grandfather ran a huge Cargill egg plant. I toured it as a child and there was a giant pile of dead and near dead sick chickens at the head of every row house. When I asked him...
  6. MadDog

    breeding weirdest issue i've come across - any thoughts?

    Yeah but a bird chilli would normally beat those super hots to flower.
  7. MadDog

    breeding weirdest issue i've come across - any thoughts?

    Depending on where the mother's origin was, it may have been irradiated. As an example, nothing from Jamaica is allowed into US without being subjected to this. This is a guess on my part but I'm throwing it out there. Another possibility is that seed was from a hybrid and you're now growing...
  8. MadDog

    soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

    AJ Drew - I can't turn my hippie gene off and on like that so I'm impressed you have that ability. Probably due to some "bad" substance that I may or may not have consumed long ago. dragonsfire - those same things like AJ Drew and you mention in the water tests have been tested in these...
  9. MadDog

    soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

    Smokin' Hot - "suppose to be safe" being the key ingredient in your opinion (which I share as well). Their website proudly boasts "Regulated by the EPA and complies with its most stringent requirements". That's reason enough for me to pass. I just don't want people soiling in my soil, I'm funny...
  10. MadDog

    soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

    WATCH OUT FOR THESE BRANDS!!! Companies can put human excrement in their product and still claim Organic!!!    Human Poo Brands (Yum) -> BioSolids or Compost   p.s. OMRI is a joke, they certify some of these!   I mix my own organic ingredients following Mel's mix...
  11. MadDog

    sun How much sun?

    30% shade cloth has been shown to double yield, aluminet is best, hail bounces off of it too, see...
  12. MadDog

    Tips for keeping dogs away from my plants?

    I concur with walking the dog. Mine has a contract with me, I walk him 6 days a week and he agrees not to chew up the wife's shoes. If I miss a day or two, all bets are off. I also have a pepper kennel, only because when we rescued our dog he had heartworms. After treatment, the dog has to be...
  13. MadDog

    I have a question about fish emulsion + Some other things.

    Powelly, thanks for the info on the barley enzymes. Good to know.   I want to throw my 2 cents in for Neptune's Harvest Organic Hydrolized Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer. I swear buy this stuff and have seen amazing results with it. Not just on my peppers but flowers as well. I've given it both...
  14. MadDog

    Putting Nutrition and Taste into our Peppers

    Being an IT guy I''m a little paranoid about disclosing anything on the intertubes but for Voodoo 6's sake I am not French, not that there's anything wrong with that. I just feel that we should all be proud of our heritage and they are all admirable. I'm half German and half English. Now for the...
  15. MadDog

    seeds-germination Isolating Peppers for Seed Saving

    I've read so many articles on bee ranges I don't know what to believe. One article said they've been tracked up to 12 miles. The studies I've read on cross pollination rates say they're upwards of 30% likely. If you want true stock, it's apparent you must isolate.
  16. MadDog

    seeds-germination Isolating Peppers for Seed Saving

    D3monic, thanks for the answer, that clears it up for me, we've certainly got the wind in Oklahoma.
  17. MadDog

    seeds-germination Isolating Peppers for Seed Saving

    But do you get the same yield or should you just be isolating a subset of your plants?
  18. MadDog

    seeds-germination Isolating Peppers for Seed Saving

    What about pollination? I bought a bunch of tulle bridal sachet bags for dirt cheap at a Hobby Lobby last year but have been hesitant to try them because I don't know enough about pollination. Do you shake the plants or does the wind take care of it?
  19. MadDog

    Putting Nutrition and Taste into our Peppers

    Myxlplyk, good find. Looks like it uses better connectors than the one I posted. Thanks for the link! I'd opt for the clear, supposedly allows UV through to kill bacteria. Weird that clear is pictured but isn't an option. 75' foot is $149 so these are twice as pricey. You're gonna give Voodoo 6...
  20. MadDog

    been using Neptune's, time to switch?

    I usually start out with Neptune's and then switch when fruiting. Don't forget about calcium to stop BER. I looked high and low to figure out how much calcium was in this before settling on it. I don't have access to my notes right now so I don't have the link to where I finally ran across it...