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  1. Ezzer

    Passive Hydro Grow

    Whilst googling a while back I found this completely passive hydro system. http://scienceinhydr...s-possible.html (TYSON).pdf I've been trying to grow in coco for the last year with little success due to the fact I can't get coco specific nutes here in Thailand, but...
  2. Ezzer

    Help Needed With Pepper ID's

    Hi All, I was wondering if anyone can help identifying these peppers. The seeds were bought from our friend Aji Joe last year in his Supreme Hot Mix package (well over a 100 seeds for $1!). All three plants are 2 months old and all are just over 12" tall. First plant has purple and white...
  3. Ezzer

    Peppers Turning Brown

    Can any one help? I've been waiting for my peppers to ripen and to my horror, while checking them this morning i noticed that they are turning brownish and filling with liquid. . my plants are in containers, one is a run to waste hydro and the rest are in a soil mix. The problem seems to be...
  4. Ezzer

    hydroponic Hydroponic Nutrients In Soil

    Does anyone use hydro nutrients in soil? I was wondering how often and at what ppm level. My potting mix has no added chemical ferts, it's 1/3 compost, 1/3 coco, 1/3 rice hulls (perlite substitute) plus a small amount of worm castings. Cheers
  5. Ezzer

    Leaf Curl, HELP

    Today I noticed curling leafs on a Numex Suave plant. The plant is 7 weeks old. It has been fertilized once, 2 weeks ago with liquid seaweed ferts, half strength. I'm growing 6 different varieties, all the plants have been treated the same but only the Numex is suffering from this. Any ideas??
  6. Ezzer

    nutrients Using Hydro Nutrients for Foliar Feeding

    Hi All. I've just been given a few litres of hydroponic nutrients, enough to make up about 400 litres of solution. I don't really want to go down the hydro route and I was wondering if I could use it as a foliar spray. Has anyone tried this and if so what strength solution do you recommend...
  7. Ezzer

    Lowering PH with Cow Manure.

    Hi All, I had to make my own potting mix because there isn't any decent commercial potting mixes available here in Thailand. Here's my mix, from what I could source. 2 parts compost 2 parts coco coir 2 parts rice hulls (no perlite available) 1/4 part worm castings 1/4 fruit bat guano 1/4...
  8. Ezzer

    pests Forget aphids take a look at this!

    This critter....... did this to one of my three week old seedlings. Sort of a before and after shot To give an idea of the size, oh yeah it's dead in this pic. Lucky for me it was starting to cloud over so I went to put my 50 seedlings under cover before the rain. If I hadn't...
  9. Ezzer

    chinense Habanero Long Red Hot Organic Chilli Seeds

    Hi, I bought some Habanero Long Red Hot Organic Chilli Seeds from The Chile Pepper Company And I was looking around the web for info on them, and nothing. When I say nothing, there was a few hits but all seems to be related in some way to...
  10. Ezzer

    Yellow Burkina

    Hi All, I am a bit confused. I bought some seeds "Burkina Yellow Habanero" from here, Any way whilst looking around the web I came across this site and found "Scotch Bonnet Burkina Yellow"...
  11. Ezzer

    seeds Growing Seedlings Under Lights

    Hello, I would really appreciate a bit of advice/ reassurance. Do the cotyledon leaves usually reach up like this? I'm only running a small CFL, 24 watts, 6500 K producing 1520 lumens. It was 3 inches above the seedlings but I've just moved the light up to 6 inches. The seedlings on the left...
  12. Ezzer

    NPK Any Good??

    Hi, I'm totally new to growing peppers, all gardening in fact. I live in Thailand and finding good potting soil is proving difficult. I have found a product called Superpeat (the only English on the packet). After some research I've discovered that its White Peat from Denmark, it's PH is 6 and...
  13. Ezzer


    Hi, I'm totally new to all gardening, but thought I'd give growing peppers a go. After finding this website I feel a bit more confident. I'm an English guy who has been living in Thailand for the last ten years. Thai people like there food on the hot side but I find Thai peppers don't really...