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  1. RHB340

    septic tank and garden

    Ah! Finally a subject I know something about:O) I am an inspector, and frequently encounter gardens on drainfields. Generally they are not recommended, although I've not had anyone tell me they got sick from it. Leafy vegetables are more of a problem than fruiting vegetables, but if your...
  2. RHB340

    flavor What do Aji Limon taste like?

    They are a baccatum. Aji Limon remind me more of a celery taste than citrus. They are delicious with a sandwich. Mild enough that I can eat a whole one, yet spicy enough that I need that alternate bite of something else. They produce more than any other pepper I grow, except maybe chupitenhas...
  3. RHB340

    flavor best taste

    I love fataliis, but my new favorite is Chupetinha, aka little rubber nipple; (Pimenta Bico). I believe I got the seed from Trade Winds. Very tasty, but not too hot. I only wish they were larger.
  4. RHB340

    Can you get sicK?

    Peppers must be used only for good, never for evil.
  5. RHB340

    Can anyone ID these peppers?

    Heart Throb? How big are they?
  6. RHB340

    soil Quarts as soil supplement?

    Quartz (SiO2) is insoluble at temperatures and pressures we encounter here at the earth's surface. "Plain sand" is typically mostly quartz, and is what's left after nature has had it's way with the mountains. Depending on where you live, your soil probably contains a very large portion of silica...
  7. RHB340

    scovilles Scoville rating for yellow 7 pods?

    I'm growing Yellow 7 Brain Strain this year for the first time. Any thoughts on how they would compare to the standard Yellow 7?
  8. RHB340

    raising peppers in pots

    Where did you get the soil? ie, is it something you bought or is it native soil? Definitely needs something to fluff it up. Roots need air.
  9. RHB340

    Yellow Cayenne

    Someone screwed up:(
  10. RHB340


    One of the best ways to tell if a green pepper is ready to be picked is to give a gentle squeeze. If it is ready, you will hear a "pop" on the inside. This works for anything from bells to jalapenos to ajis.
  11. RHB340

    Is this a Pepper or not?

    Looks like it could be a tomatillo
  12. RHB340

    in-ground question on in ground garden area

    I'd recommend growing your peppers in pots this year and start working on that garden. Double dig small portions of your garden a little at a time. I'd add whatever you can get, compost, lime, sand, manure, ....anything to break that clay up and add tilth. It's a labor of love, and a good...
  13. RHB340

    Zone 7a

    10-4 on the weather difference over a short distance. Just saw the NWS has a chance of snow showers Monday night!! If you don't like the weather....wait a few minutes. Soil temp is definitely warm enough.
  14. RHB340

    Zone 7a

    It's my understanding that temperatures below 50° will affect yields. I'm about 50 miles west of you. It's killing me, but I'm sitting tight until May 1 (or thereabouts). I've no doubt that the plants can handle 40's without a problem, just worried about yield. Maybe an experiment is in...
  15. RHB340

    My nose is on fire...

    I've come to enjoy the occasional fire in the eye, now that I know I'm not going to go blind. On a recent camping trip I was grinding a bhut in my hands to put in the stew when a gust of wind blew some of the flakes straight into my eye. Not much I could do but enjoy it.
  16. RHB340

    annuum Why are jalapenos usually eaten green?

    Because they taste good? Same with New Mexico types, poblanos, and bells for that matter. Now I'm hungry...
  17. RHB340


    I got some of that snow, as well. The week before, I had covered my pepper patch with an improvised hoop house. It did great, and kept the plants going until this past Sunday. We had a hard freeze and it took everything out. It was sauce making time, anyhow. I am wondering if I should cut...
  18. RHB340


    Back in August I was having problems with the fruit setting on my rocotos. I commented that I'd heard that you could hand pollinate, and indeed that was working for me. 3 months have gone by now, and I've brought my rocotos into my makeshift greenhouse. To my surprise, they have continued to...
  19. RHB340


    I was having the same problem, big peppers. Somewhere along the line I read that Rocotos don't self-pollinate well, so I decided to play honeybee. I grabbed a small paint brush and buzzed from plant to plant tickling each open flower. Within days I had fruit setting. Give it a try...