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    seeds Yucatan White Habanero Germination

    Seed Count for today that have sprouted: Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah = 11 Trinidad 7 Pot Barrockpot = 14 Trinidad 7 Pot = 9 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T = 12 Sun Rise Scorpion = 16 Moruga Scorpion = 6 Bhut Jolokia = 10 Jamaican Chocolate Habanero = 10 Yucatan White Habanero = 0 Total of 88 That's...

    seeds Yucatan White Habanero Germination

    Mine are Yucatan Whites, put 16 seeds in soil to germinate 17 days ago ... still no sign of sprouts.

    soil Soil Costs

    @ AJ - good potting mix, would that be like miracle grow? Thanks everyone... next year I think I'll be able to do a three soil order with two buddies in the area.

    soil Soil Costs

    My goal is around $3.50 per 5 gallon. I'm sure its possible, just a matter of finding the right mix.

    shade Texas and Shade Clother

    I was thinking 40% ... 80% seems like it would be too much.

    soil Soil Costs

    Being new to this world, to which I am now fully hooked on, for roughly 50 to 60 plants that are going into 5 gallons buckets, what would y'all expect to pay on soils? I know this will depend on he chosen mix but at what point do you step back and say "that's a bit to much..." Living in...

    seeds Yucatan White Habanero Germination

    Anyone have any experience with Yucatan White Habaneros? After 12 days of Germination - all my various seeds have sprouted - all but my Yucatan Whites... not one of the 18 seeds have germinated? Anyone have an idea if these take longer than others? I'm not giving up on them just trying to...

    shade Texas and Shade Clother

    In Texas % of Shade Cloth would be recommended due to the intensity of our Texas summers. Thanks, Gerry

    pests Got Aphids?

    Reading it now, looks very interesting.

    Spicy Chickens Cellar Grow Room Extreme Makeover Home Addition

    You have some crazy skills going on there. Looking amazing.

    When to take a leaf

    LOL now if I only drank heheh

    How do you keep it all organized?

    As my handwriting sucks! (computer geek for a living) I geek it up a little and use VISIO lol. Just helps me monitor it all and keep track of what I have growing. I lable the Jiffy Greenhouse so I know which side is which and then used this ... blank at the time. I print it out, write on it...

    breeding Pollination and Cross-Pollination

    Ok this will sound a bit naive on my part - as I took AP Biology in highschool, but in my defense that was 16 years ago. I have a couple questions: 1. Pollination - anything special I will need to do promote pollionation or will they pretty much take care of themselves? 2. Cross-Pollination...

    media Question about loading seeds into Jiffy Peat Pellets ...

    I'm not expert growing as this is my first year - but I used Jiffy pots this year - 72 cell - put 2 seeds in each one using a bamboo skewer about an 1/2" deep. Covered with the top it came with, put over heating pad and maintained 85-89 degrees. Within 10 days I have over 63 of 144 sprouted...

    When to take a leaf

    I have definitely corrected my over watering issue ... I was basically running as if the temp was already running 95+ each day ... I am now scaled back to ever couple takes. And wont water unless the top couple inches are a bit dry. As for the creepy crawlers - I have picked up Bonide Bt...

    When to take a leaf

    I double checked with my buddy - they need a little more hardening and are now rotating in and out of my garage. As for the Horn Worm - I did not find on any of the 6 plants. I did find one bucket with a pinky size hole in the soil. I am keeping an eye on it. That bucket and plant though has...

    Texas Growers

    The Geek in me - or you could say the Spock in me is very curious and I'm going to compile a list of what growers in Texas use for germination, indoor seedling potting soils, and finally soils used in their growing buckets or gardens outdoors. If you are intested please feel free to share here...

    When to transplant

    Thanks everyone - I plan on cutting the netting off. I've read that it can cause problems. I do believe I will be going directly to the 3.5" deep pots. My soil medium I will be using is Miracle Grow Potting Soil; my understanding is it is pretty PH neutral ... its that or Sunshine #4 as the...

    When to take a leaf

    I had just watered Synclinorium ... I literally came out a minute after my moring drips had stopped ... I am thinking I need to change the heads out to 1/2 gph heads ... plus we had a little morning mist. As of last night I changed the timer to twice daily - morning and evening for 8 minutes...