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    Paper towel method ?

    You don't have to leave them on the heat pad, but some heat helps. I put mine under a warm light to get them to pop up. that way I can keep my heat pads for germinating.
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    Syrian and Turkish Peppers will have Aleppo plants this spring.
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    Is it safe to re-work a bad tasting hot sauce?

    Thanks everyone. The sauce is def worth keeping. It has a very good base flavor and it is plenty hot.
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    Is it safe to re-work a bad tasting hot sauce?

    I made 4 pints of hot sauce using about a pound and a half of various habs and a few bhuts and fataliis. I roasted the chiles and three heads of garlic, added carrots and onion and pureed and cooked in vinegar and lemon juice. I must have used too much vinegar or lemon because it's way too tart...
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    My first peppers of the season!

    Thanks all! Next year I'll start earlier so I can harvest my tomatoes and chiles at the same time. Hey nate6279 how 'bout them A's, huh? Finally good to be an Oakland fan!
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    My first peppers of the season!

    My first ripe pods of the season and actually my first time growing anything other than orange habs: Mustard habs; Fataliis; Bhuts, Choclolate habs, orange habs, Ugandan red habs. I've already made a killer salsa and getting ready to make some hot sauce. Many more pods to come! The Fatalii is...
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    Way too many peppers!!!!!

    I have tons of tomatoes and zero ripe peppers. By the time I get ripe pods, my toms will be about finished. :-/
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    favorite What is your favorite tasting pepper?

    Oh man that sounds wonderful. Gonna have to try that.
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    favorite What is your favorite tasting pepper?

    Ha! well you guys certainly cleared things up for me! lol I do notice a lot of yellow chiles in your choices. So many chiles. So little space. I must choose wisely.
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    favorite What is your favorite tasting pepper?

    I'm new to all these exotic chiles. This is my first year growing them. I have bhuts, fataliis, choc habs, red habs, and orange habs (which I have grown for years). I am still several weeks away from any ripe pods. I still have only tasted bhut jolokia that someone sent me and my own orange...
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    chinense My bhut was not hot at all! Why

    Troutbum, how did you like the taste? I've been eating some ripe bhuts sent to me and have not been overly impressed with the taste. I much prefer the flavor of the hab.
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    Unexpected Win!

    How fun!! Congratulations!
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    Finally podding up!

    I know it's no big for most of you, but I am stoked! after months of babying and feeding and worrying, I now have lots of pods! My orange habs are going nuts. The red habs and chocolate habs are setting pods on nearly every bud. The bhuts are even setting fruit very well. My only problem...
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    sun Sun exposure

    As a general rule, early morning sun is better than later sun. So 8 to 3 sounds better then 10 to 5:30 I'd say. All my chinense get about 5 hours morning sun then they're under shad cloth till sundown.
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    Newbie grower needing a little help

    Some. I have found that I have a much worse earwig problem than I realized. I have knocked them down quite a bit but still am fighting them every night. Most of my plants have improved a lot, but two of my choc habs and a couple of the ugandan reds are still stunted. I have gone to the nuclear...
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    Great great pics! you are very fortunate to have this guy in your garden.
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    seeds-germination best place to get seeds

    A major consideration is seed stock isolation so that you get what they say you'll get. Refining Fire Chiles Dillys Chillis The
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    Holes in leaves from earwigs

    One or two pinholes in the new leaves can really slow things down. I've been battling earwigs also. I've used olive oil traps, newspaper traps, diatomaceous earth, sluggo and corry's insect killer. I've gone out in the middle of the night with a flashlight and squished dozens of them. Ive killed...
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    What is your ratio of plants your growing?

    3 Ugandan Red Habs 3 Fatalii 3 Chocolate Habs 3 Bhut Jolokia 8 Orange Habs 4 Red Savina 6 Anaheim 4 Bell Also about 30 heirloom tomatoes, garlic, and many other veggies.
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    Newbie grower needing a little help

    Cayennemist I like the way you think. I have a bucket bubbling as we speak.