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    We took ribbons at the Kentucky State Fair

    Congrats! That's a really nice story about your experience.
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    I hate hail...

    Ugh!  That sucks, I hate hail too!
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    New pods falling off

    I grow my chilies in NYC, but I am from western PA and my parents still live there and have a garden (it is really my proxy garden, they are just attentive waterers who get to enjoy all the produce).  Assuming you are willing to water them more often, give them more sun.  Western PA is...
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    Keeping temp in pots down

    I switched to white plastic grow bags 5 years ago for just this reason.  The year I discovered my problem I cut up some old white bed sheets and draped them around my pots.  This worked just fine, the difference it made in the pot/soil temperature was amazing.
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    Stop growing

    Probably this.  Too wet, chilly nights, not enough sun.   I grow in 13 gallon pots on my roof in NYC.  My plants get full sun all day long.  Even when they are massive in August, I'm only watering every couple of days.  If the soil is still moist, you don't need to water.   I've experienced the...
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    Scorpion pepper/ Ghost peppers?

    Her prices are very reasonable, the selection is good, shipping is quick and things grow true.  That's why there are so many satisfied customers.
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    organic Organics 101

    CAPCOM, consider the various kinds of grow bags available.  I use white plastic ones that are thick like a good contractor bag.  They're pretty sturdy, I have some that are still in good shape on their third season.  Available in any size you want and probably 50 cents a bag.
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    Tomatoes looking bad on bottoms.

    As soon as I see this on a fruit, i pick it and toss it. No reason for the plant to put more energy into it.  It has always been an early season, first half dozen fruit, phenomenon for me, and has always cleared up on its own.
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    Pepper rack complete...not much but I'm proud...

    Cool idea nubster, that should work just fine.
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    Balcony project

    You said you're on a budget; a couple of years ago my plants were getting cooked in black pots up on the roof. I cut up a white bedsheet and draped it around the sunny side of the pots.  It worked great.  The next year I switched to white plastic grow bags, which have also worked great.
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    where can I find neem??

    I had bad aphids on a couple of plants last year. I used the neem spray from home depot, I think it's made by Bayer. 2 applications about a week apart, sprayed in the evening, and I moved the plants to partial shade. It wiped out the aphids and the plants bounced right back. I was impressed with...
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    How do I protect plants with flowers when it gets hot

    Speed has the right idea.  2 years ago I wrapped my black plastic planters in old, white bedsheets and last year I switched to white plastic grow bags.  It made a huge difference.
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    My first taste of Indian food

    If you enjoy Indian food, check out the "Vah Chef" on youtube.  Literally 1000 recipes online and I find his videos quite well made.
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    liquid fert application ish questions

    I imagine it gets pretty hot there in the summer.  Black plastic pots trap heat.  If you're root zone temps get too hot your plants will sulk.   I ran into this problem on my roof in NYC.  The first year I draped old, white bedsheets around the pots and the next year I switched to white plastic...
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    Thoughts on why my tomato plants are dying???

    Sorry to see this.  My parents around Pittsburgh had the same thing happen in the last two weeks.  Their small garden looked like a jungle with tons of fruit ripening.  Now it looks like someone hit it with agent orange.  Late blight was also suggested to them.  It progressed incredibly fast. 
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    container container sizes

      You can get white plastic grow bags in any size you need.  This is my first year using them, on my roof, which gets extremely hot during the summer.  They do not get nearly as hot as black plastic pots.  They are sturdier and more stable than I expected.
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    Pinching Basil Buds---

    I'm with the others.  I pinch it frequently and when it really starts to bolt I'll cut it way back and usually get another flush of leaves.
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    smileyguys second season (a few progress pics)

    Great plants and great pics!
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    Pot Change?

    I got 10 5gal, and 10 10gal white bags from seller brazilee on amazon. Total with shipping was 25$. The shipping was a hefty 9$, but it still worked out to a dollar and change per bag.