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  1. Web_Of_Hair

    My 4 year old Brain Strain

    Holy Toledo!   Have you been to my store, Video Game Underground?
  2. Web_Of_Hair

    My 4 year old Brain Strain

    Seems like it might produce way more than even last year! Hoping it lasts at least a nother 4 years!
  3. Web_Of_Hair

    My rematch against the brainstrain

    wow, took that better than any I have seen in person.
  4. Web_Of_Hair

    Brain Strain vs Butch T

    Going to be eating this Brain tonight with friends. This is from a 3 Yr old Brain Strain plant. The peppers off of it last year were unbelievably hot. This was the first pepper that my friend, who is normally crazier with heat than I am, ate that made him super tear up and then told me he will...
  5. Web_Of_Hair

    when should i expect to start seeing pods on my tabasco

    I think it's a 14" a 3yr old Brain Strain currently lives in it :D Thanks :)
  6. Web_Of_Hair

    when should i expect to start seeing pods on my tabasco

    it looked like this (the actual plant I mentioned) from August until November and I picked RIPE peppers off of it everyday
  7. Web_Of_Hair

    when should i expect to start seeing pods on my tabasco

    Tabascos are awesome! The are great fresh, I like taking a bunch of them and squeezing the juices out onto a steak or some chicken or whatever. It's my favorite pizza topping too, dried = best dried pepper ever! You'll never use crushed red pepper again. Yea be patient, near the end of a grow...
  8. Web_Of_Hair

    misc What is the super hottest pepper with a very short production period?

    yea, never was able to get a stable cross :( plus the original plant lived a healthy 5yrds and died last winter. Last year I tried to cross a Brain Strain and a Yellow Jalapeno, but with crazy weather almost every flower dropped from every plant... The Brain Strain is now 3yrs old and I will...
  9. Web_Of_Hair

    food Fatalii Cheesecake

    I used to have those exact same plates!
  10. Web_Of_Hair

    Brain Strain vs Butch T

    took one Brain Strain to a bar once for a friend doing Karaoke as a request. He had someone taste it and they freaked almost instantly. Another guy just licked the knife that was used to cut the pepper and went home crying (His GF later spilled the beans) This year the Brain Strain I have is 2...
  11. Web_Of_Hair

    With all these new hot peppers...

    Hybrid Peppers, you say.... Are they some new pepper you use electricity to grow? :beer: um let me drink another.....
  12. Web_Of_Hair

    Black Hungarian, Hungarian Black?

    I only have one Black Hungarian growing this year, in years before I would eat them off the vine ripe all the time, awesome flavor and minimal heat.
  13. Web_Of_Hair

    Darn things are frozen

    pepper pup, garlic rice vinegar cooked then put in cannin jar then boiled for 10-15 minutes let cool then put intoo fridge
  14. Web_Of_Hair

    Darn things are frozen

    Well I cooked and made some sauces last year, had them canned and in the fridge. Well they were moved unknowingly and now are partially frozen. Is it safe to let them unfreeze and use or should I just throw away?
  15. Web_Of_Hair

    Logchief's First Sauce Attempt

    Only 14 peppers? JK. Looks good!
  16. Web_Of_Hair

    I'm not eating these

    I have two ripened Brain Strains... They look like brains with brain damage and I'll admit they are the first peppers I am scared to taste test... Maybe if I get drunkered enough. Was gonna taste one if someone else was gonna taste test along with me. But all my friends last night laughed at...
  17. Web_Of_Hair

    harvesting How do I harvest a Tabasco?

    WOW! and here I thought my plant was out of control! two years ago I had a Tomato plant that smothered 2 pepper plants... didn't understand why the pant did so well
  18. Web_Of_Hair

    smokin chilis (pipe or papers) ?

    what I did last year and it worked out great, I chopped up a bunch of peppers and lots of basil and a couple Garlic bulbs and smoked all of it together for a good 2-3 hrs, until the Cherry wood log burnt down to nothing. Then I put it all into the dehydrator and came out awesome! Much better...
  19. Web_Of_Hair

    harvesting How do I harvest a Tabasco?

    However when you have this many Tabasco peppers cutting them off becomes really time consuming! So that's why I just pull off from the stem... I use them too fats to worry abouyt the open part...
  20. Web_Of_Hair

    harvesting How do I harvest a Tabasco?

    I usually just give a tug on the pepper itself. When the pepper comes off it's stem easily from a tug then I use them. When it's getting winter I just cut them off.