2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

millworkman said:
Pablo, I cannot wait to get ahold of one of those pods. Thank you so much. They are beautiful.

cool Noah,
I fire roasted some of the bigger pods today while grilling ribeyes,
they smell like Atomic Chipolte while they roast.
smell is sweet and chipolte strong when cooled.
I'll let ya know about the flavor when I cook with one.

Yes, yes. But now Ike has kicked my butt.

3 trees down, one on the fence. Only lost one pepper plant, but the local post office, as well as most of them here have no power.

Craziest thing I have ever seen. 80 MPH winds and not a drop of rain.

I will get it out, but it may be later this week. Sorry!
Ike seems to have spread some bad S*** all across the midwest....glad you are OK Cheezy...
Cheezy, don't worry about it, things like that can't be helped. Just glad you are ok. I got the file open to see the updated list also, my Office was not compatible so had to download Open Office but whatever works.
Logging on here at work.....

It is packed up and ready to go. With no lights or hot water at home, it is hard to remember the parcel, but the post office here near work is up and running. Hopefully tomorrow!

Thanks guys. This may be the craziest thing I have ever seen.
Thanks LD for the info on the Office update. Cheezy hope you get everything back to normal soon. Sounds like it's going to take a while to get past Ike.
I know it! 1/2 the city has power now......4 days after the wind storm.

I am not encouraged.

It is all I can do now (staying with family who has power) to get up and get back to my house to let the dogs out, and then get to work on time.

I am in mild shock.
I'm almost done drying seeds and guess I can send them out on Monday.

Here's what I'll send to AJ:
Joe's Long
Dutch Red
Dutch Yellow
Bolivian Rainbow
Aji White Wax
Red tipped paprika (no heat, but big peppers with an awesome flavor)
Feher QLB

There are plenty of seeds for everyone on the list and they are - of course - all from 2008.

I hope you guys will be interested in them and enjoy growing them.

I have more of each, so in case anyone not on the list is interested in some, send me a PM.
I would like to formally ask for acceptance into the parcal package with the blessings of all.

I don't have a very big pepper selection to add but I do have other vegetables to throw in.

skealo, It just wouldn't be fair to AJ to wait any longer to see his parcel. Even though you have 100 post in your first month we all have been signed up for this parcel for some time. I suggest asking around as I have some more seed I'll send with the Jamaican SB. If there is something you see in the parcel that you absolutely must have pm me and I see what I can do.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
skealo, It just wouldn't be fair to AJ to wait any longer to see his parcel. Even though you have 100 post in your first month we all have been signed up for this parcel for some time. I suggest asking around as I have some more seed I'll send with the Jamaican SB. If there is something you see in the parcel that you absolutely must have pm me and I see what I can do.

Roger that! I understand completely. Next year is fine by me.
Hey skealo i`m with PPF,,,I don`t have a ton of seeds but after the parcel if I can help I will.If interested will try to help.Have a good one.
There will be round 2 in plenty of time for a february sprouting! Hang in there.

Now I do feel really bad! The power came up last night at 9:30 pm.

Now I have no excuse!(did I mention that I also started a new job and am taking my series 6 exam Thursday???lol, no pressure)

I am sorry to have held the post up. I swear that I had the seeds packed up and the sheet updated in record time. It was ready for the post office Monday morning.

Who would have guessed it, a hurricane in Ky.

It is on it's way!

(For those of you counting, that was 7 Freaking days with no power!!!!!! Unbelieveable, 4 days was the previous record from a huge storm 4 years ago. Part of the problem was that power crews from Louisville had travelled to Texas to help. No one saw this coming.)
all is fine Cheezy...kaka happens...and it is back to making its rounds...

good job...

hope all is well with the bad weather in Ky...
Cheezy, glad to hear you now have electric...wow! That has to be a good feeling...kind of like you never miss the water until the well runs dry... a week without power is not something we expect in our normal happenings. Happy for you and good luck with the exam!