2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

100 posts is the deal, if they don't have that they don't get the parcel. Don't want to loose it again to somebody we thought we knew. I think AJ deserves to see this parcel before anyone with less than 100 posts. Maybe they can get 100 posts before it goes around the 2nd time.
Here's my 2 cents...I think that we have all agreed on a set of guide lines and that is good. Everything is moving along smoothly so far. I agree with PRF, we don't want to loose the box before AJ has a chance to get it back. However, I do think that under the circumstances, I suggest that we skip the 3 MIA's on this first go around and send them all a PM/email explaining the situation and that there is still time to get active enough to be included in the second go around.

Hope I make sence, I just woke up and have had less than a cup of coffee.
thanks all for your input...when the time comes, we can make a decision then...has anyone pmed or emailed RWI?...I have not yet...only person I have tried to contact was Daisy like I said in a previous post...if no one has tried to contact RWI and MrWicks, I will write them an email to see if there is any response....IMO, I think RWI can make the 100 post limit but MrWicks probably can not...
I havent pm'ed or emailed RWI or MRWicks -- I dont know what happened to RWI he was on for a while and closing in on his 100 ???
just emailed both MrWicks and RWI with the following email..

"hey man, did you fall off the face of the earth?...where are you...the seed parcel is progressing and your name is coming up...you need another (24 for RWI and 53 for MrWicks) posts to be elligible...


thats fair isn't it?

This is basically whats coming in the package.

Seeds are split up into groups of 10 - to make it easy to find what you want.

If you come across a baggie with white writing that is chipping off, PLEASE relabel it with the included Sharpie. I did all the ones I saw that were bad, but not all of them.

I'm also including weency bags (middle). Perfect for breaking out seeds and labeling with just a number - trying to conserve on space and how many larger baggies get consumed with this package going around.

Master list is updated, printed and inside the envelope as well. If you cannot update the list in Excel, please write it on the printout so the next person can update it.
Great Job Klyth...thank you my friend...
AlabamaJack said:
just emailed both MrWicks and RWI with the following email..

"hey man, did you fall off the face of the earth?...where are you...the seed parcel is progressing and your name is coming up...you need another (24 for RWI and 53 for MrWicks) posts to be elligible...


thats fair isn't it?

That sounds fair enough. Thanks AJ :)

Kylth that looks great, I can't wait for it to arrive.
oh but no...PRF...it is OUR call...I will poll the participants and whatever the majority says I will abide by....remember, I am just the integrator for this project...
Heres my okie two cents: (thats because thats all I have) When the parcel started everyone knew the rules of the package and the requirements. I feel that if they do not have the posts and been absent for awhile, forfiet their turn till 2nd round if they decide to participate. Unless there is a Emergency that has kept them from it. I do not want to sound mean but we are trying to make this run smooth and so far its been great except the huricane that got things stirred up but that was not in our control.
Personally, I feel that if someone isn't active on this thread, then that is a bad sign. If they are inactive on the site, then I say forget them. No offense, but I almost peed my pants waiting for this thing. With all due respect,.....WTF?

People get busy, but this thing has been going for months.

Even with my current job change, my 10 month old son and 4 and 6 year old daughters, I still managed to stay in touch. Seriously.
I'd say better safe than sorry. Skip the people who are inactive. If they come back, either put them right next on the list, or get them first in line for round 2.
My guess would be go with your gut!If you are concerned with something then you are most likely right.
I agree with the popular sentiment. I just had a baby this summer and haven't been as active on the board as I'd like to be. But I have still had the time to check in and monitor the progress of the package.

To be honest I would only mail the package to people who have met the requirements and have been in contact before the package is sent. I would not send it to someone until there is some small form of communication.
JJBagoose said:
To be honest I would only mail the package to people who have met the requirements and have been in contact before the package is sent. I would not send it to someone until there is some small form of communication.

that is what I think but I was wanting to make sure the rest of the participants felt the same...
Well they have been emailed and have a little time to respond. Im ok with them going round 2 ..... That is what rules are for and if we start to make exceptions then problems will arise.
Move it along..... Thinking ahead that would make a nice X-mass parcel

No one is going to sprout before January,(right?) so the second round would have more seeds and therefore be better than the first.

Someone needs to be hanging around and produce a real address, not a PO box IMHO.