2010 Grow Thread Begins

Sorry for taking so long to reply marito001.

I used some of the rooting hormone on the cutting. The lights all came from Walmart and were each under $10.
Walmart??? wow. I was trying to finthem at The home depot, but they have the comercial ones over 34 bucks. Thank you
If you guys keep posting such awesome pics of how well your plants are doing I SWEAR I'm gonna end up moving to a more pepper friendly environment and leave WA behind! :think:
I'm happy to announce my first ripe pods! Ta da!

The red one on the right is a Naga Morich. This pepper was the very first one I found growing so it's fitting that it's the first one to ripen.

The yellow one on the left, and it is yellow not orange, is a definite cross. The seeds came from a Bhut Jolokia pepper. The only yellow ones I grew last year were Fatalii and golden habanero. This plant is the Bhut Jolokia that is in post #208. I would love to see this continue with the yellow peppers and the cross be a fatalii pepper. Time will tell I guess.

May have jumped the gun on the yellow Bhut. Got a few more ripening and they're looking mighty orange. Hhhmmmm. Let a friend talk me out of the first little yellow one, I'll have to get the low down from him.

Meanwhile I just had to show this picture off. This is a 7 Pod, seeds from the Hippy. When I first seen all the buds growing I figured at least half of them would fall off. Wrong. The rest of the plant looks quite normal.


I count an even dozen.
Very nice pic of the pods Patrick. Happy to hear that they are growing so well. I bought some seeds from THSC for next years crop. Looking forward to hearing how they produce and taste from you of course ;)
Hey Patrick, Congratulations on the ripe pods. I had a similar thing happen to me. I bought bhut jolokia seeds from multiple places in late 2008. In 2009 one group i did not sow. The other that I did grow, did not do well. This year I sowed the unused 2008 seeds which were supposed to be red bhut jolokia's. The first pod ripened yellow. So I thought either its a yellow bhut or it is a Fatalii I got mixed up. I'm usually very careful and had begun to think I got Fatalii seeds instead of Bhut's. Then I compared the pod to some Fatalii's and there is noticeable difference in color. I see a lot of people here that describe their Fatalii's as more orange than yellow. To me they are just dark yellow or buttercup yellow. Here are some comparison photos although one is outdoor and the other is in, when holding in your hands it is easy to see.
Yellow Bhut not tasted yet


Another yellow Bhut? Definitely not a Fatalii capsidadburn. I've got several ripening on the confused Bhut right now, can't tell if they're going to go yellow, orange or red right now. I'm fairly certain mine is a cross. Is it possible the seeds you got aren't true?
Colors be changing all around and I'm a happy guy. Time for some more pepper porn!

A real Bhut Jolokia

What I thought was a Bhut Jolokia but obviously isn't. Too smooth....

Red Savina

Hippy Trinidad Scorpion

More to come........
This the absolute most beautiful red I've ever seen on a pepper. I just wish the camera could capture it. Amazing.

Another cross? This is a Trinidad Scorpion CARDI. I thought they were all yellow.

Naga naga Morich morich.

Trinicoolio's Barrackpore 7 Pod.

More coming.......
Some size comparison. Hippy yellow 7 Pod with a milk gallon jug lid.

Red Savina, seeds from Chris. These babies are freaking huge!

That beautiful red Trini Scorp. Thought the blue of the lid would set the red off.

Another plant of Naga naga Morich morich Edit: This be a Dorset Naga naga. Sorry about that.

That's all folks!
hey patrick,

congrats on the pods, i cant tell you how jealous i am,
i just brought some seeds off grant(junglerain) and waiting there arrival
and now i super excited to get them started. :onfire: :woohoo:
thanks for you pepper porn, just hope the missus doesnt catch me looking at those pods..... :whistle: