• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
Just stopping by to say hi. The garden is fantastic. Nice healthy plants. Your going to have quite the harvest. I'm hoping to get a in ground garden going next year. Envious over here.

Have a good week.

ArkansasJack said:
Every thing is looking good joe.....
Thank ArkansasJack means a lot!
OCD Chilehead said:
Just stopping by to say hi. The garden is fantastic. Nice healthy plants. Your going to have quite the harvest. I'm hoping to get a in ground garden going next year. Envious over here.
Have a good week.
Hoping for a good harvest. Thanks for checking in!
Hay joe brandywines look good I started two from seed and after waiting 3 months they never put out a single flower so I jerked
Um out of the ground and threw um in the compost. LOL
ArkansasJack said:
Hay joe brandywines look good I started two from seed and after waiting 3 months they never put out a single flower so I jerked
Um out of the ground and threw um in the compost. LOL
That's funny because I got 4 more that just now put on maters.  I almost gave up.  Cant wait to try them I hear they are awesome!
This is my little pea sheller.  Well he eats them he doesn't really shell em.

My best Brandywine.  I have 3 pinks and 2 yellows.

Sweet Million Cherry Tomato and I think a Cherokee Purple to the left.

Peach Ghost.  Just set a few pods.

Bubblegum 7 Pot.  No pods set but a lot of flowers that look promising.

Reaper.  Pods are set.

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Bump please.

Them Cherokee purples are vary good maters. That bg7p looks healthy mine is doing the same flowers but no pods yet. One
Of my reapers has tiny pods on it. The little peas sheller looks to be one happy fellow....
ArkansasJack said:
Them Cherokee purples are vary good maters. That bg7p looks healthy mine is doing the same flowers but no pods yet. One
Of my reapers has tiny pods on it. The little peas sheller looks to be one happy fellow....
 I cant wait for my tomatoes!  Yeah my little dude is a gardener already he loves picking anything he can reach and puts it straight in his mouth.  What happens when he grabs a ripe ghost?!!
My other sheller.  She actually works for a small amount of time.  She doesn't even eat them.  Shame Shame Shame

Yellow Brains.  This is my best superhot and its LOADED!  I had to stake it because it was falling over.

Yellow Brain again.

Pretty sure this is a Jays Red Ghost Scorpion.

Is this a Aji Limo?  I have it narrowed to that anyways,


Bump please
Wow!!!!!!!  I am so damn jealous of your beautiful garden man!!!  I mean I'm blown away at how orderly and perfect everything looks.  I'm taking notes for next year.  Mine looks like a wild jungle with pepper plants and my tomatoes are going to absolute shit!  Congrats on such a successful plot.  You got it goin on Joe!  
Jamison said:
Wow!!!!!!!  I am so damn jealous of your beautiful garden man!!!  I mean I'm blown away at how orderly and perfect everything looks.  I'm taking notes for next year.  Mine looks like a wild jungle with pepper plants and my tomatoes are going to absolute shit!  Congrats on such a successful plot.  You got it goin on Joe!  
I have been working hard with it.  Thanks a lot my man...