• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
293 2nd pic could be TMS? Looks similar to mine....
Also my red and yellow bhuts were pale in the beginning, not sure why..... My red bhut has a more bumpy/horny flesh than normal bhut so im thinking it might be the indian carbon bhut....
Everything is looking excellent! Nice growth and colors on everything! Keep up the great work!
Islander said:
293 2nd pic could be TMS? Looks similar to mine....
Also my red and yellow bhuts were pale in the beginning, not sure why..... My red bhut has a more bumpy/horny flesh than normal bhut so im thinking it might be the indian carbon bhut....
Everything is looking excellent! Nice growth and colors on everything! Keep up the great work!
Ok yeah I think your right about the TMS.

Good to know about the pale color on some of the ghosts. Thanks for checking it out!
AaronRiot said:
Damn. Pods are lookin' killer in here. Well done. Whole garden looks kickass as a matter of fact.
Thanks I don't know what I'm going to do with all of them. Thanks fella.
the blue barrel looks like its coming along great and really liking the tomato pics. Looks like those new cages are really working for ya. I'm not to sure about marigolds and how well they work for pests either but even they are doing good, really big and full.  Man you really knock'd this season out of the park homie. Also good to see the whole family engaged you little one looks like she is having fun helping dad in the garden.  Hey, I meant to ask you before, what kind of nutes have you been using on maters and peppers? Again, NICE WORK buddy!!
beerbreath81 said:
the blue barrel looks like its coming along great and really liking the tomato pics. Looks like those new cages are really working for ya. I'm not to sure about marigolds and how well they work for pests either but even they are doing good, really big and full.  Man you really knock'd this season out of the park homie. Also good to see the whole family engaged you little one looks like she is having fun helping dad in the garden.  Hey, I meant to ask you before, what kind of nutes have you been using on maters and peppers? Again, NICE WORK buddy!!
Yeah BB the blue barrel of Brandywines is coming along much better than I thought it would.  Its basically in its own compost pile I guess it should be doing good. 
The marigolds are pretty and my little girl loves them but next year I think were going to plant petunias because she wants to :drooling:.
I cant believe how good this garden thing is doing.  Its a surprise to me but I have got a lot of good info and help here on THP so I attribute my success to THP.  My family has liked it, we are out there everyday.  Sometimes twice a day.
Ahh as far at nutes I have used tomato-tone on both the tomatoes and peppers.  Once when planted, after 2 weeks,  then when flowering heavy, then about a week ago.  Along with the tomato-tone I have made some compost/worm teas and used them a couple times.  I also topdressed with compost in early June.
I've been away for too long with the move and all, but wow... your garden looks amazing!  Great work!
You are going to have so much heat to deal with...
Beautiful looking stuff!
Pulpiteer said:
I've been away for too long with the move and all, but wow... your garden looks amazing!  Great work!
You are going to have so much heat to deal with...
Beautiful looking stuff!
Thanks, I have some stuff getting ripe! 

Yellow Brain Strain

Rooster Spur.  Comin at you PG.

Red Ghost.  Got 2 off already and they all look orange.  Maybe I need to let them hang out a little longer o get that deep red color.

I originally called this a Yellow Bhut but I am thinking its a Yellow Fatalli.

My problem child.  This is a Brandywine Tomato and the tomatoes are splitting on top, everyone of them!  Why?  The others are a little but this one is very severe.

Those brains look gorgeous!  I love the yellow ones, and yours have that bumpy, mean looking texture too.  Very nice!
I've had that with tomatoes in the past and was told it was something to do with tomatoes being sensitive to fluctuations in watering - going from pretty dry to getting a good soaking.  Not sure if that's true or not.
Pulpiteer said:
Those brains look gorgeous!  I love the yellow ones, and yours have that bumpy, mean looking texture too.  Very nice!
I've had that with tomatoes in the past and was told it was something to do with tomatoes being sensitive to fluctuations in watering - going from pretty dry to getting a good soaking.  Not sure if that's true or not.
I haven't watered at all this year maybe the weather has something to do with it but I have 14 other mater plants that are makng pretty tomatoes.....  Oh well
JoeFish said:
I haven't watered at all this year maybe the weather has something to do with it but I have 14 other mater plants that are makng pretty tomatoes.....  Oh well
14 others producing fine?  Wow.  That one is just to keep you humble then.  ;)
Looks like yellow bhut to me.
Splitting tomato's...two types that I know of. Too much water and major water fluctuations. Looking at yours Andy is correct. If you say you havent watered then all of a sudden a rainstorm comes and they get a good soaking this is right in line.  The type of splitting you dealing with occurs more frequently as the tomato starts to ripen, from what I read as to why is because the inside grows more rapidly than the outside, splitting become more sever as rippening progress because the skin gets more fragile. Tho you cannot entirely stop a tomato from splitting you can help prevent it by regular watreing. Every few days water your tomatoes and focus on the ground, not the leaves. Just cut the splits out and enjoy your tomatoes though no harm done. 
beerbreath81 said:
Looks like yellow bhut to me.
Splitting tomato's...two types that I know of. Too much water and major water fluctuations. Looking at yours Andy is correct. If you say you havent watered then all of a sudden a rainstorm comes and they get a good soaking this is right in line.  The type of splitting you dealing with occurs more frequently as the tomato starts to ripen, from what I read as to why is because the inside grows more rapidly than the outside, splitting become more sever as rippening progress because the skin gets more fragile. Tho you cannot entirely stop a tomato from splitting you can help prevent it by regular watreing. Every few days water your tomatoes and focus on the ground, not the leaves. Just cut the splits out and enjoy your tomatoes though no harm done. 
Yellow Bhut is cool with me.  Looks like I will have plenty to try out.  In a few weeks BB Im going to send you a box full of some serious pain. 
Yeah this year we have been getting regular rains, temps have been good but I guess I never thought I should water a little every few days to keep everything nice and regular.  Yeah I have been eating these jokers!  They are awesome.  Splits just look bad they have no effect on the taste.  These Brandywines are freaking beautiful tasting.  I have never had anything like these and the Cherokee Purple is off he charts too.
Ill be looking forward to it, in fact it was drivin me crazy to see all these ghost peppers ripen up people were posting that I had to get a box from Judy. 
Seriously though man, my hat is off to you my friend. You have definatly went from Rookie to Veteran in no time flat. I am impressed! :clap:  Keep doing what your doin....Its working.
Still cant get over that rooster spur! I think I'll just set it as my wallpaper and be done with it. :D
beerbreath81 said:
Ill be looking forward to it, in fact it was drivin me crazy to see all these ghost peppers ripen up people were posting that I had to get a box from Judy. 
Seriously though man, my hat is off to you my friend. You have definatly went from Rookie to Veteran in no time flat. I am impressed! :clap:  Keep doing what your doin....Its working.
Still cant get over that rooster spur! I think I'll just set it as my wallpaper and be done with it. :D
Ha!  Thanks BB!  I have a lot to learn.  THP is like learning at warp speed all the knowledge on here is priceless.  All you have to do is take a little time and find it or ask.  Such cool people on here and you were one of the first to show me that.
Some tomato varieties are just more prone to cracking.  That's one of the reasons (some of) the SE AR pink tomato growers switched from Bradley to AR Traveler back in the late 60s/early 70s.  Don't know what they're growing down there these days.
Sawyer said:
Some tomato varieties are just more prone to cracking.  That's one of the reasons (some of) the SE AR pink tomato growers switched from Bradley to AR Traveler back in the late 60s/early 70s.  Don't know what they're growing down there these days.
This plant come from my local nursery and just called brandywine. Some of the other brandywine plants I have are from CCN and are brandywine pink suddoths strain. The suddoths strain plants are making pretty tomatoes but I haven't got a ripe on yet so I guess we will we what happens with em. I got a couple ugly Cherokee purples now they are all looking good... I ain't complaining they'll still taste awesome.