• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
JoeFish said:
Rooster Spur

I love looking at this plant...PERFECT!
Cant figure out what this is....
I dont think this is aji limo looking at the calyx, pepper giving me Piment d'Espelette vibe but foliage is throwing me off??? 
I am so jelous of your sweet million, that was one I was really looking forward to this year.  Looks like a massive poducer. Gave all my seeds for that one out so may be lookin at you for a trade in a few months.  All looks great, keep it up.
beerbreath81 said:
I dont think this is aji limo looking at the calyx, pepper giving me Piment d'Espelette vibe but foliage is throwing me off??? 
I am so jelous of your sweet million, that was one I was really looking forward to this year.  Looks like a massive poducer. Gave all my seeds for that one out so may be lookin at you for a trade in a few months.  All looks great, keep it up.
Not sure what it is but it seems to be turning colors as we speak.
That Sweet Million is freaking producing MASSIVE amounts of tomatoes.  Ive never grown any tomatoes before but I could not imagine anything making fruit like this thing.  I will be reading up on saving seeds and you can have whatever man.
Update time!
Overall of peppers and tomatoes

Overall of other side.  From left, Purple Hull Peas, Okra, Green Beans, Carrots and few Jalapenos and a Anaheim

Ghost Peach

Ghost Peach Pods

Red Ghost

Red Ghost Pods

My Huge Bubblegum 7 Pot!

 Bubblegum anyone?  Maybe a few weeks?

I think this is a Yellow Ghost

Bump Please..
Maybe Ghost Yellow Pods....

Another Ghost not sure color.  Red..Yellow...Peach...

Some Pods of that plant ^^

Another Bhut.

This almost looks like a nightmare.

Reaper plant.

Reaper Pod.  AHHHH

4 Big Bertha Bells.  They never get big because I eat them so fast...

Bumps please..
Spicegeist said:
What a nice looking garden, so orderly.  I like those long bhuts and the yellow brains.  Where are your bhuts from?  I have one from pepperlover that looks pale and long like one of those pics.
My Bhuts are from BeerBreath81.  Yeah I think the long pale ones are yellow.  I really don't know though because I didn't label properly!  DAMN!!
MeatHead1313 said:
Beautiful garden! Hope I can get mine to look as neat as that next year. Loving all the pod pics too. Peppers everywhere!
Yes sir they are everywhere!
Sawyer said:
Great update, Justin.  You're gonna love those yellow Brains.
I hope there is tons of them!
beerbreath81 said:
Lots of Ghosts...Love it! Everything so neat and organized, from the looks of the third to last pic you have some millions that need pickin! Great Job, Big harvests coming soon!
Yeah they need constant picking.  Cheers to big harvests!
Unknown Bakers

Unknown Bakers Pods

Some color Bhut

Some color Bhut pods.

Unknown Bakers

Unknown Bakers Pods

Another Bhut......LOL!
Joe that unknown pepper plant that is round with the little stubby tail in the center of it looks like a trinadad scorpion
Moruga if it came from bakers looks just like a plant I'm growing from seed the pods look like that and the seed came
From a pepper harvested last year the seed was sent to me from another member here. Your peppers look dam sweet
Your hole garden looks like you been at it 100 years. Awesome looking pictures......
ArkansasJack said:
Joe that unknown pepper plant that is round with the little stubby tail in the center of it looks like a trinadad scorpion
Moruga if it came from bakers looks just like a plant I'm growing from seed the pods look like that and the seed came
From a pepper harvested last year the seed was sent to me from another member here. Your peppers look dam sweet
Your hole garden looks like you been at it 100 years. Awesome looking pictures......
Wow!  Thanks for the I.D. and the complements.  Means a lot to me ArkansasJack.
Loving the pics Joe! How well do the marigolds work for pest deterrence? I've been thinking of trying that next season.

Edit to add-agree with ArkansasJack's call of the unknown Bakers pepper being a scorpion. Some definitely look moruga-ish, could also be chocolate scorpions too. Either way win-win!
MeatHead1313 said:
Loving the pics Joe! How well do the marigolds work for pest deterrence? I've been thinking of trying that next season.

Edit to add-agree with ArkansasJack's call of the unknown Bakers pepper being a scorpion. Some definitely look moruga-ish, could also be chocolate scorpions too. Either way win-win!
The Marigolds are because my grandpa said so LOL.  I really have no idea on how well they work because this is my first garden but I have had no problems this year besides one tomato plant getting small black and green worms and I just used some of that BT bacteria ( I think that's what it was not sure).  Took care of that easily.
I hope they are not Chocolate Scorpions I really didn't like the taste of them.  Only reason I'm not really sure what pepper they are from is because I didn't save the seeds my buddy did and I grew them for him and took a few for myself because they grew so well.