• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2022 - too early to get started...

My real start of the season is still months away but I couldn't resist to put something in the soil already - Tasmanian Black! :dance:

@MarcV - Dude, you should make a raised
bed with all your dumped soil! Shame to just
let it sit.
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Your SBs are looking just fabulous, Marc!

The Schneider Farms plant looks like it
wants to be a tree!
Today I put all the young plants outside. The large plants have suffered a bit from sun burn but they will be just fine 🙂. One of the fruits of the Schneider Farms SB is already ripening! 😮 Will post some close up shots some time later this week.

Got the question why I don't have MOA scotch bonnets in my connection. After all it is considered the standard scotch bonnet, it shouldn't be missing in any SB collection. Well... I don't know actually why I'm not growing them... too ordinary variety maybe? 🤔 I did find a pack of old MOA seeds in my collection and put them in the dirt but for now they haven't germinated and also... it's a bit late to get started now 😁. But that doesn't mean I can't give them a try. Got some new MOA seeds from SLP on order! 😉

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As promised a couple of shots of my "Scotchie Babies" 😁

I took the young plants inside again for a couple of days because of the heavy weather that was predicted, but luckily we escaped from the worst part. Other people, from the German town Paderborn in particular but also some other places, weren't that lucky...

I'll be putting the plants outside again soon.

OK, so these aren't scotchies at all but they still are part of my youngsters... JA red habanero on the left, Ramiro on the right...
The Ramiro grows very leggy. It would have been even larger had I not planted it very deep when repotting. But putting it outside seems to have reduced the stretching a bit.
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SB Cappuccino on the left, SB Peach on the right...
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SB White on the left, Scotch Brains on the right...
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Bahamian Goat on the left (not actually a SB I believe...), Humble Servants Homestead SB on the right...
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Stuffing SB on the left, Scotch Brains XCP Yellow on the right. The Stuffing SB is a particularly nice looking plant, very different from the other SB plants. Probably not a true SB...
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Top view of Stuffing SB and XCP Yellow...
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SB Walton Farms on the left, SB Chocolate on the right. The Walton Farms has suffered a bit from sun burn...
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Trenton Farmers Market SB on the left, Scotch Brains Red on the right. The TFM is the runt of the pack...
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SB Beth Boyd on the left, Foodarama Red on the right...
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...and look at these tiny ones! Could it be... are they... the MOA Scotch Bonnets? The seeds from the old seed pack are germinating! :dance:
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Your peppers are looking great! Congrats on the old MOA's coming through.

The Stuffing SB seems to want to be a beast. I'll be curious to see how it does for you and hear your thoughts on it. I've had that one on my to-grow list for some time now, but it just hasn't happened yet.

Yep, it took a while but finally things are going well for me.

Planting seeds is so addictive... today I decided to put another variety in the dirt that I had planned to grow years ago : the Elysium Oxide Scotch Bonnet. Not a true SB but interesting enough to give a try. I still had 2 packs of seeds of this variety, one that I got from Trident and one from WHP, but they are likely from the same origin as Trident and WHP frequently exchange seeds. Nevertheless I planted seeds of both packs. Seeds are already at least 3 years old, we'll see what comes out...
Awesome. Marc! Great omen for a heavenly
Scotch Bonnet grow this season.
Just ate that schneider farm bonnet. Very fruity and citrusy aroma just like I remember from previous season. Heat was ok, a bit of a creaper, but not too much for me. I still wonder if my bonnets reach the 100k SHU level. Gave a little slice to the wife for tasting. But she said that, the moment it touched her tongue she felt a burn so she discarded it... 🙄😁

I thought for a moment to make a video review of it but I'm not much of a speaker, especially not in English... maybe some other time 😊
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