• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

3CTX's 2015 7 Pot Onslaught

Howdy and welcome folks!!! I decided to keep this glog going for 2015 instead of starting a new one. This year i will be growing mostly 7 pot varieties, going to try and focus on the 7 pot varieties and 7 pot crosses anyway. I have starts for a few others though. The start for 2015 begins on page 35.
Grow list:
7 pot primo (pepperlover)
7 pot jonah (pepperlover)
Defcon 7 (buckeye)
MA daisycutter (buckeye)
7 pot original (pepperlover)
7 Pot Barrackpore (pepperlover)
Sb7j (meathead)
7 pot gigantic sr orange (refining fire)
7 pot wes (refining fire)
Sherwoods Carbonero, carbon bhut 7 pot x orange hab (pepper t sherwood)
Bonda ma Jacques x yellow 7 pot (meathead)
Non 7 pots:
MOA scotch bonnet (meathead)
Smokin Eds carolina reaper (Ed Currie)
Safi Red (buckeye)
Black Hungarian (meathead)
Bishops Crown (pepperlover)
explosive Ember (buckeye)
I think thats it for now. I'm not planning on doing a hydro grow this season but its still to early to tell (probably end up doing one dwc).
i will also be experimenting with topping this year just to see what all the hype is about. Thats all i got for now, thanks again for stopping by any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated. Good luck to everyone this year.
Not much goin on here yet. Trying to get the grow room back in order. I was gonna start seeds this weekend but got side tracked. I also decided to order a few more varieties from buckeye. Gonna add the MA daisycutter, defcon 7 and explosive ember. I'll get seeds started next weekend then. One of my bonchis bit the dust and the other was attacked by aphids again so it might be done for. I tried my hand at spicy homemade saltwater taffy last night and it was a disastrous mess. Successfully made spicy peanut brittle today though! That's all for now!
Seeds are in the starter trays!!!! I know I'll end up with more than I can grow but I don't care I'll find sone foster parents for a few. Mostly 7 pot strains but got a few wilds too. I'm waiting on some sherwood carbon bhut 7 pots also. Might have to get another tray and heat mat! I'll post a list in a bit.
So far the list of seeds that went in the dirt is:
-7 pot primo (seeds I pulled from a dry pod Troy Primo gave me at the hot sauce festival, fingers crossed they will germinate)
- 7 pot primo (pepperlover.com)
- 7 pot jonah (pepperlover)
- defcon 7 (buckeye)
- MA daisy cutter (buckeye)
- Carolina reaper ( pulled seeds from a pod Ed Currie picked for me at the houston hot sauce festival)
- SAFI red (buckeye)
- Sb7j (meathead)
- black hungarian (meathead)
- bishops crown (pepperlover)
- explosive ember (buckeye)

Got a few more I didn't have room for. I couldn't find the plastic seed tray I used for this year and lowes only had the 50 pack of jiffy seed trays (not the pucks) so thats what they are in, gonna pick up another 50 pack today. None of the local nurseries or garden stores had seed starting trays. Now the waiting begins. Guess it'll give me time to think of a snazzy new name for the glog.
:edit: forgot a couple, also got barrackpore (pepperlover)
And 7 pot original (pepperlover)
It's gonna be hot in Corpus!

I hope so!! Im waiting on a few more to come in and I also found the pack of seeds I pulled from the jigsaw you sent me so those are goin in as well.
Think i'm just going to post this season to my personal blog. Stil trying to figure out how to use all the posting features on this site. By the way happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy the Thanksgiving break Daniel!

Thank you I took a few vacation days this week but that ends today and I technically go on call tomorrow... but I told the office I won't be running any calls on thanksgiving. Got to much familly in town and thanksgiving is at our house. I can't wait to fry up those turkeys tomorrow. Hope yall have a good one.
Well turkey didnt turn out quite as I hoped. The damn wind was making it hard to keep the oil up to temp. It was still delicious but the skin didn't crisp up like it was supposed to. So sorry no pics. Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.