• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

81A&81B 1st TIME ULTRA XTREME GLOG (dont expect much)

Alright so we're late in the season, but its just a trial run right now. If we actually get decent plants we'll overwinter a few and try again next year.
Below we have:
4 fatalii
1 brain strain 1/1
3 datils. 3/3
3 uba tuba
3 peach hab 2/3
2 7 pot
1 pumpkin hab
1 white hab
1 cherry bomb
2 choc. Bhuts
3 butch t
2 baby boy douglah 1/2
1 explosive ember
1 taz red 1/1
1 spanish paquilla 1/1
2 choc habs. 1/2
1 cap chine bhut

There's a lot of diffrent varieties in the same tray to check on how different they grow and what kind of tweeks I'll have to make for next season. Its the only way I know how to learn. Besides reading is borring :) forgive the pics as its done on a cell phone.


Below are pictures of plants donated by thp members up here in WA. As of now I got them under grow light. Looking to upgrade shortly, but only trying to get them to bush out right now. Which they are beautifully if I do say so myself.

Butch T donated to me and the only thing to survive the 5 day power outage

Bhut jalokia donated by MegaHot

Yellow 7 donated by MegaHot

Any advice for us would be appreciated, please make it in english and so my 2 year old can understand :)
Hey, Aaron! You have had quite a bout with your plants, but they
seem to be pulling out of whatever it was. A little spring sun would
do all of our plants up here a world of good!

Good luck getting your peppers into their final homes for the summer!

Hey Paul, thanks for checking in. Part of this update is for you ;)


Bolivian Rainbow


Chocolate Hab



Inca red




No more bumps on the back of the leaves :woohoo:




Have to do this in bits, I'll do the description in a bit. Also more pics coming.
Plants looking great, Aaron!

Thanks Paul! I think repotting them help. I didn't add any extra peat them as I think it might have had enough in the soil I bought. Since then they have been doing awesome. I fish fert 1/8 strength everyother watering and only use 1/2 a Tbls instead of a whole Tbls for my tomato food. Some of them need more calsium clearly, luckily I work at dennys and can use the egg shells from there :). I'll be doing that up tomorrow for sure.



Explosive Embers- when I first got this from Paul it was blooming like crazy. With all it went through in transition I'm most excited about this one starting to bloom and show promise.

Alright enough sap,, more pics

Apparently I decided it would be a great idea to not keep my seedlings organized when I transfered them to the solo cups. So here are a few pics that I have no idea what they are :crazy:




Alright so they all look pretty similar to those and although they are behind everyone elses they seem to growing much faster.


So my last update I missed labelled my big plants. This is the Bhut. New growth everywhere :)


Here's the yellow 7 I measure that thing at about 26"!


More exciting news my Butch is coming back from its broken stem better than ever :woohoo:

And to top this glog off, my 2 year old daughter Lil'Hab knows witch one in the 7 pot, Butch T, Bhut, Fatalii, and the Choc. Hab by name. She obviously can't say them all real clear just yet, but damn close! :lol:

Tomorrow I start hardening off and getting ready for last frost on the 14th :woohoo: :dance:

Thanks for checking out my glog hope all yours are doing great!
Aaron, your plants are fab, bro! You are starting to really get the
hang of this thing! Your little explosive ember is going to make
some nice little dark purple pods for you! It's cool that Lil is getting
versed in pepper lore. Can't start too young!

Glad you have things back on track, my friend. Here's to continued
success for your grow :cheers:
Good stuff Aaron! Glad I checked this one. The last few I looked at got me a little depressed. Yours pulled me back out of it though! I have a few little embers going. Still just cotys. Seeing yours got me excited about them.

Take care,
Thanks for comments guys. I guess letting my daughter put them to bed really helps out :)

Shane, I hear you on all the depressing glogs. I'm glad mine are having a great turn around, but feel bad for the others after all the hard work put into the plants.

Alright so quick update with questions (sorry no pics). Today I started the hardening off process but I think I over did it on the time and direct sun light. The Butch and the Bhut has really flimsy leaves they are probably going to fall off. They were out there at about 12pm and came back inside at 5pm. The wind was about 5 MHP or so. So I know that they were out there a bit to long, and they never had a fan on them to help strengthen the branches, but what else (if anything) could I have done wrong. And whazt could I do to make them better? Also should I still try hardening them off tomorrow, or wait a xouple days?

I burnt a couple of mine too...I think everyone does. I thought they were good to go because they had been in the greenhouse so long and I was opening it almost every day to let some sun in. I guess a couple were hiding under their big brothers and sisters and they fried pretty good. Expect some ugly leaves for a while, and some stunting on top growth, but the lower growth will pick up to make up for it. I would continue the hardening process and just pay closer attention to them. When the start to wilt give them some shade, once they spring back up give them some more sun. Won't take long and they'll be ready. A small fan during the indoor months is critical to preventing edema and building strong stems and leaves. I didn't use one the first month or so, once I added it they really started to look awesome! Doesn't have to be massive, just big enough to gently shake the leaves. The later starts that got the fan the whole time were twice as healthy. It also ensures the roots don't stay too wet, so expect to water more often.
I burnt a couple of mine too...I think everyone does. I thought they were good to go because they had been in the greenhouse so long and I was opening it almost every day to let some sun in. I guess a couple were hiding under their big brothers and sisters and they fried pretty good. Expect some ugly leaves for a while, and some stunting on top growth, but the lower growth will pick up to make up for it. I would continue the hardening process and just pay closer attention to them. When the start to wilt give them some shade, once they spring back up give them some more sun. Won't take long and they'll be ready. A small fan during the indoor months is critical to preventing edema and building strong stems and leaves. I didn't use one the first month or so, once I added it they really started to look awesome! Doesn't have to be massive, just big enough to gently shake the leaves. The later starts that got the fan the whole time were twice as healthy. It also ensures the roots don't stay too wet, so expect to water more often.
Cool, thanks shane, I'll do that. BACK OUTSIDE THEY GO :woohoo:
Alright so the sun burn is worse than I expected. Here's a couple pics:


Butch T


Yellow 7

Yesterday it was there second day outside. They were out for 4 hours and when the sun started beaming on them I pulled them into the shade. I expected a couple burned leaves, but it seems than it should be. Should I be worried? I know that the leaves will come back stronger than before, but do I have to lose all my leaves? Seriously, it looks bad!

I still plan on putting them back out today, I don't see a reason to completly stop, but maybe I should just keep them in the shade. Then next week gradually give them sun. Unless someone can tell me otherwise that is :).

Thanks guys
The leaves are going to continue to look worse each day for a while...Took a full week for me to notice most of my burn, but it wasn't as severe as yours. Most of those leaves will slowly die off. The newer growth should be ok...just small doses till you know they're over it and ready. Sucks growing such perdy plants and then one little bobble makes them balder than me...ughhh. I just trimmed a bunch of the old sunburned and hail damaged leaves off mine...only to find aphids hiding underneath, if its not one thing its another. Hopefully all the stress that's making them ugly will also make the pods that much hotter!
The leaves are going to continue to look worse each day for a while...Took a full week for me to notice most of my burn, but it wasn't as severe as yours. Most of those leaves will slowly die off. The newer growth should be ok...just small doses till you know they're over it and ready. Sucks growing such perdy plants and then one little bobble makes them balder than me...ughhh. I just trimmed a bunch of the old sunburned and hail damaged leaves off mine...only to find aphids hiding underneath, if its not one thing its another. Hopefully all the stress that's making them ugly will also make the pods that much hotter!

Yeah I heard about stressing plants and how the pods are supposed to be hotter that way. If that's the case Brandon's in for a big surprise :lol:

I'm not overly worried about them coming back, its just another set back, course if I found aphids right after like yourself I'd end up pulling my own hair out :) All kidding aside, they need to be outside sooner or later, no more coddling them. Nows the time, the weather is better and they can grow better. So if that means they end up losing all their leaves, so be it. :pray:

If it was me, I wouldn't put the really sunburned ones back out in the sun till they start to show signs of recovery. Being fair haired, and fair complected, I can burn pretty quickly, and you can bet I'm not going to spend time in the sun once I'm already burned ... just sayin'. Seriously though, I don't think they will benefit from additional sun. They are putting all their resources into recovery right now, so additional stress will make it more difficult for them to recover.
If it was me, I wouldn't put the really sunburned ones back out in the sun till they start to show signs of recovery. Being fair haired, and fair complected, I can burn pretty quickly, and you can bet I'm not going to spend time in the sun once I'm already burned ... just sayin'. Seriously though, I don't think they will benefit from additional sun. They are putting all their resources into recovery right now, so additional stress will make it more difficult for them to recover.
That makes since, but those leaves are long gone by now. They have new growth that's looking promising on them. What about full shade? This way they still get used to the wind and strengthen their limbs without causing more damage to them?

A day or two in the shade, and they should bounce back nicely. Unless you're having 30+ mph winds or something.

Hahaha no none of that here. A light breeze at about 72 degrees has been the norm for a couple days. I see rain coming beginning next week, but by then they should be ready for it.

Thanks highalt
+1 Highalt...they will probably do best in a spot that gets only a little EARLY morning and LATE afternoon sun if any. A few days off to start healing up would probably be good for them. I have a lattice covered porch that works great for getting them hardened. So if you have anything similar it would be a good bet. Shade cloth. Or even just the north side of the house for a few days.
This is so much work........... take them out take them in go out throughout the day check on them........... I liked when the only thing to do was plug in light and unplug light.

..................... ugh
Glad to see the plants are doing great! Excellent work!!! :)

Alright so the sun burn is worse than I expected. Here's a couple pics:


Butch T


Yellow 7

Yesterday it was there second day outside. They were out for 4 hours and when the sun started beaming on them I pulled them into the shade. I expected a couple burned leaves, but it seems than it should be. Should I be worried? I know that the leaves will come back stronger than before, but do I have to lose all my leaves? Seriously, it looks bad!

I still plan on putting them back out today, I don't see a reason to completly stop, but maybe I should just keep them in the shade. Then next week gradually give them sun. Unless someone can tell me otherwise that is :).

Thanks guys
4 hrs is to long! One hr for one week, then two hrs the next and so on and so forth
This is so much work........... take them out take them in go out throughout the day check on them........... I liked when the only thing to do was plug in light and unplug light.

..................... ugh

Get a timer then you won't have to worry about all that back breaking plugging and unplugging! As far as the outside stuff I am shooting for a real greenhouse with auto venting and heating next year....ahhhhhh
Hi Aaron and Megan. Just stopped in to see how it's goin'.
Have those sunburned plants started looking awesome by now?
I don't know about a little further north, but we're back into a
cloudy cool cycle again here. At this rate we won't have any
pods for NWChileFest!