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93yr old WWII Vet dies of hypothermia after power company cuts off electricty (Sad)


"WWII Veteran Freezes To Death In Own Home
Bay City Electric & Light Restricted Power To Man's Home After Not Paying Bills

BAY CITY, Mich. -- Officials in central Michigan say a 93-year-old man who owed more than $1,000 in unpaid electric bills froze to death inside his home -- where the municipal power company had restricted his use of electricity.

Neighbors and friends of Marvin Schur want answers as to how this could happen.

“Now that we do know it was hypothermia, there’s a whole bunch of feelings that I’ve got going through me,” said Jim Herndon, a neighbor of Schur’s. “There’s anger, for the city and the electrical company.”

Bay City officials said changes are on the way in an attempt to not let another instance like this happen again.

An autopsy determined Schur, 93, died from hypothermia in the home he lived in for years.

Bay City Electric Light and Power sent Schur a shutoff notice through the mail a few weeks ago.

Then crews placed a shutoff notice on his front door. A few days later, Schur was found by neighbors.

Bay City Electric Light and Power, which is owned by the city, said a limiter was placed on Schur’s electrical line.

The device limits the power that reaches a home, and it blows out like a fuse if power consumption rises past a set level.

The manager of Bay City said the limiter was tripped sometime between the time of installation and the discovery of the man's body.

The city manager said city workers keep the limiter on a house for 10 days, then shut off power entirely if the homeowner hasn't paid utility bills or arranged to do so.

A medical examiner who conducted the autopsy on Schur told TV5 and WNEM.com that Schur died a painful death due to the hypothermia.

Dr. Kanu Varani has done hundreds of autopsies, and he said he’d never seen a person die of hypothermia indoors.

A neighbor who lives across the street from Schur is angered that the city didn’t personally notify the elderly man about his utility situation.

Schur’s neighbor, Herndon, said Schur had a utility bill on his kitchen table with a large amount of money clipped to it, with the intention of paying that bill.

Right now the city said the situation is still under investigation. Marvin Schur was a World War II veteran.

A memorial service for him will take place Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Gephart Funeral Home in Bay City."

Man, that's such a sad story. I mean I understand the power company is a business that has to make money, but when it's middle of winter in michigan, you don't go cutting off power to old people.
Ya, it's sad that he died, but buisness is business and the guy got many notices about it. If he was too old to handle his bills someone else should have been doing it. He had obviously been told many times about the shut off and didn't make plans.

: shrugs :
thats sad he died because of that.
MN has laws that they can not turn off the gas/electric during the cold months, then theres also programs that help those people out some.
Thats so awful, the poor man.

Same here in Ontario, you cant shut off gas or electric from November to April, they cant even place a limitor on you during those months either.
Seems like someone should visit your home before the power gets shut off just to make sure no one is in there. RIP VET.
Thats sad...and wouldn't happen here as after Icestorm '96 we got lots of rules about what they can do in the cold months.

I know ppl in this building that might be in that situ if we didn't have free radiator heat and electricity. One's a Korean war vet with no phone, can barely walk, and has no family. We kinda watch out for each other around here.

Someone shoulda been helping watch out for someone that old.

At least he went peacefully. There's worse ways to go.

Sad though. :(
That really sadden my heart. Heres a MAN that defended his country and would of died for the country, so we have the freedom that we have now. Yes some one probably should of checked but thats the problem in this United States and other places, nobody cares what the neighbor is doing or what is going on. Our family is always calling checking out our neighbors in bad times and good times that is what a Good Neighbor does.

But more than anything the Man had so much pride he didn't want to burden anyone with his problems and said I can make it on my own. A Man that did so much and had to die because some people don't give a CRAP and for those types, you will reap what you sow and may someone have mercy and help you before its to late, and you DIE!!!!!

Business is business but kindness will get you a lot more than a shrug. If people would get off their hind quaters and start helping each other instead of asking for handouts or living off someone else, this world would be a lot better off.

A lot of us work hard for what we have and some go out of their way to help other people, but this really TICKS me OFF!!!! when we have people in this world that don't CARE And just an attitude of aslong as its not me so what!!!

If I have offended someone truth hurts

20 year vet
okie joe said:
That really sadden my heart. Heres a MAN that defended his country and would of died for the country, so we have the freedom that we have now. Yes some one probably should of checked but thats the problem in this United States and other places, nobody cares what the neighbor is doing or what is going on. Our family is always calling checking out our neighbors in bad times and good times that is what a Good Neighbor does.

But more than anything the Man had so much pride he didn't want to burden anyone with his problems and said I can make it on my own. A Man that did so much and had to die because some people don't give a CRAP and for those types, you will reap what you sow and may someone have mercy and help you before its to late, and you DIE!!!!!

Business is business but kindness will get you a lot more than a shrug. If people would get off their hind quaters and start helping each other instead of asking for handouts or living off someone else, this world would be a lot better off.

A lot of us work hard for what we have and some go out of their way to help other people, but this really TICKS me OFF!!!! when we have people in this world that don't CARE And just an attitude of aslong as its not me so what!!!

If I have offended someone truth hurts

20 year vet

Could not have said it any better.

This makes me furious! No way this should have happened to anyone. From what I heard the electric company had NOT sent him a bill for several months...I wonder why if they claim he owed $1000 they didn't contact him to find out why the bill was so high? Cold weather laws in MN doesn't allow disconnect from October until April if you are even making any effort to pay the bill. It's a shame that any person has to freeze to death in their home because of a past due bill. Plain and simple horse manure!!!!! That city should be sued big time and heads (whoever ordered that limiter) should roll. Sounds like a case of the city forgot the people who make up it's population. Talk about man's inhumanity to man.
Okie Joe, well put.

As to the profit motive coming before a human life, that is just wrong.

I am not one for overt expressions of religiosity, but that is the hand of evil working. No self respecting person of any belief system would knowingly cause the death of another because it may cost a company a few hundred bucks. Come on. $1000 is not a huge amount of money for any organisation with a turnover of $1 million or more.

So I too am with pepperfever in asking, nay, expecting someone to be fired over this one. Hope they can pay their bills in 12 months.
okie joe said:
That really sadden my heart. Heres a MAN that defended his country and would of died for the country, so we have the freedom that we have now.

Yeah, he really defended his country because the US was really threaten during WWII. I hope his grandchildren are fighting in Iraq and Afganistan because that is the real treaths against the freedom you have in the US now.

My grandfather smuggled people from Norway during WWII. I guess he was a fool to pay his bills because he protected the freedom we have now?
what good would that do?....

the poor man is already gone to his maker...
They could at least pay for a decent burial. With a big headstone that reads, "I am here, you are not, i didn't pay my bill and look what i got".
Big corparations suck.