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outdoors a fishing thread

Longbeach Penn Red tailed surf perch.

Gulf sandworms in New penny.


Then a few oysters to top it off.

muskymojo said:
Or they follow around and around, and then just stop and hang out for a while 8' from the boat before lazily swimming away.
Still a lot of fun...
     Fish don't get big and old by being dumber than us fishermen. Back in my old stomping grounds, brown trout are notorious for that too. You can spend all day picking chubs and brookies out of the stream under a bridge while that one big, fat, football-shaped bastard just sits there and laughs at you.
     I should clear that ^ up. I don't think I've ever caught a chub on a fly. They just dunk your shit and laugh. Not as heartily as the big brown trout. They just kind of giggle.
I'm gonna use this general thread to ask for an ID.  Are these Bullhead catfish?  Sorry - I didn't catch any and don't have any better pictures.  Whatever the f*** they are, they don't like worms, as they literally swam right through my nightcralers without even taking a nibble:

dragon49 said:
I'm gonna use this general thread to ask for an ID.  Are these Bullhead catfish?  Sorry - I didn't catch any and don't have any better pictures.  Whatever the f*** they are, they don't like worms, as they literally swam right through my nightcralers without even taking a nibble:


Is this salt water? they look like mullet to me, and you don't catch mullet with rod and reel, you net them and use them for amazing live bait. Those don't look like they have whiskers? I can't really tell. Mullet tend to be in large groups, like those are, shallow water, like those, and have a very broad rounded head. 
BigB said:
Is this salt water? they look like mullet to me, and you don't catch mullet with rod and reel, you net them and use them for amazing live bait. Those don't look like they have whiskers? I can't really tell. Mullet tend to be in large groups, like those are, shallow water, like those, and have a very broad rounded head. 
This is a lake.
Folks in other places are convinced they are suckers.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Fish don't get big and old by being dumber than us fishermen. Back in my old stomping grounds, brown trout are notorious for that too. You can spend all day picking chubs and brookies out of the stream under a bridge while that one big, fat, football-shaped bastard just sits there and laughs at you.
     I should clear that ^ up. I don't think I've ever caught a chub on a fly. They just dunk your shit and laugh. Not as heartily as the big brown trout. They just kind of giggle.
Big musky and big brown trout fisherman are the same animals. "I moved a big one today"...a quote you hear from both a lot.  I spent a day last weekend up near the N.Y. border chucking meat at large browns and they are beyond frustrating. It was sunny,and when the sun is out,you might as well go home. Those pricks are basically nocturnal.  Alot of FF guys in PA chuck mouse patterns for them at night. Even the  browns I fish for in tiny mountain freestones are total pricks. After rain they may get uninhibited,but any sloppy cast or draggy drift and you can forget it.  The limestone stream browns in central PA seem to be more cooperative when the big bugs start hatching. Risk reward I guess. 
This alleged spring has been really bad and I passed on my yearly trip to one of our more famous limestoners. The hatches are 2-3 weeks off and we usually hit the Maccaffertium (March Browns) this weekend,but just the early season bugs that don't get a lot of topwater action popping right now. I want to throw some big duns!!!!
Went feeling out the hybrid stripers this week as the lake temp was at 50F. Picked off a decent one last night but no numbers yet. Another week and they should be plowing shit. First and last time trying a 5 wt for them!



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Pr0digal_son said:
B.S.!! lol
Was forced to fish for those bastards as a kid. My friends were catching bluegills and shit with their fathers and I was lobbing a 10# jerkbait weeknd after weekend with nothing to show for it. It's worth it once you feel that uncontrolable knee shake though. Never got that from any other fish.
Is like sex.
And pizza.
When its good.
Its great!
When its bad.
Its still pretty good.
timh59 said:
I fish for redfish from the kayak, right next to Sabine Lake in Port Arthur, TX. Dead shrimp on the bottom, they can't resist.
That fish is easily worth 4 days of fish tacos and more.
For me that is.
But worry not mi amigos.
I'd share the fillets.
But not the cheeks or the rest of the head.
Hear me now.
Bleed me later.
Naw, I had to turn that one a loose, much as I hated to. I already used up my first oversize tag they give you with your license, and I haven't got around to buying my second and last one you can get, or he would be in the freezer! TB, are you a country western troubadour? I love me some Hinson. :D
He's playing in Texas this week! i done got me a tixert for Houston, I hope they got some hot womern critters up in there!