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AJs 2011 Scorpion Project Plant


I had great success with an overwintered/overgrown orange habanero two years ago and got to thinking...wonder how much success I will have with some scorpions...soooooo...I decided to pick my best overwintered scorpion plant and make it a special project this year...it will get the best of love and attention and demand the best spot in the house...in front of the south facing living room window with a 90 Watt LED over it. I have some ideas for the project that I will share later but here are the starting photographs...

This is when I noticed them starting to put out new growth after being in the garage over 6 weeks without any food or water...18 January 2011


This is 8 days later on the 26th...


this is the 31st...


and here it is today 8 February...I LIKE IT!!!!


if you notice it is already forming flower buds....


It will be grown inside all year long (with the wife's permission that is...she's pretty laid back) and will be updated weekly...I want to just see how much this plant will produce...maybe what?, 8 pounds over the season...the O Hab produced close to 20...

These are going to be expensive seeds...
That last pic looks like what I call a mega bloom on tomatoes. 2 blooms fused and growing together. Might make one huge scorpion!
I hope you have really tall ceilings in the house. That thing will be a monster come next Fall.
very healthy looking plants AJ i do overwintering every year about 20 plants and more and its always more harvest for the overwintered plants
Now darn-it AJ. Every time I think I'm doing something worth mentioning you go and squash it with a mack truck!! LMAO

I am overwintering about 40 plants and thought I was doing pretty good..... But WOWWY! :shocked: Look at that MEGASCORP!!! My plants look about how yours did on the 26th of january. Man oh man..... I gotta pick up the pace!!! Maybe it's just those new-fangeled LED grow-em lights!!

Impressive to say the least.. :clap:
Beautiful plants AJ! That is what I was hoping for….

I just went to see my 6 over wintered plants in my parent’s garage. Looks like I will need a miracle. With all the drama during the sub-zero weather last week, I completely forgot about the plants. Looks like the 3 days of single digits must have got the temperature down too low in the garage. My plants are now dark brown and dead. Going to do a massive prune and give them some sun outside for a few days and see if by chance anything deep inside the root survived. Oh well it was just an experiment, next year I will know a little bit more and have a better chance to have it end up like yours.
Good luck with the project, I actually had better luck with my inside plants then my outside due to all the shading I have to deal with. My only problem is the plants I had outgrew their closet so I had to start cutting it way back.
That last pic looks like what I call a mega bloom on tomatoes. 2 blooms fused and growing together. Might make one huge scorpion!
I hope you have really tall ceilings in the house. That thing will be a monster come next Fall.

I think it will get more bushy than tall but if I am wrong, there are 10' ceilings where it will be


I like that

very healthy looking plants AJ i do overwintering every year about 20 plants and more and its always more harvest for the overwintered plants

Thanks Judy...I am going to have to overwinter more each year now...I would love to have half overwintered plants and half new for overwintering for the next year too...

nice! got 20 in my room from last year. i overwintered a red savina last year and it yielded tons of pods.

good deal...

Very nice looking plant AJ! You are a great father!!!

yes, but I give tough love...

Beautiful plants AJ! That is what I was hoping for….

I just went to see my 6 over wintered plants in my parent’s garage. Looks like I will need a miracle. With all the drama during the sub-zero weather last week, I completely forgot about the plants. Looks like the 3 days of single digits must have got the temperature down too low in the garage. My plants are now dark brown and dead. Going to do a massive prune and give them some sun outside for a few days and see if by chance anything deep inside the root survived. Oh well it was just an experiment, next year I will know a little bit more and have a better chance to have it end up like yours.

maybethey will make it man...just keep the faith...

Good luck with the project, I actually had better luck with my inside plants then my outside due to all the shading I have to deal with. My only problem is the plants I had outgrew their closet so I had to start cutting it way back.

I don't thik room will be a concern with this one...
I tried to overwinter two plants this past season, one Trinidad Cardi SR Red and one Douglah. Dam aphids, I sprayed everyday and killed thousands. The next day there would be another thousand. I didn't take any pics, but they were adult size with beautiful pods. Now I get to learn from the master, sweet!!
I tried to overwinter two plants this past season, one Trinidad Cardi SR Red and one Douglah. Dam aphids, I sprayed everyday and killed thousands. The next day there would be another thousand. I didn't take any pics, but they were adult size with beautiful pods. Now I get to learn from the master, sweet!!

Very nice! Someday I may learn from the master. Awesome plants bud

I appreciate the accolades folks, but please, remember, I am just a grower that is interested in learning like yourselves...I am driven by the desire to be a better pepper gardener in all facets from cradle to grave and have the time to do so now that I am retired...something's gotta keep my mind focused...

Aphids are a nightmare...it seems no matter what you do or how long you do it for, if you grow inside, you ARE going to get aphids...it seems like they just appear out of nowhere...I dont' allow anyone in my growrage until I question them about there whereabouts before coming to get plants...just gotta be sure they didn't walk thru an aphid/mite infestation right before they came to buy plants...I am using an organic oil mixture about once a week...it smells really good but does a number on aphids so they say...

An aphid infestation would end my plans for this coming year...something I posted last year that indicates you HAVE to stay on top of your seedlings...what this says is that if you don't catch them within three weeks of a single adult female laying her eggs, you are shit out of luck IMO....

If we ever get them here I use on an alternating basic, Neem oil then Natrasoap. Natrasoap is the beez neez it blitzes aphids, mealey bug and lots of other nasties.
Here is some blurb on it, I, not sure if its available in the USA or not though but it sure is goood stuff.
Natrasoap is a new generation broad-spectrum insecticide formulated using potassium salts combined with fatty acids in a vegetable oil base. Natrasoap's mode of action is effective against a wide range of insect pests including aphids, mites, Leafhopper, thrips, whitefly. Natrasoap is a contact pesticide spray and best suited for early season application. Natrasoap used in an I.P.M. program has demonstrated an ideal fit as it has a different mode of action and is softer on predators than most currently used pesticides. It is cost effective and has nil residual, making it environmentally safe. Natrasoap is a BFA registered input http://www.agrobest....trasoap-38.html http://www.agrobest....etnatrasoap.pdf
time for an updateon the scorpion project plant...

I am pleased to say that the flower buds it was producing back about a week ago have opened and are producing pollen...whether that pollen is viable or sterile is still unknown at this point...if it is viable, I should be having pod set any day...I truly believe this plant is going to be a massive producer...short and bushy with lots and lots of nodes...



I don't know whether you can see the pollen or not, but I rubbed a couple of the flowers with the tip of my finger and looked...yippeeeeeee pollen has arrived...

That monster is going to be three times as wide as it is tall, easily going to be a 12 pound pod producer or 12ppp by the end of the season.

I always find Aphids on overwintered plants. I think they may hide in the soil when it starts to get cold then when you bring them in the warmer temps wake them up.

Going to keep an eye on this thread, anxious to see how this monster does with max TLC. Good luck AJ.
Because of all of my traveling, I usually keep some plants inside, but in smaller containers. The single biggest difficulty I've had in getting them to produce is flower drop. Looking good. What will you be fertilizing with?
Because of all of my traveling, I usually keep some plants inside, but in smaller containers. The single biggest difficulty I've had in getting them to produce is flower drop. Looking good. What will you be fertilizing with?

You travel more than I did in the early 90s while working for General Dynamics...man, you gonna settle in one place more than a month?... (J/K)

will be using botanicare products throughout the season on these babies...
This year was the first year I overwintered any plants, I rinsed all of the soil off of the roots before I potted them up and have not seen a single aphid yet. Just an observation.