AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots Registered With The State of Texas


Well, I suppose I finally took the plunge and am now legal to sell plants in the State of Texas. I got my tax number this morning.

My first attempt at selling plants/seedlings will be at First Monday Trade Days in Weatherford, Texas, 3/4 April 2009.

I am excited and scared at the same time...I just want to sell some pepper plants locally to get a feel for the business...
the tax number was real hard to get...I had to go online, fill out the form, and got the license in about 10 minutes...

all kidding aside...if I had known it was going to be this easy, I would have gotten it two years ago...

and yes, its kinda like TCG said...roflmao
FiveSix said:
Maybe since you're selling Jolokias and such you should get an insurance policy lol. Half kidding and half serious.

I'm surprised they don't make you get a permit for those plants, kind of like the permits you have to have to own/handle a venomous snake.
Dyce51 said:
Thats great AJ!!! What all did the state of Texas have you do to become legal? Just curious how strickt the laws are.

They probably want to make sure they are BIG enough and HOT enough peppers.

FiveSix said:
Maybe since you're selling Jolokias and such you should get an insurance policy lol. Half kidding and half serious.

Not a bad idea, and sell them with a disclaimer.
Sickmont said:
I'm surprised they don't make you get a permit for those plants, kind of like the permits you have to have to own/handle a venomous snake.

SHUSH!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't give our wonderful government any more bright ideas!!!!! We see how their other Bright Ideas worked out.....LOL
Dyce51 said:
SHUSH!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't give our wonderful government any more bright ideas!!!!! We see how their other Bright Ideas worked out.....LOL

besides, anyone buying a bhut jolokia probably knows what it is. same with any other naga variety. nobody buys a habanero thinking it's a bell pepper, ya know?

Very cool AJ. If i was in Texas, i'd grab a few off ya and a case each of every Shiner available.
AlabamaJack said:
the tax number was real hard to get...I had to go online, fill out the form, and got the license in about 10 minutes...

all kidding aside...if I had known it was going to be this easy, I would have gotten it two years ago...

and yes, its kinda like TCG said...roflmao

Great stuff AJ, it's a similar process hear in Australia. you can apply for your ABN (Australian Business Number) and your TFN (Tax File Number) online. Takes maybe 10 minutes to get your ABN and they send you your TFN in the mail.

Hope your venture takes off, I know if I was in Texas I'd buy your superhots.