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All This Talk About Superhots Getting Big

Distinctive tails on Aji Verde.....

Trini Scorpion (potowie)

7 POT (G** DAMN IT!!;)lol)

Sorry, I have become a crusader for the 7 pot name.

"7 pod" makes absolutely no sense. Mine will have way more than 7.....
:lol: Cheezy...I am in agreement with you so from now on I will call it the "GD 7 Pot " roflmao

Here is a pic of a couple almost ripe...



I thought you could see it, but my first Dorset Naga has just shown some tinges of red on the stem end but you can't see it in the photo...sorry..

Here's some pics of my Bangladesh (BigBang) naga plant full of different shaped pods. Its amazing how different looking pods can be
I see a bit of a face in this one

Some even look fatalii shaped

Major pimpling on this one

And this one has a tail/stinger
agree on the diffeent pod shape on the same plant...thats the way my Naga Morich were...

hey, got a question...these are my White Habanero plants...are the fruit supposed to be this small?


If you can't tell, I found the automatic timer on my camera...only had it 7 months...

I call this the Naga Shade....I am being patient for these babies to start flowering and setting fruit again...they are flowering but at a very slow rate and no fruit set for the past 6 weeks...they are very top heavy in these pots so I stacked a couple of 4X4s and 1X12" on the pots...this is very sturdy...

Sorry Chris, I hadn't checked my hotmail in months:( I'll see if I can get a pic of the Big Bang innards once I get some more ripe pods
AlabamaJack said:
hey, got a question...these are my White Habanero plants...are the fruit supposed to be this small?


My White Habs are like that too AJ.


Once I'd picked the small ones they started producing slightly bigger ones, not much bigger though.

Those look just like my golden bullets AJ and RB, my new favorite pepper....now available in this handy travel size! lol.

They look a bit yellow to be white......

can't wait for my GD 7 pots to be ripe!
truthfully I think the GD 7 Pots are hotter than the Morich I am growing...and the Scorpion is just as hot...

I will have to look and see where my "whites" came from...
mornin' Potawie....so the white ammo grows kinda yellow colored and matures white?
:lol: so that now confuses me...I have both white and yellow pods on my plant and thought they started white and were turning yellow.....
Maybe I am wrong. After looking at some of my old pics, I think they might ripen from white to yellow but I'm still not 100% sure.
I will pick both white and yellow here in a little bit, taste them and tell you which one is hotter...I assume the hotter one will be the ripe one...
Pale whitish / yellow is final color on the White Bullets. There is a White Habanero from Heirloom Seeds that nearly goes white. It's a weak producer though.

The Nagas just don't compare to the pure evil look of some of my Bihs though. For some reason, I like huge spikes on my pods. lol.
