contest April is Ramen Challenge

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LOL...been busy. And truth be told...I've been experimenting in the kitchen, and the list of failures is impressive. So...I've settled on my entry, which is no where near what I originally intended.

April's real TD is:



Your post a few pages back was like tining into the talk show on the radio, on April 1st...where the talk show host has suddenly reversed every stance they have ever taken...then in the last few minutes of the show, shouts, "APRIL FOOLS!!!".
idk if ill be healthy in time but ill try to compete

...there is no TRY.
Now listen, son...
There are literally TENS of people who look at this thread, and I'd say a good 15% of them are looking forward to your magic.
Don't let us down.
Stay on our good side.

You WILL be healthy, and you WILL compete.

well tell the medications to start workin cause im getting worse everyday :( im gonna compete if im not in the hospital next weekend but i might not be in the best shape i had pneumonia almost 30 times last year i just kept getting it over and over again until i had surgery and they cleaned out my lungs so im not really happy right now just hoping i can be healthy by the weekend
that's hilarious!

JK. Get better little dude. Take care of whatever ails ya.
Shoot, some noodle soup could be a good idea!!
Sic, I'm gonna be wearing the infamous 'Sicmans' Shirt for the pics!
Just for you buddy!
hell ya,remember every one decided that the shirt is magical. you may very well win.

Well, Guess What, CoryHuck? I gots me one of them magical Sicman shirts too, and I'z gonna wear my sicman shirt too! And if CJ don't have one, she can wear SalsaDude's Sicman Shirt.

Now whatcha gonna do???? :razz:

:lol: xoxo

hope you get to feeling better REALLY soon, xc!
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