Interesting. Well untill I get myself an MLT, and what not I'm thinkin of giving the BIAB a shot so I can have a crack at AG. This Sunday I'ma have at it.

All my extract beer taste the same IMO. Even though I had some ones I really thought were good. They still all tasted similar.

I'm also convinced its impossible to get that grainy, bready, malt aroma and flavor from extract.

I've done BIAB when I was did a Partial and it worked out great. Would do it again in a heartbeat it was so easy. To Sparge I just drained the bag till it was slow dripping then moved it to the other pot where the Sparge water was.

Ok one more question. My equipment is a 10gallon kettle, burner and chiller... Would all I need for a regular AG set up just a 10 gallon cooler converted to MLT?

I'm guessing I'd have to do batch sparging. Also I'm guessing heating up sparge water will be an issue if I only have one kettle. Hmmmmmmmm :think:

Use a big stock pot to heat the Sparge water in. I have a 5 gallon Brew Pot and a 3 gallon Stock Pot. makes it easy.
Yeah I could pull of the mini mash BIAB with the equipment I have, but I more want to start working up to AG.

My largest kettle is my boil kettle which is 10 gallons, and my old cheapo kettle is 4 gallons. Not quite big enough to heat the amount of water I'd need for AG. I guess I could heat strike water in my 10 gallon kettle. Dump into 10 gallon cooler with grains. Mash. Meanwhile heat my sparge water. Empty wort from cooler into a bucket or something of the sort. Sparge. Combine 1st runnings with second runnings in boil kettle. Good god that will be a lot of propane and lifting. I see no other way..... I'll revisit this later.

I'm brewing this weekend, and the only thing between me and BIAB is the bag. If I can come up with a bag by sunday I'll have my first AG batch. If I can't find a bag, then I will do the mini mash BIAB style. Either way, brewin up sunday.
Actually Tide makes a bag for putting delicates in that zips shut and that's what I used for the one I did and it worked perfectly for a couple if bucks at Publix.
Oh, good to know. I think though those will not be large enough. My kettle is 10 gallons, and would need approx same size bag for AG. I am super close (just an MLT away) to an AG setup, so I'm scrappin the BIAB idea, and in the very near future will have an MLT build going.

so I was just asked this by Rocketman, figured ide post it here instead

How do I convert partial/extract recipes into All Grain?

Well your specialty grains are all going to stay the same, the only thing you need to worry about is your base malts

Easiest way to do it, is look at an all grain beer recipe that has a similar OG as your current partial/extract recipe, and you can kind of gauge how many lbs of grain of base malt are required

for example

lets say you have a beer with an initial gravity at 1.050 last time using extract, and you wanna make the same recipe only all grain, you can go find an all grain recipe that starts with a similar 1.050 starting, and use how ever many pounds of base malts they use in that recipe in your recipe

once you do that, you can figure out your starting gravity, and adjust your poundage/ounces depending on whatever your efficiency is for your specific equipment which you can determine once you brew for your first couple of times
Ha... booo to the east cost!
But yeah I was just wondering if you came up with or experimented at home with new recipes or whatever. Shyte like that.
i used to, i rocked out close to 200 batches in a 2 year time period when I really kept doing it hardcore

now I just make everything on the 7bbl system
But I am not originally East Coast :)
Any ways I've been looking at building a brew sled after we get into the new house. I'd be able to do the sauces on it too. If we get the one we want I'll have a room just for Brewing, sauce making and starting my plants. Life will be good
Wheebz, I understand mash PH is important, but how important is checking the PH of the mash on a homebrew scale?
When you were homebrewing was this something you would adjust?
Ok I've seen that but wasn't sure if its something I would need.

I didn't do a thing for PH on my first AG batch doing a pale ale... ill hope for the best.

You use the stabilizer with out even having an actual reading of the PH?

My guess is it does just as it says and keeps your PH from jumping around, correct? Same goes with both dark beers also?
i dont know, i never actually checked the ph when i homebrewed, it didnt really matter
i just tossed in 2 tablespoons with my strike water and away i went
I'm AD Military and can't get to Chicago or Germany for 6 weeks at a time, are the online Siebel classes worth the $$? Siebel does NOT qualify for the GI BIll :mad: I have been brewing since the mid 1990's.
Beerswimmer said:
I'm AD Military and can't get to Chicago or Germany for 6 weeks at a time, are the online Siebel classes worth the $$? Siebel does NOT qualify for the GI BIll :mad: I have been brewing since the mid 1990's.
UC Davis extension takes GI Bill. There are a couple other classes popping up at other schools now as well. There's one in TN, and I forget where I saw another one at. Of course those are full time classes for more than a six wee stint.
MBAA has some online classes that are supposed to be good.
But it depends on what you are trying to get from those classes.