wheebz, how low can you take Ale yeast and still have it ferment out well? Looking at White Labs California Ale and Wyeast American Ale. Would taking it down to ferment in primary at 60 dF be too low, maybe 64 dF? With what I'm planning out I want to use an ALE yeast but take it almost to Lager in the primary and then to the upper end of lagering (55 dF) for 2 weeks in the secondary.
Was cruising some brew sites during my morning break and came across an article on Aussie Homebrewer. The writer was talking about a Vienna Lager he'd enjoyed from Theresianer Brewing located in Nervesa della Battaglia, Treviso. He also mentioned that they owe their brewing success to the Rule of Seven. I cruised over to their website and here it is:
[SIZE=10.5pt]Theresianer, like the noblest of beers, guarantees excellence in its production by following these rules:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]7 days[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]To convert the barley into malt (steeping, germinating and hot-air roasting).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]7 hours[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]To mash the grain, which entails: grinding the malt, mixing it with water and converting the starch into sugar (maltose) to obtain the wort that will be boiled with hops.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]7 days[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]To complete tumultuous fermentation (also known as primary fermentation) at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of between 10 and 20 °C (depending on the type of beer). This process transforms the wort into “young beer”.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]7 weeks[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]To age the beer under pressure at a temperature of about 0 °C, a critical step that determines the quality of the finished beer.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Humm, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]7 hours to mash the grains[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]7 weeks in primary fermentation[/SIZE]
Leaves me wondering 7 (weeks, months) under pressure at 0 degree.
Sounds like a very slow process and I'm not so sure I'd have that kind of patience. Still though, if it made for a freaking outstanding brew...
Interesting ...
Ready to do some malting? =)
I guess the pressure in secondary's to keep the yeast innards inside the membrane, preventing autolysis flavors ...

LOL ;) ... different membrane there, but the mechanisms similar, anyways ...
Rm to answer your first question I've seen 001 down to 62. Us-05 ive used down to 58. That's how I make my kolsches.

Anything less than that and it's not going to ferment. I use lager yeast at 55 degrees so...

That rule of 7 sounds dumb. Germinating and mating should only take 4 days. 7 hours to mash is insane, 7 primary is right, and 7 weeks lagering seems like a lot more than necessary but hey whatever works.
wheebz said:
we need an international holiday, like everyone in the world has off, and call it "get drunk off of beer day"
i'm getting drunk off homebrew this weekend, as a matter of fact ... as a goal.
the best thing i can do for my homebrewing is kill kegs right now, so that's what's up ...
i think i'm actually done w/ brewing for a while ... and am going to be spending some time working on my weakest points before i brew any more ...
here's an example ...
can you tell what's wrong here? just curious ...
can you imagine what happened next? =)
im assuming that is beer you are transferring
probably got a plug somewhere, and then it shot over super fast under a lot of pressure
or you were transferring under pressure and there was a leak somewhere
i dont know, all you were showing was fluid transfer from one keg to another so yea
wheebz said:
im assuming that is beer you are transferring
probably got a plug somewhere, and then it shot over super fast under a lot of pressure
or you were transferring under pressure and there was a leak somewhere
i dont know, all you were showing was fluid transfer from one keg to another so yea
yup ...
i was watching the liquid and trying to add the gas very slowly so it wouldn't rush into the recipient keg ...
it just kept taking more, but it kept moving ...
when it wouldn't flow as well as i thought, i thought to check the connections ...
of course when i pushed down on the liquid connection on the recipient keg, it rushed in at 35 psi and StoutSan foam came out the keg like a volcano in my face ...
that video, in hindsight, was the air space of the picnic line getting compressed, not liquid crossing the jumper ...
here i thought, since i'm not going to wash the jumper between stouts, i'll do wheebz' stout 1st so the Bhut one doesn't contaminate it at all ...
oh well ... i didn't much volume, and i purged the final keg CO2 real well, but FFUUUUU ...
all those time i said i was going to practice the transfers, too ...
lol ...
i'm going to just grab some il panificio and drink beer, but i'll watch out for your entry ...
i've got this little idea that i want to make some crème brulee and put a few drops of stout under the sugar before i torch it ... but i don't need to be making crème brulee, diet-wise.
just a few more hours of work and i'm done until sunday ... woot.
dumped the barleywine a minute ago ... and then I threw JayT's on it's gas connection in the keezer ...
Charliewine es no mas, was no bueno ... i mean, it wasn't even in the ballpark of being good.
i'll just buy a couple of those in bottles throughout the year ...

wheebz said:
beer cheese sauce
that sounds good on some tots,  just sayin' ...

Anything different about the post-ferm routine for a big IPA type beer, or just switch to crash temp, biofine clear in the AM, and rack off the following day? ...

Going to pull the gravity reading later, first, but am hopeful I can possibly check this one out Monday night, grain to glass in a week's time!

i didn't have any dry hop plans for this one ... and am out of leaf hops ...

i'll get w/ you before thanksgiving when i plan to take a second crack at it at 10-12 gallons to use for a 3 or 4 way split batch to do some hops and/or yeast variants ...

want to try for a slightly more deep copper, but fuck me if it's not tasty as hell ...

thanks for all the help.
Transfer, dry hop, wait 6 days, transfer again and fine and crash.

oic ... can be pellet if you xfer off ...

i can't skip the initial xfer and dry hop while on the cake? ... i think i have an oscar of pelleted citra still, but i used my only leaf hops in whirlpool ...

No dry hop? Booooooo!

it had an oz of citra and an oz of columbus in whirlpool for what amounts to a half-batch, lol ...

No dry hop? Booooooo!

i'm a little afraid adding another hop type and ruining it, and i'm lazy/exhausted/buzzed ...

oh, add fear of transfer drama =)