Beer Review Feedback

couldn't let you guys have all the fun.

that party sounds like a blast ross! i wish i knew more people around here that appreciated good beer. i know people that like it..but not really anyone that would be interested in all buying beer and getting together to trade around and try everything. i usually just make my roommates try shit i buy, or trade my one roommate since he sometimes picks up some solid brews.

being friday and all..i went to the good beer store and got a nice selection, so ill be posting some either tonight or tomorrow. i was particularly excited that they just started carrying trois pistoles from unibroue and also corsendonk brown ale. ;)

I'm really digging your reviews...the pic is an excellent addition!

I was looking at a bottle of Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel just the other day and thinking of giving it a try. Now I think I will.

I recently had Flying Dog's HORN DOG barley wine style and St. Arnold's #4 "Divine" reserve ....need to write up reviews but I'll just say now they are both incredible beers!
thanks! i usually try a few new beers a week. sometimes i just buy beer i've already tried and just enjoy that..but i strive to try new beers as much as i can. so far i think i've gone through a good 1/4 to 1/2 of the beer i can buy at the good beer store. i agree on the pic idea. a great way to see what it looks like in a glass. i have to say though, the beers turn out a little darker in my pics because of my flash. not too much darker, but i can notice the difference. that duvel pic is without a flash so that is how it looked.

i'd definitely try the belgian ipa. its strong and after that one bottle, i don't think i'd drink another one haha, but its good stuff. i will be buying another one soon...going to add it to my aging beer collection. so far i have three north coast brewing co old stock ale 2006, one old rasputing imperial stout from the same brewing company, and two burton batons from dogfish head aging.

i've never had either of those beers you mentioned at the end...looking forward to reading about them. :lol:
chuk hell said:

I'm really digging your reviews...the pic is an excellent addition!

I was looking at a bottle of Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel just the other day and thinking of giving it a try. Now I think I will.

I recently had Flying Dog's HORN DOG barley wine style and St. Arnold's #4 "Divine" reserve ....need to write up reviews but I'll just say now they are both incredible beers!

Barley wine, huh? Not a big fan of those, but it's been awhile and my tastes have changed. I might have to hunt that one down and give it a shot!
damn, nice reviews you have been posting up of all the bottles. ive been lazy, and as we all know, peppers arent growing. plus ive been really busy. i have a shit load of reviews to enter in here, and ill try to get to those over the next few days. hope all is well with everyone!

ps - i did not care for houblon chouffe, and im glad you got it to pour a smaller head than i did. proper glassware too!! a++++

congrats on being a beer geek.
DevilDuck said:
Barley wine, huh? Not a big fan of those, but it's been awhile and my tastes have changed. I might have to hunt that one down and give it a shot!

you should try and find some old ruffian from great divide brewing co. i've not had it myself, but i've read great things, and my local good beer store was out of it before i could get my hands on it. thats usually a good sign..also one of the guys that works there said it was good.

ross said:
damn, nice reviews you have been posting up of all the bottles. ive been lazy, and as we all know, peppers arent growing. plus ive been really busy. i have a shit load of reviews to enter in here, and ill try to get to those over the next few days. hope all is well with everyone!

ps - i did not care for houblon chouffe, and im glad you got it to pour a smaller head than i did. proper glassware too!! a++++

congrats on being a beer geek.

thanks...i've been working more on trying new beers than i have growing peppers heh. i actually have some seeds i need to start up..though it should be decent growing weather here for a while now. yea, the belgian ipa wasn't my favorite ipa for sure. i haven't bought another bottle yet like i said i would..but i will probably one of these days hah. they aren't flying off their shelf so they are practically aging it for me. :P i'd like to set one aside for a couple years and see how it is then..i think it has potential. i love hops, and i really like i guess that helps with my wishful thinking.

hah as for beer geek...i've been working on it! :party: before i finally bought this duvel gift box, i didn't have a snifter and someone on this forum i go to thats about metal music was bitching at me in a friendly way about drinking belgian ale out of a pint glass haha. hes cool though, wasn't really bitching, just giving me the heads up. i'm actually trading some beer with him..hes up in nova scotia though. i'm gonna send out the first box this or next week. just going to try 3 beers and see if they get through.

i'm sending him a bottle of great divide yeti imperial stout, corsendonk brown ale, and a 90 min ipa from dogfish head. he is going to send me a bottle of st. ambroise oatmeal stout, maybe a bottle of propeller, and maybe a bottle of unibroue (a style i can't get here)
nice posts pam. always good to see the beer review thread alive and kicking. i'm not sure if i can find those beers down here. don't think i've heard of or seen them. sound nice though..porters are one of my favorite styles.

i've been trying new beers left and right..i'll have to post some more here soon.

update on what i mentioned in my previous post about shipping beers to canada. the beers i sent made it just fine! not sure how he likes them yet..i believe he was waiting for someone to come by to try some of them as well. next week he'll be mailing me a bottle of st. ambroise oatmeal stout, a bomber of propeller russian imperial stout (limited release i think), and a regular bottle of propeller ipa. if any of you are trailer park boys fans, propeller is the beer they are always drinking in the shows and the movie. ;)
xgrafcorex said:
nice posts pam. always good to see the beer review thread alive and kicking. i'm not sure if i can find those beers down here. don't think i've heard of or seen them. sound nice though..porters are one of my favorite styles.

Thanks, I'm in upstate New York right now, so I have access to all kinds of great beer that I can't get in South Carolina. I usually fly up in the spring, so I can't take any back with me this time; but when I drive up in the summer, I take home several cases. I barely leave room for the dogs to ride.

i've been trying new beers left and right..i'll have to post some more here soon.

Please do. I still feel like I don't have enough of a beer vocabulary to do really good beer reviews, so it's good for me to read other people's.

update on what i mentioned in my previous post about shipping beers to canada. the beers i sent made it just fine! not sure how he likes them yet..i believe he was waiting for someone to come by to try some of them as well. next week he'll be mailing me a bottle of st. ambroise oatmeal stout, a bomber of propeller russian imperial stout (limited release i think), and a regular bottle of propeller ipa. if any of you are trailer park boys fans, propeller is the beer they are always drinking in the shows and the movie. ;)

If your frind is any where near Toronto, have him get you some of this:

A friend of mine brought some down to a gathering in Vermont a few years ago, and it was really good. I think you hsve to buy it at the brewery, though.
nope, he's up in halifax/dartmouth, nova scotia.

actually just got my package today! :) a bottle of st. ambroise oatmeal stout, a bomber of propeller ipa, a bottle of propeller russian imperial stout, and some propeller coasters. i'm letting them sit in the fridge for at least a day. letting them cool and settle down. last thing i'd want to do after the trade and waiting is crack one open to have half the beer spill out as foam! i'll be sure to post reviews for each of them when i do open them though.
st ambroise stout? awesome! ive been really busy, playing the guitar, and getting ready to plant my plants. ive been on a scotch kick as of late, havent been drinking too many beers. i did have the privledge of trying some alesmith barrel aged speedway stout (limited release of 200 bottles every 2 years, sold only in san diego at the brewery), and it was an amazing beer. now that the hot pepper season is coming back in, i assume you guys can plan on seeing more of me (contain yourself, please). :lol:
i haven't had it yet..but i can't wait. actually the guy i did the trade with was asking if i could get that dark lord is..i didn't realize how limited its release was! your review leaves me drooling and planning on making arangements to get this beer!

haha thats a funny (yet sad) story about the pannepot. i had something similar happen to me with some gulden draak. was on my way home from the store and accidentally took a corner a little harder than i had beer shifted and hit the door fairly hard. i checked it out and nothing was broken or leaking, so i figured everything was ok. pulled up to the next light and happened to be right next to a friend of i rolled down the window to say hi. a few seconds after i rolled down the window and was talking, "POP!" the bottle split and dark belgian ale soaked into my passenger seat! :( smelled good at first...but each day it was worse and worse.


glad to see you'll be around more and enlightening us with your beer geekdom. :lol:
hey do cigars and beer go together? is it similar to matching food and there are some cigars that will make a beer taste bad/weird or vice versa? i've only drank scotch while smoking a cigar or cheap beer at my friends wedding party. i don't know much about cigars in the first place though.
xgrafcorex said:
hey do cigars and beer go together? is it similar to matching food and there are some cigars that will make a beer taste bad/weird or vice versa? i've only drank scotch while smoking a cigar or cheap beer at my friends wedding party. i don't know much about cigars in the first place though.

get a marduro (i think is how its spelled) of some kind. romeo y julietas are good, so are avos. the maduro(a)? is a darker looking cigar. stronger, but absolutely perfection when it comes to a cigar in my opinion.

to answer the original question, drink dark with a cigar. porter is ok, perhaps too light, stouts are good, imperial stouts are the best. if you have access to bells expedition, that one is killer with a stogie. one of the more common beers you could go for would be the old rasputin from north coast. some people enjoy barleywines with them - i never have much. the best cigar beer is hair of the dog adam. you probably cant find this unless you live in oregon though. you can order it online at but be warned, shipping is roughly 35-40 dollars on 12 beers. it does, however, make no sense to NOT order 12 because its the cheapest in shipping. (2x6pack boxes are more expensive than 1x12). if you do consider ordering from there, i can make some more suggestions.
dang! that sucks about the gulden. thats a good beer. perhaps a little sweet, but still very nice. your bottle split enough that you could get a picture. mine was as if i put a m80 in it.
i'll look around for some of those cigars. just starting to appreciate cigars, and have a LOT to learn. recently found a new store around here called total wine and more..i go for the more. they have over 200 kinds of beer, and also a fairly decent selection of cigars.

i don't think i can get any bells beer down here unfortunately. i've heard good things about their beer whenever i've heard them mentioned. not very into barleywine style beers...but i do try them from time to time. basically because i try just about any beer i can get my hands on. old rasputin is something i can buy at a few stores though...good stuff! still have some aging in my closet. have had it, along with some old stock ale since december. i've also added some burton baton to that group, and recently a bottle of left hand 07 russian imperial stout, and twin sisters double ipa.

thanks for the heads up on that webpage...i'll check them out, but you are right...that shipping fee is rough! it was less to ship 3 beers to canada haha. if i ordered more than a 12..say 2 or 3 12s, would i get any bulk rate discount? or is it set in stone you pay for how much it weighs? i guess the latter.

yea, was too bad about the gulden draak. i was determined to try it though and bought some a day or two later and enjoyed it. have only had one bottle though, so i'll probably try it again at some point.
fwiw - bells distribution is:

kalamazoo has always been a favorite of mine. me and my buddy were somewhat buzzed the other night and we were making "black and tans" with 50% kalamazoo with 50% dfh 60 minute poured on top. it was good stuff. next experiment is bells expedition with 90 minute.. sounds like a hangover bomb to me, but i cant wait to try it!
thanks...hmm i don't know all of those counties, but the ones i do know are all on the west coast. i went to see my parents in tampa for a day and a half on the mothers day weekend and to celebrate my bday early since they are going out of state the weekend of my bday. we ate at a restaurant that happened to be right across the parking lot from a total wine and more, so i talked them into checking it out (didn't take much convincing at all hah). glad i did since they did have a handful of beers i can't buy at the one over here.

never tried making my own black and tans...thought about it, but so far i've only had the yuengling premade one. coincidentally, i also picked up a bottle of their porter since i can't find it anywhere on this coast either. nothing special..but yuengling lager or black and tan used to be my main session beer before i started getting more into microbrews.
wow. yuengling porter is the WORST beer i have ever consumed. and i have consumed many can and variety of 89 cent a 40 malt liquor. i actually poured that stuff in my toilet and my toilet spit it out. jesus it was so bad.

i could have gotten a bad bottle, of course, but it was so bad i took like 2 swigs of it and i almost got sick. haha i still do this day remember the horrid smell that that beer possessed.
ehh its not THAT bad. wasn't really that good..especially compared to most porters, but if you can drink cheap malt liquor out of a can, that stuff should be no problem. the smell of the one i had was surprisingly faint. had to take a few big whiffs just to get an idea of how it smelled.