Beer Review Feedback

Ya, I know the place in Peterborough. The brewery is viewable from right outside the washrooms in the basement.

lucky you! i wish i lived right near a brewery. that way i could stagger home after a long night of fine beverages. :lol:
Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale

xgrafcorex said:
it tastes mostly of blueberry, though it isn't as strong as the aroma. can taste more than just blueberry..though you aren't going to forget this is a blueberry ale...................................decent stuff, would drink it again..likely that i won't pick up any more though.

I'm pretty much in agreement on this. I didn't think that I would like this but the blueberry flavor is understated enough that it's pretty drinkable. Not sure if I'd buy more of it but I wouldn't hesitate to drink it!
Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale 2007

xgrafcorex said:
great beer! smells like pine and hops. that's about all i can smell..or at least all i can think of when i smell it.

would be an awesome session beer if it wasn't a special release. it's very likely i'll be picking up more of this stuff..especially since i'm not sure how long it will be available for.

I'm with you 110% on this one. I've been going through a lot of this...and a lot has been going through me! I'll be sad when it's gone!
have you tried sea dog blue paw? it's a blueberry wheat beer. that was the first time i had ever tried a blueberry was surprisingly good, which was another part of the reason i tried that bar harbor one.

that anniversary ale is very tasty stuff, i will suck when there isn't anymore. i'm looking forward to trying their harvest ale also. there's a fairly short video there about it.
xgrafcorex said:
lucky you! i wish i lived right near a brewery. that way i could stagger home after a long night of fine beverages. :lol:

Too bad its 2-3 hours away for me. They make a great Raspberry Wheat ale that is great for breakfast.
Too bad its 2-3 hours away for me. They make a great Raspberry Wheat ale that is great for breakfast.

yeah..about the same distance here but I make a point of going there when I go down to visit family and friends down there

Hmmmmm beer for breakfast...what a concept!!
Too bad its 2-3 hours away for me. They make a great Raspberry Wheat ale that is great for breakfast.

oh..i was thinking that since you said the brewery was viewable from the bathroom window in your basement that it was across the street. i guess i've lived in florida too long.. if you can see it from your window down here, chances are, it's either right across the street, or no more than a few blocks away. unless of course it's a very tall building.

went to a store i hadn't been to in a long time (and last time i was there i wasn't as into beer as i am now) and bought a couple bottles. i only had about 12 bucks i could actually spend unfortunately. got some of the sierra nevada harvest fresh hop ale, and a 750ml corked bottle of saint somewhere saison athene. the second beer is from a local brewery. i've never had their beer before, just have heard much praise of it. plus it's local, so i had to give it a try.

gonna have the harvest ale in a few though.
xgrafcorex said:
got some of the sierra nevada harvest fresh hop ale,

gonna have the harvest ale in a few though.

Just had one myself last night. Not bad, but nothing to write home about. I like their anniversary ale better.

Bar Harbor makes what they call Ginger Island Ale ( I think) that is not too bad. Being a fan of ginger beer, I gave it a try. The ginger is sort of understated so like the blueberry it's very drinkable if unremarkable.

Have you tried that Sam Addams Imperial Lager yet?
Pam...fruit in beer is not wrong. Never had a wassail? Never had ginger beer? The lighter pilsners, and I hate to say it...ala corona, actually go better with a slice of lime in the 110 degree heat of summer. Now I would never add fruit to Pinkus or Chimay or Optimator, but the Mexican brewhaha's are well complimented by lime in my opinion...but then again...consider that I had 3 tequila's writing this ...nix the salt. No ...I am not drunk..."I love you man....I oughta' kick your ass right now! I mean it... I love you dude!" Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Pam...fruit in beer is not wrong.

Yes it is, you ignorant slut!

Never had a wassail?

You mean the punch? Fruit is not brewed in the ale that goes into wassail. And Wassail is a mixed beverage, not a beer.

Never had ginger beer?

Are you going to suggest that ginger is a fruit? Or that ginger beer is a real beer? Where are the hops and barley?

The lighter pilsners, and I hate to say it...ala corona, actually go better with a slice of lime in the 110 degree heat of summer.

Yes, well, even with the greatest of lemons stuck in it, urine is still urine. And I will point out the screamingly obvious again, a lemon stuck in the top of a beer to cover its nasty taste is not the same thing as fruit stuck in a beer during the brewing process as a gimmick.

Now I would never add fruit to Pinkus or Chimay or Optimator, but the Mexican brewhaha's are well complimented by lime in my opinion...but then again...consider that I had 3 tequila's writing this ...nix the salt. No ...I am not drunk..."I love you man....I oughta' kick your ass right now! I mean it... I love you dude!" Cheers, TB.

Well, there's part of your problem. Tequila is nasty, and it's even worse later when you burp it.
Pam....tsk tsk tsk..I thought we had a relationship! Twas all folly....I didn't realize by challenging your opinion that I would become your emotional tampon. First the beer, and then the tequila....take me Lawd'...take me Jesus...take me. Oh the humanity!! The horror!! Where's the love?...the commitment? I had tickets for the Bahamas all set to go. Eric Clapton was going to serenade us in a private party held by Richard Branson with guests such as Julia Roberts, Ron Jeremy and that midget guy " the plane boss the plane" from Fantasy Island. Champaigne would flow...your face would have glowed from all the bling you would have worn around your lovely neck and thoughts of wooing you are now so much burnt chaff. Now I am only consumed with the thought of you duct taped in the trunk of my car speeding down a lonely road at 3 a.m.

I must bid farewell until the next post, the next thread, the next beer with a tequila back....farewell my love..farewell to those that knew me for but an ephemeral moment to be Pam's biotch and completey owned! I bid you goodnight and adieu. I must go...I must go ....find ......duct tape...need more duct tape....Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Pam..of course I was kidding dontcha' are the best and I am now properly educated on wassail. Cheers, TB.

Yeah, right, *now* you say that. Well, that's ok, 'cause I wouldn't have worn your bling anyway.

ehh i think fruit beers are fine. not my favorite..but they have a place. i particularly like cider..woodchuck makes some great ones. i've had two beers that use blueberries...they were both good..not one of my favorites again..still were much better than MANY beers.

recently had a lindemans kriek which was pretty good.. belgian brewed with wild yeast.

on top of that..there are several IPAs that have a very citrusy well as several wheat beers.

speaking of IPAs, i just had a kill ugly radio from lagunitas which is a double/imperial IPA and tastes extremely of grapefruit. wasn't my favorite IPA, i have to admit it was good though.
chuk hell said:
Now that's just wrong. Tequila is a love.

The drink, not that Paris Hilton wannabe.

And I'm speaking from waaaaaaay too much experience.

With the drink, not the wannbe.