Interesting beer this was. La Fin Du Monde (The End of the World) from Unibroue. A Canadian brew at 9% ABV. It has a blend of spices added that took me a couple of sips to get used to. At first it tasted a little odd but once I got used to the spices it wasn't too bad. So if your looking for something a beer, or biere as this one comes out of Quebec, that's a little out of the box give this a try.
its offical! i have a new favorite beer. not like my other posts im not showing what i drank today im officaly stating samuell smiths imp stout has been knocked off my top spot. and guess what! a 6 pack costs less than 2 SS's at $14/6 and another thing its made in canada.
its called St. Ambroise oatmeal stout
pour: BLACK! with a lasting tan head that laces well
aroma: smells like a good stout chocolate coffee espresso and a bit of oat
taste: dark bitter chocolate espresso that melts into a malty sweetness.
Mouth feel: medium full body kinda light carbonation
drinkability ITS SMOOOTH!
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holy crappity crap
8 dollars a bottle?
you can buy an entire case at your beer distributor for around 23 dollars dude
Man, i love brew..but that dark DARK beer I see in how ya do it.just can't seem to acquire a taste for it..