Nice bread! I passed over it like it was store bought. Awesome.
Hahaha HahahaThe Hot Pepper said:too many words
The Hot Pepper said:too many words
You think away brother!! I was digging it!!grantmichaels said:selfishly, yes ... trying to think through it while i take a few mins from work, and folks here tend to chime in w/ helpful suggestions ...
it wouldn't be interesting if it were easy ...
The Hot Pepper said:too many words
The Hot Pepper said:short attention span Saturday lol.
The Hot Pepper said:Just too many for me... I had to scroll past... short attention span Saturday lol.
The Hot Pepper said:
I got SASS baby!
That bread looks money.tctenten said:
The bread is beautiful! Something I haven't tried to do yet.tctenten said:
Grant, Take a breath!grantmichaels said:I know I'm cooking kahlua(+chocolate oatmeal stout) pork in the coming days, and that I'm trying to put in the work to create the effect an Imu would normally ...
I've never had kahlua pork, but I like kahlua and I had a shot of it in a glass of my chocolate oatmeal stout the other night, and it was heavenly ...
I like and miss smoking pulled pork ... and this sounds like an Asian-leaning/seasoned staple dish in Hawaii that can be seasoned in a way I think a pork butt would shine ...
I *want* to (and shopped to) make Asian steamed buns, but have never baked anything except hot dogs, pizza, or steak ...
I bought some red onions to quick pickle ... I think I asked D3 recently about his, so I'll probably riff on his because they photograph well ...
I have the Hawaiian seasoning (red aleae or whatever salt, garlic, ginger) on hand, and huli huli marinade ... and I bought my first frozen banana leaves while shopping yesterday. ^5, SoFlo =)
I haven't decided if I'm going to use pork tenderloin, pork butt, and/or pork ribs from SRF ...
Or - if I'm pressure-cooking, indoor pressure-smoking, or bbq smoking + sous vide'ing ...
I've been waiting for the right opportunity to share an "liquid smoke" that I do like, and even if I smoke IRL, I'll probably still add a drop of some magic =) ...
If that wasn't enough pressure to place on myself ... I signed up for making some other shit I'd never heard of that hogleg posted about ... sabayon ... I love those custard-y dessert (I typically chose crème brulee as my dessert of choice, unless tiramisu is available), and I think my big ole barleywine will work swimmingly in that format ...
I've never made custard, cooked with homebrew, or made food in the siphon ... woot.
So, yeah, basically I'm cooking a bunch of shit I've never cooked, in ways I've never cooked, and I've never even had the items I'm making before ...
I won't even be able to say if I made it well, only whether or not I liked what I made ...
Not a recipe for success, typically, LOL.
It'll be here or in my thread by Monday, one way or another, once I make it through the combinatorics of how I'm executing it while working - which I quite unfortunately am ...
Such pretty fish!JoynersHotPeppers said:
Ack! Wasn't expecting something looking at me.FreeportBum said: