contest BEGIN! Pizza Rustica Throwdown

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Hmmm... the lid limit. Do you have an empty terra cotta pot that will fit around your pizza stone? I could ghetto engineer something that I think would work and kick ass at the same time.

Back in the daze, FD and I built a smoker out of two terra cotta pots, two bricks, a grill grate and an electric hot plate. Then we got schooled and shattered a terra cotta pot one day by building a wood fire in it to grill some churrasco.

If you can figure out a way to build a charcoal fire under your pizza stone while allowing it to get as much air as possible, you could use the terra cotta pot as a lid to create an oven as long as the pot doesn't touch the ground and smother your coals. Welcome to ghetto engineering 101.

Ah, just read your post ammendment. Skip the CI. Build your coals on your grill. Wad up some aluminum foil and place your stone directly on top of that. I think you can skip the grate at this point. Good luck G!
Hey y'all, THP...

Did you/or The Boss extend this through Monday in light of PNW Posse Party?

If so, is it extended just for them or everyone?

I have another pizza as long as we're doing two.

Just wanna' know how much time I have to posty up.
I think it's extended to Monday 10pm EST for all of us, TB. Get your second pizza on. I'm planning on ghetto engineering my second pizza tomorrow. First one is coming up tonight.
Maple pumpkin, blue cheese and prosciutto

Dough: High gluten white, olive oil, yeast, garlic slat and honey

Layers: Pesto, capricciosa (like mozzarella), maple syrup glazed pumpkin with sea salt and crushed dry chillies, lightly crushed anise, prosciutto and blue cheese.

Cooked in the Weber for 7 minutes then added the prosciutto and blue cheese for last 3 minutes. Smoked with a chunk of nectarine wood.


Flavours were sweet, smokey and with a savoury punch from the blue cheese. Anise was lurking in the after taste. Awesome flavour combinations! Love this pizza!

Maple pumpkin, blue cheese and prosciutto

Dough: High gluten white, olive oil, yeast, garlic slat and honey

Layers: Pesto, capricciosa, maple syrup glazed pumpkin, lightly crushed anise, prosciutto and blue cheese.

Cooked in the Weber for 7 minutes then added the prosciutto and blue cheese for last 3 minutes. Smoked with a chunk of nectarine wood.

Flavours were sweet, smokey and with a savoury punch from the blue cheese. Anise was lurking in the after taste. Awesome flavour combinations! Love this pizza!


This picture just means Sum was right about deep dish in the webber ...

Sick, awesome looking profile ...

I might just have put my pink tiara aside and give in tomorrow after work ...

That slice is so awesome it looks like it's sitting in the golden light, too ... and it's not the right time of day for that in CO ...
Summer Italian

Dough: same as above. Docked and dressed with olive oil and 2 finely diced anchovy fillets.

Layers: Capricciosa slices and chunks, parmesan shavings and fresh cracked black pepper. This went into the Weber for 12 minutes and was smoked with a chunk of nectarine as well.

Toppings: Charcoal roasted bell peppers, vine ripened tomatoes, fresh picked basil, birds eye chilli, red onion, olive oil, sea salt and drizzled with balsamic vinegar and more shaved parmesan.


Dough was light and airy, perfect for these topppings. Flavours were smokey, sweet and fresh with a nice blance of acidity from the balsamic to cut through the cheese.


I just remembered how you got those stains on your pizza stone!!!!
Shit, you hadn't even used it yet!!!!!! LOL! What a night!

Bear...that guy!
Process pics for the pizzas

Cheese starting to melt.

Fresh out of the Weber. This is the base for the Summer Italian pizza


This is the base of the first pizza. Nice and crispy.


Capsicums (bell peppers) roasting.


Prepping the second pizza, olive oil and anchovies.

went to the store to get pizza ingredients, and while walking into the door, torrential down pour

we just got a good 2 inches of rain in ohh i dont know about 45 minutes

making fish tacos tonight instead, i might do pizza tomorrow if I have time
Ok, I know at least one of you is curious about how this turned out.....

We'll start with the basic rigging - wadded up foil and got them placed so the grate would fit on top, then laid charcoal directly on the grill grate, then the charcoal grate on top of that. The pic that's not here that I should have gotten, just for the fun of it: lighting those coals. My flicker lighter thing wasn't doing the trick, so we whipped out the propane torch.... yep, works every time! The pizza stone got laid back on top of the charcoal grate after I took this pic.


Now the build. The dough is the no-knead rosemary focaccia bread recipe - if you want it, let me know and I'll send it. It's delicious! On top of that went a thin layer of sauce, which was the adobo from a can of chiles in adobo plus a bit of tomatoe sauce and lime juice. Sliced up some of the chiles from that can and laid them on, too. Then went a very small sprinkling of cheese, some fresh cilantro leaves, and a dusting of fatalii powder.


Next came purple onion, deseeded roma tomato, and another sprinkling of cheese.

Added Yummy Orange from my plants, some orange bell pepper, zucchini, more cilantro and more cheese, then slid it onto the grill.

Closed the lid and let the coals do their thing for about 15 minutes. Then.... yeah, had a bit of a mishap. I raised the lid to add prosciutto, shrimp, and more cheese, and the rush of cool air was too much for the pizza stone....


The two large pieces actually went flying off the grill on either side. Fortunately, no one and nothing was in the way, but the piece on the left landed on something plastic which melted onto it. The dagger-shaped piece in the middle stayed in place, causing a tiny bit of warp in the crust, but that's ok.

Added the shrimp, prosciutto and more cheese, then closed the lid again.

Fortunately, the parchment I used is foil-backed on the one side. This is after just a few more minutes, and you can see the paper itself didn't like being that close to the coals.

The finished pie, resting a tad before being cut.

A sloppy slice.

Ooooey goooey good!
Good Gooey Gracious!



Focaccia crust:

Flour, yeast, water, olive oil, salt, fresh rosemary leaves. Dough


Chiles in adobo, lime juice, tomatoe sauce, fatalii powder, roma tomatoe, oaxaca cheese, fresh cilantro leaves, onion, zucchini, yummy orange peppers, orange bell pepper, shrimp, prosciutto. Cooked over hot coals about 15 minutes before adding the shrimp, prosciutto and more cheese, then cooked about another 10 minutes. Presto!

I see you like your prosciutto thick cut. (I don't, I'm a paper thin kind of guy...not like that...)

That is a contender for my vote, for sure! Great job G

Actually, I prefer a thinner cut, too. However, the bronchitis was interfering with my awareness while I was at the store, and I totally failed to indicate the thickness. Have I mentioned how much I dislike being sick???
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