SHEESH! Am I caught up yet!!!??????
Ya go camping with some crazy-ass chileheads for a couple days and ya come back 5 pages and 2 re-wines deep!!!! What to do?!!!!!
Well, in all honesty, here's my/our TD story to date.
I had the ingredients purchased prior to our departure for the Northwest Chilefest. Hit the road around 9am Friday morning, waaaaaay before TD things are usually posted. So we traveled over the river and through the woods and got our camps set up....... and then realized....................
it 6:00pm on the TD weekend, and we have
no internet access at the camp ground, we have no idea the actual rules, WHAT'S THE PoL????
Aw...CRAP!!!!!!! They forgot their dough at home in the freezer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$#1# what to do.......CALL SOMEONE!!!!!! Frydad answered the phone so at least we knew what the PoL was....
So I was TOTALLY ready to use my ingredients to make a campfire pizza, but the people started showing up at the campsite, and things were eaten, and drinks were drunk, and pizza was cooked....... BUT!!!!!! one of the group manned up and rocked it out Saturday night.
I'm still gonna do mine tomorrow. This is probably some of the most traveled ingredients ever.
Sorry- not in good posting form yet....keybrd's peachy one and booma's pear one are looking good. geeme, good on ya for going with plan C-D-E~~~