contest BEGIN! Show Your Heritage Throwdown

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D3, you're not throwing down????
I wanted to be in on this one...
But my family is from a little island called Ramen.
We are a noodle-based economy, making it our main export, and adding almost a penny per serving to our GDP. 
My auntie (her name was Dolores, but we called her "Foil") invented a seasoning packet that she included in every unit.
Next month. 
[SIZE=18pt]Macaroni and Meatballs[/SIZE]
A heritage theme made it very easy for me to choose what to do.  Both sets of my grandparents were born in Italy, so it just a decision of what to make.  When I was a child many sundays were spent driving to my grandmother’s house in Brooklyn (probably only a few miles from where our very own Pookie is).  As soon as you walked in, you knew what was for dinner, macaroni and meatballs.  This is a meal I grew up on and there are many different variations of it, I prepared it my favorite way. 
·      6 cans whole tomatoes (run thru foodmill to remove seeds and skins)
·      6 cans tomato paste
·      12 cloves garlic minced
·      12 fresh basil leaves
·      3 beef short ribs
·      6 pieces pork neck bones
·      salt & black pepper
·      3 dried yellow bhut peppers
·      olive oil
Salt and pepper the meat, then brown it on all sides in a little olive oil.  After meat is browned, remove from pot and add garlic.  Sautee garlic then deglaze with red wine.  Add tomato paste to pot, then the whole tomatoes.   Put the browned meat back into the pot, add salt, black pepper and the hot peppers.  Simmer for a minimum of 4 hours, but longer if you like.  Add more salt and black pepper to taste as it is cooking.  This gravy cooked for just under 7 hours.
·      2 lbs ground chop meat (I used beef)
·      2 eggs
·      1 cup grated cheese
·      6 cloves garlic minced
·      4 Tbspn fresh parsley minced
·      salt and black pepper
·      1 loaf Italian bread (take a stale loaf, rehydrate with water then peel off crust and squeeze as much water out as you can)
  Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until everything is incorporated.  Fry in vegetable or canola oil.  Set aside and put into gravy for the last 45 minutes.
[SIZE=14pt]Garlic Bread[/SIZE]
·      8.5 ounces sourdough starter
·      5 ounces lukewarm water
·      10.5 ounces unbleached bread flour
·      1 ¼ tsp salt
·      1 tsp sugar
·      1 tbsp instant yeast
·      1 stick of butter
·      4 cloves garlic
·      splash of olive oil
Combine water, starter and ¾ of the flour, mix until smooth.  Stir in salt, sugar, yeast and then the rest of the flour.  Knead the dough for 10 minutes.  After kneading put dough in an oiled bowl and let rise for 90 minutes.  Divide dough in half and form into two loaves.  Let the loaves rise for 2 hours.  Bake for 25 minutes at 450F.   While bread cools, mix butter, garlic and oil until it is all incorporated.  Split loaf length wise and spread butter mixture over the entire surface area.  Bake for 10 minutes at 400F.   Garnish with chopped parsely.
Couple of notes and variations: 
·      to save time, we generally use crushed tomatoes now (no passing the tomatoes through the food mill and no paste)
·      you can use whatever kind of meat you like for both the gravy and the meatballs.
·      the yellow bhuts gave it some heat, but did not alter the flavor too much, this was a concern of mine.





Sorry no dessert this time, I just did not have the time.  
You can still put the garlic bread the PoL shown in majority of ingredients or plating is the rule. You are good.
Man, that looks good.

I don't make pasta often, but I'm a huge fan of eating pasta dishes that other people make!

What I wouldn't give for some garlic bread too, now. Nice!
Oh man, too bad this ends so soon. I just had an amazing idea to do Runzas since I grew up mostly in Nebraska. I got everything but the cabbage to make them even some bread dough rising atm. Old lady says she wants tacos though and trowing a bitch fit maybe I can play in the NEXT throwdown... :'( 
Pics of what a runza is for those that never heard of one. Not my pics though

frydad4 said:
D3, you're not throwing down????
No doesn't look like it, wifey all crabby and bitching cause I said I wanted to make something special and she wants food now
Guido’s Crazy Cajun Red and Green Tamales!
So I got to thinking about this throw down. Now I could ram up the old Cajun and Creole recipes all up in my head. But you know one of the best things about being Cajun and Creole is that practically anything you touch becomes Cajun/Creole. It’s like magic. Now one may say that tamales isn’t Cajun/Creole, but I have you know that in the Times-Picayune Creole Cookbook, 2nd ed. 1902 there is a recipe for tamales. This isn’t it. J
But in New Orleans there is Manuel’s Tamales. Now they may not be Tex-Mex tamales they are a New Orleans mainstay and I grew up eating them all the time. My daddy often came home with them and it’s with them I got my loving of tamales. And then when he couldn’t make it into the Big Easy, well he was a salesman for a food company so he would make trades with the Hormel guy and get tamales. Well I snarfed them down too.
When I grew up I was vicaring in El Paso and every year the Mexican Ladies Guild would make tamales as a fundraiser. Being the vicar I got to-had to help. ;) It was glorious! It was also in El Paso I fell in love salsa verde and chili verde. So besides the red sauce I also made a green one as well. Finally, since I love oriental food so much, besides some black peppercorns in the mix I also added some schezuan corns as well. We’ll see what they add to the mix.
So for the masa:
Masa Harina 16-Cups
Ground Garlic 1/3Cup
Chile Powder 1/3Cup
Oil 4 Cups
Baking Powder 1/3Cup
Place masa in a large bowl, add broth water combination and mix using a mixer. Mix oil, chili powder and salt, add to masa. Mix using a mixer. Add baking powder and mix. Start on low and then whip for about 10 minutes. Let masa rest for 10 minutes then spread using the Mas Tamales Masa Spreader.
Now I had about a 6lb piece of pork butt that I boiled forever with an onion, a couple of bay leaves, a globe of garlic and salt.
The red sauce I had soaked 12 guillo, 12 new mexico and 20 chili japonese, and blended them with 1 globe of garlic, 2 tbl. Cumin crushed, 1 tbl. Black peppercorns, 1 tbl of schezuan corns, and 2 cups of stock with some of the water the chilies soaked in. Then I put 1 tbl. Lard in a pot and cooked the mixture in it a while till it thickened up.

The green sauce had same herbs/spices plus 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 lb. tomatillos, 2 onions, 2 slam chilies and a handful of jalachuan chiles. These I roasted first and then blended them with 2 cups of broth. Cooked the same as the red.

I split the meat in half and poured enough red and green sauces respectively over the meats, mixed and kept over night.
So today I spread the masa on the corn husks and steamed them for 2.5 hours and voila’!

Browned hamburger meat and added seasonings and veggies

Cooked down and drained grease

Rolled out dough

added layer of Mozzarella cheese, mushrooms and then meat mixture on top


Not the prettiest tuck and roll job but first time "baking" anything.

Into 375 degree oven for 20-22 mins. (cooking now)
[SIZE=12pt]Here’s a little story I got to tell about 5 crazy Joyner’s you don’t know so well… The story behind this meal is almost everything as a kid was either fried or grilled and many times the proteins were from the current season. We lived off the Chesapeake Bay and I crabbed all the time as a kid. I was also fortunate enough to have raided my fair share of oyster beds and eating fresh scallops and shrimp from NC was common.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Mega Fried Seafood Combo Platter[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Pound Lump Crabmeat[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]8 ounces fresh shucked oysters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Pound U 15 shrimp[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]½ pound 16 – 20 heads on shrimp[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]½ pound U 15 scallops[/SIZE]
Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 pound fresh jumbo lump crab meat[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1/4 cup minced cilantro[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 Tbsp. finely diced red bell pepper (optional)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 Jalapeno diced[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 tsp. fresh minced garlic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]5 Tbsp. butter[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]5 Tbsp. olive oil[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1/4 cup mayonnaise[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 egg[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]2 pinches of Thai[/SIZE] Blend
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Small loaf of fresh baked bread[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Preheat oven to 300 degrees[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Slice loaf of bread into 1 inch slices and place on ungreased baking sheet, do not overcrowd. Bake in 300 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes. At 7 or 8 minutes, flip the slices to allow the other side to brown. Remove the bread and cool. Once cool, breakup into small pieces and place in a food processor and grind until the crumbs are a fine texture. You can use store bought bread crumbs but it is not something we recommended.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Gently pick over the crab to remove any shells or cartilage while being very cautious to not breakup the lumps.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Heat in a small sauté pan 1 Tbsp. of butter and 1 Tbsp. of olive oil over medium heat; after butter foam has subsided add tablespoon red bell pepper, 1 jalapeno, 1 tsp. fresh minced garlic and 1 pinch of Thai[/SIZE] blend (optional). Cook until tender but not browned, about 8 minutes. Set aside.
[SIZE=10pt]In a large bowl beat one egg lightly and add:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1/4 cup mayonnaise[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1/4 cup minced cilantro[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1 pinch of Tri-Thai[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]2 Tbsp. fresh breadcrumbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]1lb jumbo lump crab meat, cleaned[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]§  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]sautéed vegetables[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Carefully mix ingredients.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Place a sheet of wax paper on a large plate. On a separate plate, place 1 to 2 cups breadcrumbs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Mold the crab mixture into 4 large or 8 small cakes. Coat each cake with breadcrumbs, lightly press to ensure the crumbs adhere evenly and place on wax paper. Once all cakes are coated, refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours to allow the cakes to set.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Heat in a large skillet 4 Tbsp. of butter and 4Tbsp. of olive oil over medium high. When butter foam subsides, add cakes 1 at a time. Do not overcrowd and keep cakes from touching. Make sure the fat is not too hot and the breadcrumbs are not burning but browning. If cooking smaller cakes, at 4 to 5 minutes check the cakes and turn over if brown. Cakes should cook an additional 4 to 5 minutes for a total of 8 to 10 minutes, remove. For larger cakes, 6 to 8 minutes per side and remove when done around 12 to15 total minutes.[/SIZE]
The Breading
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]House of Autry seafood breading[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Thai Blend – Tbsp.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Salt and pepper to taste[/SIZE]
Fried Oysters
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]8 ounces fresh shucked oysters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]House of Autry seafood breading[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Coat the oysters in breading and drop into fryer, 375 degrees. Cook for about 2 minutes[/SIZE]
Fried Scallops
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]8 ounces fresh U 15 scallops[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]House of Autry seafood breading[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Coat the scallops in breading and drop into fryer, 375 degrees. Cook for about 4 minutes[/SIZE]
Fried U 15 Shrimp
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Pound of fresh U 15 shrimp[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]House of Autry seafood breading[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Coat the shrimp in breading and drop into fryer, 375 degrees. Cook for about 4 minutes[/SIZE]
Fried Heads on Shrimp
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]8 ounces fresh U 15 shrimp[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]House of Autry seafood breading[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Coat the shrimp in breading and drop into fryer, 375 degrees. Cook for about 2 minutes[/SIZE]
Cocktail Sauce
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]8 Tbsp. Extra Hot Horseradish[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]8 Tbsp. Ketchup[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Juice of ¼ lime[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix and serve[/SIZE]


Heads on Shrimp

Everything plate - 5 item fried combo Joyner style :)

Inside of Crab Cake
Now for the Sweet Tamales!
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]banana leaves or corn husk
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1/2 cup rum
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1/2 cup dark raisin
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1/2 cup white raisins
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]2/3 cup vegetable shortening
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]2/3 cup sugar
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]2 cups masa harina
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1 cup milk
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1 cup coconut milk
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1 teaspoon baking powder
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1 teaspoon salt
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]1 teaspoon cinnamon
[SIZE=10pt]o   [/SIZE]3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
1.     If using corn husks, soak in warm water for a 1/2 hour until pliable and then drain. If using banana leaves, Defrost the banana leaves overnight in the refrigerator if frozen, and cut off any hard sections or sections with holes. Cut the leaves into unbroken 12 inch pieces. If the leaves are pliable, proceed with the recipe. If not steam the banana leaves in the top of a double boiler until soft and pliable, 20 to 30 minutes. Set aside until ready to assemble the tamales.
2.     In a small saucepan gently heat the rum. Place the raisins in a small bowl and cover with the warm rum. Let the raisins soak and absorb the rum while you prepare the masa.
3.     In the bowl of an electric mixer beat the vegetable shortening until very light, about 1 minute. Add the sugar and half of the masa and beat until combined. Mix the milk and coconut milk and add alternately with the remaining masa in several batches to the mixture until the mixture is the consistency of medium-thick cake batter. Add baking powder, salt, and cinnamon, and beat for 30 more seconds. Add the melted butter and beat to incorporate, being careful not to overmix.
Page 2 of 2Sweet Tamales (cont.)
4.              Spoon about 3 tablespoons of the masa batter into the center of a banana leaf. Place about 2 teaspoons of the plumped raisins in the center. Fold 1 side over the batter and then the other to enclose the filling. Bring the bottom and the top over the filling to create a package. Tie the tamale with a piece of string, and repeat with the remaining masa batter and filling.
5.     If using corn husks spoon about 2 tablespoons masa down the center of the husk and then about a tsp of raisins. Fold both sides over the masa and then fold up the bottom. (Please refer to the photos for guidance).
6.     Line an insert steamer with a layer of unused banana leaves. Lay the tamales in the lined steamer, and steam over simmering water until the tamales are cooked through and release easily from the banana leaf wrappers about 1 1/2 hours.

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